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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1392460580' post='2368966'] The reissues are about £200 and available online. [/quote] Where online?
  2. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1392411882' post='2368587'] Now this is a wierd ungly looking thing. [/quote] That's a matter of opinion but the Phantom was a common guitar and bass with Beat Groups in the 60s. The Dave Clark Five & The Hollies (Tony Hicks also played a Phantom XII) both featured the guitar versions and Brian Jones played one on many Stones recordings.
  3. Stored in a large plastic bin bag and then filled with peat does wonders if you are looking for the accelerated relic'd or road worn look.
  4. This is the neck of my fretless bass. It works for me.
  5. British classical composer George Lloyd (1913-98) wrote many excellent pieces for Brass Band. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSGWAAu2j14[/media] English composer Robert Simpson (1921-1997) also wrote many excellent pieces for brass band. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4ldT2ZDa6g
  6. Not British (Alan Hovhaness was Armenian-American) but this is one of the most beautiful pieces of brass music i've found in a classical setting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIZuazBHiW4
  7. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1392306731' post='2367085'] The style I'm after is that which is most definitely distantiated from these boringly boasty brass band competition compositions, where shrill, strident soloes are persistently played on tuneless trumpets. [/quote] I presume you mean competition 'test pieces'. These are essential for brass bands and aren't all tuneless trumpets but can be hard going for the uninitiated. You may have to be prepared to open your ears to receive music that you may find challenging but it could well be worth it. I'd steer well clear of any brass band music incorporated into a rock environment. Just listen (there are plenty on youtube) to any of the well know brass bands (there are many still active in the UK) to get a good overview of them. Good luck on what will i'm sure be an enjoyable journey.
  8. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1392310068' post='2367162'] Oh - you mean old Ma Baldrick?? ........... It was a cunning plan. When she said she hadn't heard of them you were supposed to leaf through the charity shop's CD shelves, dig out all the CDs with them on, stand there with a handful of CDs, realise what you'd done and feel morally obliged to buy them all at 50p a pop. Well done you for not falling for it! Need proof? When did you last see a Beatles CD in a charity shop? [/quote] I'm fortunate that in one of my local charity shops they have a 'Lesser Known & Low Profile Bass Players' section. The last time i was in there they had CDs by featuring Jason Newsted, Cliff Burton, Robert Trujillo, James Lomenzo, Lemmy and Steve Harris under the heading of 'Who Knows If These Are Any Good For Metal Because We've Never Heard Of Them?'. It is indeed one of the best kept secrets in our High Street and a wonderful resource for CDs by underrated bass players. I'm not surprised with what you say about CDs by The Beatles but i only buy cassettes these days. They are far better value as (or if) you can pick them up for about 50p per hundredweight nowadays.
  9. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1392295391' post='2366859'] Who's this McCartney bloke they keep banging on about anyway? [/quote] I've just read a list of bass players to the lady in my local charity shop. To my astonishment she has never heard of Mark King, Chris Squire, Carol Kaye, Stanley Clarke, Victor Wooten or Alain Caron so now they must all go on the 'Less well known / low profile' list. She had heard of Macca though so he's off the list now.
  10. [quote name='Mark Dyer' timestamp='1392288171' post='2366751'] Well, that's just made a mockery of the whole thread. I'm changing my choices. I'd like to nominate Mark King, no one here at work has heard of Level 42, and they have no idea what 'slap bass' is. [/quote] There you go. Another underrated, low profile and less well known bass player.
  11. Jaco Pastorius Underrated: He was never on the cover of Time magazine. Low Profile: He's isn't heard on the radio or seen on TV like majority of those listed already. Less Well Known: The lady down my local launderette knows who Jim Lea, John Deacon and John McVie are but hasn't got a clue who Jaco is.
  12. [quote name='tredders' timestamp='1392246534' post='2366537'] That website is genius! I can feel the next 3 or 4 hours of my life are going to be spent there! [/quote] Yes it's amazing isn't it. I've spent far too many hours on that website over the last few years!
  13. John Deacon, Cliff Williams, Willie Weeks, Billy Gould, John McVie, Tina Weymouth, Phil Chen, Colin Greenwood, Bob Daisley, Krist Novoselic, Alex James, James Lomenzo................ ......................Underrated, less well known or low profile?
