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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='cytania' timestamp='1391362763' post='2356214'] Can still be played as unremarkable sounding basses according to Dave Swift who collects the weird and wonderful (oh and plays in a little combo with a pianist called Jools Holland). [/quote] Is it good for boogie woogie?
  2. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1369226165' post='2086524'] I remember hearing Ginger Baker appear on a Radio 4 chat show that featured a range of guests from different fields. Having interviewed Baker, the presenter moved on to talk to a distinguished scientist about cosmology. As soon as the big bang was mentioned, Ginger storms in ranting on about how he can't understand how anyone could be so stupid as to believe in such a ridiculous idea as the big bang..."I mean, where was this big bang...". The scientist remained polite and unphased and even attempted the impossible task of trying to explain the big bang to Ginger. I so wished he had instead replied to Baker's outburst with "yes, well that's why I'm a professor of astro-physics and you hit things with sticks for a living". [/quote] ...and the Prof could have finished him off with a fatal blow to the ego with....... 'and you're no Phil Seamen either'.
  3. [quote name='Buzzy' timestamp='1391261016' post='2355067'] Prefer this version [/quote] ...and in a strange sort of way slightly less cringeworthy than the original.
  4. I thought that the best bit was them sitting up there in their suits and dickie bows. Who'd have thought that would ever had happened?
  5. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1391206180' post='2354682'] Indeed. If I'm going to collect, I'll bring the cash with me. One of the advantages of collection is you get to see the item in question and verify it's all well and as advertised... and if it isn't, no deal. Strange. [/quote] I've bought three basses over the years which i collected where the buyer wanted payment by paypal. I've found no problem with this method of payment and you are also covered by paypals protection policy. On one occasion i wanted to see the basses before paying as the photos weren't that good on ebay so i took my laptop with me and when i checked it and found everything fine i payed there and then by paypal.
  6. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1391165558' post='2353928'] Worth buying for the parts, then throw the rest in the skip! [/quote] I think that's why the description says 'for parts'
  7. This is just one of many Bill Laswell bass lines that go round in my head....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQIk5dQm3NI
  8. I saw David Bowie in a sports hall and he was fantastic. I saw Yes in a sports hall and they were awful. Actually thinking back i'm not sure the sports hall had much to do with either.
  9. I must be getting old but some of the best gigs and bands i've ever seen were in sports halls.
  10. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1391042349' post='2352735'] You're well within your rights to make a prophesy of doom and gloom, but please don't berate the people who have contributed in a measured and constructive manner in the thread up to this point - I don't think that's fair. [/quote] Well that's well and truly told me off. I will sit in the corner facing the wall for one hour now. BC must be a very serious place for some people.
  11. [quote name='krysh' timestamp='1387234771' post='2309829'] good choice, and if you put the right pickups in these pilots they're epic. [/quote] They came with EMGs as standard. Couldn't be better.
  12. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1391041027' post='2352726'] Which thread are you reading? I've read several positive comments and no commands or diktats. The overwhelming suggestion has been to try one. [/quote] Keep reading and over the next few weeks it will turn out that way. They always do.
  13. [quote name='JazzBassfreak' timestamp='1391040705' post='2352719'] Bit harsh. [/quote] Harsh but fair.
  14. Just goes to show that nothing is new. Here's Victor Lewis Smith from many years ago. Kamikaze Karaoke was a regular on his TV Offal show back in the 90s. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN5j9aPWeOQ[/media] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnRv46RUmn8
  15. [quote name='JazzBassfreak' timestamp='1391039470' post='2352699'] The more the merrier right? [/quote] No.
  16. Unsurprisingly this has turned into the usual BC 'i don't like it so neither should you' thread. If you want an acoustic bass then try a few out and go for it. If we all followed bass fashion then everyone today should have a Squier JV or a WAL or anything else that is the current favourite. Live dangerously and follow your dream and not the current fashion.
  17. [quote name='JazzBassfreak' timestamp='1391021889' post='2352405'] Hi guys, I guess I created this thread for you to post your basses, show off your gear! Let's have some interesting conversation about everyone's basses Cheers! [/quote] Great idea. I'm surprised no one had thought of this earlier.
  18. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1390862981' post='2350751'] No volume aerial. Trust me when I say it makes a massive difference, even if you're a strictly spooky sic-fi sound monger like me. [/quote] Yes that's true and i totally agree but it's still fun for 54 quid.
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1390863468' post='2350766'] Yes indeed. And it's often lower than we'd like. [/quote] Sadly this is often true.
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1390862593' post='2350741'] Get your Marathon while you can!! [/quote] I said that i'd never sell mine but i'm afraid to say we all have our price.
  21. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1390859957' post='2350686'] Perhaps someone has told them what it's really worth? [/quote] Yes i did think of those who comb the auction sites to make sure that a bass is never sold for less than it's worth but £800?
  22. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1390845946' post='2350286'] I want a theremin. I guess it will have to be a kit though, I can't justify spending £200 on one... [/quote] You can always get one of these for £54....... [url="http://www.lostvolts.com/LV-2/LV2.htm"]http://www.lostvolts.com/LV-2/LV2.htm[/url]
  23. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Jazz-Bass-Mark-King-No-24-of-42-/321186855308"]http://www.ebay.co.u...2-/321186855308[/url] http://basschat.co.uk/topic/208702-wowza-these-have-gone-up-in-value/page__hl__mark+king+fender__fromsearch__1
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