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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1360599896' post='1973080'] What are these 'pence' of which you speak..? [/quote] 40 of your Earth pences...........or 40 New Pence as the note on the door said. I had to raid my piggy bank for the money but hey, it was worth breakin' the piggy to see Ziggy................
  2. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1360598096' post='1973039'] Recently I wanted to have a tattoo and I wanted to have something which had never let me down on any moment in my life and which made it "better" (also because I picked up a bass because of Paul McCartney) so The Beatles were the obvious choice. I can't do anything but smile when people put down The Beatles..I think they were amazing songwriters and great musicians. No one can ever take that away from me...I'll just have another listen to their albums although I don't have to be convinced. That great feeling when "Penny Lane" comes through on the radio late at night when you're feeling depressed and suddenly you feel better.. [/quote] I get a bit tearful when i hear 'Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da'
  3. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1360597970' post='1973035'] 6/6d in 1963 = £5.47 in todays money! Counterfeit Beatles £17 this month! I hope you took to the streets of Tamworth and rioted accordingly. [/quote] Blimey, that makes the 40 pence i paid to see David Bowie at Kingston Poly an absolute bargain.
  4. Ladies and Gentlemen.............................. [media]http://youtu.be/XCGWYEE3-QM[/media]
  5. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1360596594' post='1973002'] Its 50 years last week since they played in Tamworth according to the local paper, supported by 2 bands one of which was probably just as popular locally as they were at the time. [url="http://www.thisistamworth.co.uk/s-50-years-Beatles-came-town/story-18022953-detail/story.html#axzz2KbWqakeu"]http://www.thisistam...l#axzz2KbWqakeu[/url] [/quote] Give me Gerry Levene and The Avengers anyday. Please note: This is an attempt to be (mildly) amusing and is in no way intended to imply the The Beatles were not as good as Gerry Levene and The Avengers and that other Beat Groups of the time were available.
  6. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1360581907' post='1972538'] When the Beatles came along they switched the lights on. Before that we were in the dark. [/quote] I wondered why i was always bumping into things every evening before Love Me Do was released.
  7. bump
  8. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1360580378' post='1972503'] For me, Maxwell's Silver Hammer comes second to Octopus's Garden. IMO the mark of a 'great' album is the number of 'great' tracks, and Abbey Road does have quite a few 'great' tracks. Oddly, the White Album has a lesser percentage of 'great' tracks, yet it is probably my favourite. [/quote] Hammer sounds by the late great Mal Evans.
  9. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1360589385' post='1972788'] Good afternoon, BetaFunk (or may I can you Beta..?)... 17' between question and answer; one has had time to forget many things, it seems. Thanks, on behalf of others interested in these basses, anyway... [/quote] You can call me anything you like Dad3353 and thank you for your thanks!!!
  10. I was sort of expecting a 'thanks' but not to worry................
  11. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1360575837' post='1972389'] You're labouring the point now I feel, I appreciate you've gotten roundly slapped here by a number of people that you've been unable to counter but contrary to what you feel this isn't a site fanatical about any given subject, most people are just too laid back. Let it go. [/quote] Well that's told me hasn't it? You can't beat the good old 'i'm right, you're wrong' attitude when someone dares to disagree can you?
  12. I'm not bothered if it sells. If it doesn't then i'll just put it back under the bed...........
  13. [quote name='Wil' timestamp='1360538847' post='1972157'] I'd listen in album order but perhaps skip the early stuff - start at Rubber Soul, which is when they were really started perfecting their craft at making albums. Then perhaps Revolver, Sgt Peppers and Abbey Road. I'd leave the White album until later, I found it to be far less accessible (it's a double album with about a single album's worth of great tracks, IMO) [/quote] Skip the early stuff? Be prepared for the wrath of The Basschat Beatles Preservation Society to descend upon thee!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1360531521' post='1971990'] Agreed. Mark and Bass Direct are everything the Bass Cellar should be. [/quote] I've only ever spoken to Mark on the phone but have found him really helpful and nice bloke. I'd go to Bass Direct every time.