  14. This may help......... http://www.whosampled.com/Fatboy-Slim/Praise-You/
  15. Maholo Baritone Ukulele Fitted with brand new D'Addario T2 Titanium Baritone strings Uke has screw holes on rear with different tuners were fitted and one very small ding on the body otherwise in excellent condition Price is £35 or £43 posted to a UK address
  16. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1392165152' post='2365642'] Things have indeed changed since the 70s - almost unimaginatively. In fact, I'm not really sure why people are surprised why the cost of music has plummeted. Back then, there was pretty much no way that an unsigned band could get their music out there except by gigging and even playing pubs every day would only reach an audience measure in a few thousand over a year. The internet and associated technology changed all that and now there are thousands of bands who can make great recordings at home and put them on YouTube for the entire world to hear. Except of course the entire world doesn't hear because there are too many great bands online to work through. Music is probably being made faster than anyone can listen to it and that's without the advent of streaming services. [/quote] That's a really good post. Yes things have changed so much music wise since the 70s. I was just watching Danny Baker on BBC4 and he showed a clip of The Clash at Shea Stadium. Even watching that i had to pinch myself that i used to watch Strummer with the 101ers for free in pubs in West London before they started to be championed in the music press and it went up to 50p. Roll on a couple of years and i'm listening to The Clash one afternoon doing a sound check on the Give Em Enough Rope tour but even then i didn't dream that they would be playing Shea in 1982.
  17. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1392125554' post='2364994'] I was just listening to The Impossible Gentlemen's latest CD and it occured to me that the relative ages of the individual members is incredibly wide. Steve Swallow is 74, Adam Nussbaum is 38, Mike Walker 50 and Gwilym Simcock 33. That is a a 41 year difference between the oldest and the youngest members. And the music is still incredibly cutting edge. I love the fact that this music is still accessible to people at an age when other genres would seek to dismiss them as yesterday's men. [/quote] Adam Nussbaum is 38? He must have been a mere toddler then when i saw him in the 80s with the Gil Evans Orchestra and John Scofield's group.
  18. [quote name='Si600' timestamp='1392122558' post='2364922'] It depends I suppose, I wouldn't expect to pay to see a band if they were on in a pub [/quote] It just goes to show how things have changed. In the 70s i regularly paid to see bands in pubs. In those days it was the norm rather than the exception to pay. I've seen lots of groups for free way back then but also have paid to see The Stranglers, Dr Feelgood, Average White Band, The 101ers, Eddie & The Hot Rods etc for 50p and i even remember seeing AC/DC for the not inconsiderable amount (at the time) of £1.
  19. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1392072672' post='2364473'] I see our hero has lost his 100% feedback [/quote] I once received negative feedback for something i sold on Monday and the buyer received on Thursday. The buyer thought that they should have received it earlier and left negative feedback. Since feedback changed so only the buyer (the seller isn't allowed to) can leave feedback it has become totally worthless.
  20. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1391900377' post='2362564'] Three for a band I'm auditioning for tomorrow: Hippy Hippy Shake - Swinging Blue Jeans Do Wah Diddy - Manfred Mann All Or Nothing - Small Faces Never taken any time before to listen or learn these, enjoyable to play though, especially the outro to Do Wah Diddy, only 4 bars, but rock on! Cheers, Rich [/quote] Is your avatar a Triumph Trials Cub? Lovely. A thing of beauty.
  21. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1391988322' post='2363411'] There really is no argument - I mean... Don't recall The Fabs ever recording anything by Jagger/Richards. [/quote] But they did record Obla Di Obla Da.
  22. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1391968225' post='2363100'] I think it's safe to predict many more Beatles-related [s]rants[/s] [s]arguments[/s] discussions this year, and the next, and the next, ad infinitum. But Buddy Holly? Fact is, he [u]didn't[/u] change the world of music forever, but The Beatles did. Maybe he could have done, or maybe he would have still disappeared without trace when the Fabs burst on the scene. Like a million others. But we'll never know. What we do know is that The Beatles did it. For better or worse, but they still did it. [/quote] But i wonder if there hadn't been Buddy Holly would there have ever been The Beatles? Maybe Buddy changed music more than some people seem to think.
  23. [quote name='gsgbass' timestamp='1391960940' post='2362994'] I still believe The Beatles were one of the greatest societal phenomenon of all time. [/quote] I think that Beatlemania may have been but that was very short lived compared to The Beatles as a band. Twickenham Film Studios was swamped by hundreds of screaming kids which i witnesses first hand while The Beatles were filming A Hard Days Night & Help. Roll on to 1969 when they were recording there and i doubt there was anyone waiting outside to see them. Beatlemania was the real phenomenon to me but it goes without saying that it couldn't have happened without The Fab Four.
  24. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1391955663' post='2362937'] Yep, the news is going to be full of them this year! [/quote] Fab.
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