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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1409750166' post='2542936'] Exactly that, these are the brands I've ever the best about from friends and reviews etc. The fenders seem to have a love hate following! Plus I've had a few bad sets of fender rounds! [/quote] Why not just search the internet? I know this seems obvious but the price of strings changes and sometimes by a lot. I bought some strings that were manufactured by one the companies you mentioned less that a year ago and now they are over double the price they were when i bought them. Also some manufacturers 'custom' strings can be cheaper than buying a standard 'off the shelf' pack. Take a look around, there's plenty of choice out there.
  2. Status Hot Wires are excellent value.
  3. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1409576818' post='2541037'] Even worse, she [i]did[/i] play "Running up that hill". [/quote] I've got my hands over my ears just at the thought of it.
  4. The last few posts in this thread may help..... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/211556-fender-rascal-bass-ever-seen-one/page__st__30__p__2532805__hl__fender%20rascal__fromsearch__1#entry2532805"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry2532805[/url] Anything between £655 to £685 seems to be the going rate.
  5. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1409324166' post='2538669'] Kate Bush fans are not like normal people. [/quote] Looks like i'm normal after all then.
  6. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1409302220' post='2538407'] Not that you would have heard anything from that album. Or the one before it. Or the one after it. Or the one after that. [/quote] Yes but years ago people had to perform what the punters demanded and were on stage to flog a few albums. Nowadays they are 'artistes'.
  7. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1409259180' post='2538148'] Course he did... consider what it would take in terms of effects, mix, rehearsal, etc to play from a songbook. Not going to happen at scale. [/quote] My point was that Ry Cooder [u]DID[/u] often change the set list and songs when he played consecutive nights at the same venue but on this occasion he didn't. That's all.
  8. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1409253527' post='2538063'] I've bought a set of the Ernie Ball strings with the heavier E because I couldn't quite stomach stumping up for the La Bella equivalent, and I'm impatient so the wait for delivery would've killed me [/quote] I'm glad you're enjoying your Bass VI. If you order a custom set of LaBellas they are incredibly cheap. Yes you may have a long wait but they are so cheap it makes the wait worth while. Have a look at their website.
  9. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1409224784' post='2537658'] Who knows she's doing so many shows, the set may vary along the way. [/quote] A friend of mine attended every show when Ry Cooder played 8 nights at the Hammersmith Odeon 30+ years ago when Cooder was well known for varying the set list, often playing a totally different set each night. As far as i remember he played exactly the the same songs and set list for all 8 shows.
  10. Bump for a Spaghetti Western thrill machine..................... and a great alternative to a Fender Bass VI
  11. Bump for a 1980s American classic!!!!
  12. Bump for a custom handmade British bass!!!!!
  13. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1409093295' post='2536357'] It arrived early!! Huge props due to Wunjo who had this sent across London by courier because they didn't want me travelling over to them on such a miserable day. Customer service way above and beyond anything I have experienced before. [/quote] I have a Pawn Shop Bass VI and a Squier VI and both are great. I have Staytrem bridges on both which are a great improvement over the originals as are LaBella strings. The Squier is outstanding for the money and you'll have hours of fun with it!!!
  14. [quote name='Kirky' timestamp='1409127605' post='2536500'] Third one, which ensured his eternal damnation in the eyes of my wife and daughters who couldn't get tickets, said that he'd left at half time. [/quote] That's one of the fascinating things about music. If Kate was singing in my back garden i'd probably draw the curtains and turn up the hi-fi (and no it wouldn't be one of her records) but there are a couple of artists that i'd walk over hot coals to get to see them play.
  15. [quote name='miguel ponton' timestamp='1409063094' post='2535923'] Hello; Lots scoundrel on ebay, I had an electric bass and sale was a person, said he was at sea was oceanographer and wanted to give it to your child, but I had to pay by paypal, I paid shipping charges and send me a check to the bank, it was all a scam, but even with the logo of paypal, so if anyone has something similar, call Nigerian scam, beware of these people. [/quote] Unfortunately i didn't understand some of that but the rules of buying and selling are simple whoever you buy or sell from. Buying from eBay is no worse than buying from anyone or anywhere else.
  16. [quote name='ChunkyMunky' timestamp='1409007667' post='2535542'] Considering these would go for about $1200 on average, a $600 starting bid means someone is going to inevitably get a good deal. [/quote] Someone may well get a good deal but there is nothing inevitable about any auction. We will only know for sure if it was a crazy deal or not when the auction ends and not before.
  17. [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1408989303' post='2535297'] Some options here: [url="http://www.playawayguitars.com/play_away_guitars_shop.php?itemID=547"]http://www.playawayg....php?itemID=547[/url] [/quote] Post #5.......
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1408991367' post='2535318'] Is that a [i]roundabout[/i] way of saying MK is crap..? [/quote] Ah yes, the roundabouts.......
  19. ...and you get a bonus of visiting Milton Keynes to pick it up.
  20. How is this a crazy deal?
  21. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1408890977' post='2534347'] There's LOADS of Rock music everywhere. Too much of the stuff. [/quote] Couldn't agree more. Every pub with music that i pass seems to have some rock covers band pumping out the same old stuff. How i long for those evenings years ago at The Plough, Stockwell.................Music heaven to me.
  22. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1408984015' post='2535223'] I'm not too [size=4]worried about definitions [/size] [/quote] That was my point.
  23. What a great band. It would be wonderful if the band played the first half as i could listen to them then make a swift exit before Ms Bush takes the stage and still have time for a few pints in the pub before making my way home.
  24. Bump
  25. Bump
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