  15. The Beatles are the only innovators. Forget the rest. They are Gods. See 'The Beatles' thread for confirmation
  16. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1360537853' post='1972127'] Would it? If the next bid was cancelled & it reverts back to mine as highest they still bump it higher? Didn't know. [/quote] Sorry, wasn't doubting you but i've had something similar happen but the way some 'bump' the price is by putting a couple of bids.
  17. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1360537917' post='1972129'] Well, it may be a let down for you, but it's not a reaction, it's a revelation of the inconsistency and the incoherence of your claims. [/quote] You didn't let me down That's the point. Try reading my post again and it may become it bit less incoherent.
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1360533805' post='1972045'] What is the surreal part? [/quote] We agree on something. Surreal?
  19. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1360533965' post='1972051'] In the days when I used to buy on Ebay I once saw a guitar that I liked. I put my max bid on (in that case £350), as I usually did - if it won it won, it didn't necesasarily go that high. With seconds to go I was sniped with a bid of £1000, so I thought "ho-hum". But the seller emailed me to say he didn't trust the new bidder, 0 feedback etc, cancelled his bid & sold it to me - with no hassles!! I kept it for years. [/quote] That means someone else must have bid somewhere around £990 before the £1000 bid otherwise the next bid (yours) would have been £360 if yours was £350.
  20. [quote name='Bikenbass' timestamp='1360534973' post='1972068'] Sorry, but I can never forgive them for introducing the kids to tea. A whole generation lost to the filth. [/quote] Yeah but what kind of 'tea' was it................... P.S. Please remember this comes under the 'I Am Right And You Are Wrong' BassChat debate. See 'The Beatles' thread for reference.
  21. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1360533748' post='1972042'] The Beatles are constantly criticised, you're doing it yourself. [/quote] Exactly the reaction i expected. Well done for not letting me down.
  22. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1360533069' post='1972020'] considering that this is a bass players site, I find this discussion almost surreal. In the book 'bass masters - paul mccartney' by tony bacon and gareth morgan (a bit of a 'must read' the authors talk a lot about their influence. Particularly that they tended to listen to US bass players and music and imported those influences into the UK, often adding their own twist. Good examples would be Joe Mauldin (Buddy Holly) and Elvis's bass player Bill Black. Paul McCartney also listened a lot to James Jamerson - who Mccartney said was his hero. He would have the motown records sent over to listen to before they were released... The first time motown riffs were heard, were through the beatles music in the UK. To name just a few... [/quote] All British groups were influenced by US bass and guitar players. I would doubt if any of them had heard of James Jamerson at the time but were still influenced by him. I read some years ago about a British guitarist who said he was influenced by James Burton only he didn't know it was James Burton until some years later.
  23. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1360532443' post='1972005'] Oh well, its lucky I bought Stig O Hara's debut album then! [/quote] You're excellent taste in music will never be questioned. i salute you sir!!!!!
  24. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1360532222' post='1972003'] Seeing the reverence that some people here still seem to hold the Beatles after all this time, you can see what Lennon was getting at when he made the famous statement about the Beatles being bigger than Jesus! [/quote] Absolutely. As someone who saw Beatlemania (and saw the Fab Four in the flesh) unfold upon the world i do admit that although i bought all the LPs i was never a real fan and at the time they were never thought of as they are now. They have become a group that you can't seem to criticise. You could have done this in the 60s and wouldn't have got into much of an argument about it. It would just have been your opinion. You'll soon be shouted down if you have the cheek to criticise nowadays. That's what i find amazing and how and what they have become.
  25. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1360528966' post='1971918'] For producer Rick Rubin, surveying The Beatles’ recorded achievements is akin to witnessing a miracle. “If we look at it by today’s standards, whoever the most popular bands in the world are, they will typically put out an album every four years,” Rubin said in a 2009 radio series interview. “So, let’s say two albums as an eight year cycle. And think of the growth or change between those two albums. The idea that The Beatles made thirteen albums in seven years and went through that arc of change... it can’t be done. Truthfully, I think of it as proof of God, because it’s beyond man’s ability.” Love that quote. [/quote] The Beatles output was incredible no doubt about that but it was a different time when you had to sell records to make any money. No money in touring then like there is now.
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