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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1393975474' post='2386618'] [size=3][b] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=2386102"][/url]yorks5stringer, on 04 March 2014 - 03:04 PM, said:[/b][/size][size=3] Oh, and the speaker cables were not touching the floor but sat on metal discs holding them clear.[/size] Did you miss out a 'dear' in that sentence? [/quote]
  2. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1393975040' post='2386613'] I have soft spot for the Kay - crudest construction I've ever seen but it sounds fantastic! [/quote] I couldn't agree more. I had flatwounds on the K-20B i recently sold and despite it's crude construction it sounded great.
  3. eBay isn't as good as it was but i've still scored some absolute gems even recently. It's like life in gemeral. There are some good guys out there and some bad ones and just like anywhere else you just have to be careful.
  4. If i had £350,000 to spend i'd buy an old Dansette and a pile of 45s and still have £349,950 left to spend on far better things than some fancy hi-fi.
  5. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1393867782' post='2385266'] Oh come on Geoff.! man you just don't get Jazz do you. [/quote] I think i get it now Andrew. Is this that thing they call jazz?. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ogiZDsYjzk
  6. [quote name='JazzBassfreak' timestamp='1393884098' post='2385535'] Of Course it applies! I'm going to keep it yes but I still wanted to know if the dinks would hinder the resale value. [/quote] I understand the point of this thread less and less as it goes on.
  7. This has got to be up there with some of the finest BC threads. I'm none the wiser after reading through all the posts but then again that's not unusual on here but it was great fun all the same. Long live Basschat!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1393787469' post='2384382'] It's the fourth time that Strat has been up, and each time she's been wearing less clothes... Oh, and it's been cheaper too. [/quote] ....and the second thread on the same thing.
  9. I really used to enjoy BC but as i have have little interest in this forum anymore i will not be selling any items on it or renewing my subscriptions for selling items here.
  10. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1393760584' post='2384019'] That's the finest Hammond sound ever to be produced on a grand piano ... [/quote] ....you can't have heard my Steinway that i fitted with a Leslie speaker then.
  11. ....and the most famous one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PqEnlrlJv4#t=83
  12. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZFCokoQzMM[/media] The Bombers 'disco' version has been sampled a lot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZqEZVHGAFI
  13. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1393717798' post='2383779'] I went to see the commitments stage show a couple of nights ago. If you have seen the show, read the book or seen the film you will know the jazz quote. I say no more. [/quote] I haven't seen the show, read the book or seen the film and can't say that i have any regrets about it.
  14. Am i alone in having no idea what this is supposed to be?
  15. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1393680610' post='2383280'] Where is Betafunk? I seem to remember he has got a bit of a thing for that girl from Babe Ruth. I just hope he is prepared for what the ravages of time can do. [/quote] Yes indeed. I saw Babe Ruth a few times on the college circuit in the 70s and they were always good value. A really good hardworking band with a cracking singer. What could be better? Happy days.
  16. That clip doesn't do them justice. Here's Jenny and Babe Ruth at probably their finest. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyPKee16zdY
  17. I really used to enjoy BC but as i have have little interest in this forum anymore i will not be selling any items on it or renewing my subscriptions for selling items here.
  18. I've always found Wayne Shorter an interesting person as well as being a wonderful musician and composer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7cHGYenmWM
  19. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1393610213' post='2382603'] Really? My uncle has one in the loft [/quote] ....and?
  20. I saw Wayne Shorter in the 80s when Marilyn Mazur and Terri Lynne Carrington were in his band. Can't remember if it was an all female band though.
  21. Could someone just say Jaco, James Jamerson, Duck Dunn, Pino, Flea or Carol Kaye? You don't know how much enjoyment that would give me and my life would be complete. Thank you.
  22. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1393504740' post='2381081'] To echo some earlier posts... Jim Lea Colin Hodgkinson Dee Murray [/quote] I'd say that Colin Hodgkinson is one of THE rated bass players out there. Certainly never underrated.
  23. That's about the going rate for one of those nowadays.
  24. This thread got me thinking. There seems to be a good few experts on Japanese basses but perhaps not many experts on the lesser known basses that were built on our own doorstep. The world of basses is a funny old game.
  25. I loved the Feelgoods and they were never the same without Wilko that's for sure. I saw them loads of times in the 70s and what was great about those times was not only the music but that you'd just jump on a bus or the tube and you could see them down the pub. No queueing, no advance tickets, no rip-off prices for drinks you just paid your 50p for a couple of hours of rock, sweat and beers. Lovely.
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