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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='JamieSteve' timestamp='1390308169' post='2343774'] Hi All l was hoping someone could help me. I have 2 basses that l'm looking to sell but l'm not sure as to their value or where the best place to sell them would be.[list] [*]The first is a 1998 Warwick Alien acoustic bass with Lakewood pickups. Its one of only 101 made and is extremely rare. Its is good condition although has a couple of scrathes on the body [*]The second is a 1979 Wal Pro 1 bass. As far as l can tell it's somewhat collectible. Its condition is ok although the body has some wear and tair with some corrosion on the plate screws. Plays very well. [/list] If anyone can help me with an idea as to the value of each l'd really appreciate it! [/quote] You seem to know a good deal about them so i'd just do an internet search. It couldn't really be much easier and there are plenty of auction sites and music forums out there to sell them on.
  2. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1390843593' post='2350229'] BetaFunk' A bit more expensive than when it was previously listed. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Shergold-Marathon-Bass-Guitar-RARE-/231143920276?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item35d1405294"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item35d1405294[/url] MB1. Yes but they've done "a few light lines" on the paintwork since then? [/quote] The description is the same in both ads.
  3. The ebay advert had been cloned from a presumably genuine one. This happens frequently.
  4. A bit more expensive than when it was previously listed. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Shergold-Marathon-Bass-Guitar-RARE-/231143920276?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item35d1405294
  5. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1390829051' post='2349927'] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/226959-fsft-furch-61-cm-acoustic-electric-bass-pricedrop/page__p__2348595__hl__furch__fromsearch__1#entry2348595"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry2348595[/url] [/quote] Nice bass. Aren't these near to £1,000 new?
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkZdTHmX0TQ
  7. I'd say a lot depends on how much the bass is as a Furch 61 isn't a cheap instrument.
  8. [quote name='thehillscorporation' timestamp='1390785559' post='2349578'] very true, 'cept maybe for when he's playing Ring Of Fire (back on topic ) [/quote] ...and played without a hint of irony of course.
  9. [quote name='thehillscorporation' timestamp='1390784053' post='2349573'] maybe, but I can't listen to Creedence without hearing Buck Owens in spades! Love 'em both to pieces [/quote] Of course, but i can't listen to Frank Zappa without hearing Webern and Varese but it doesn't make him a European classical composer. It just reflects his musical influences.
  10. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1390777933' post='2349508'] I've always loved Creedence and Skynyrd I'd be more country rock I suppose. [/quote] ...or more Rock than Country?
  11. [quote name='thehillscorporation' timestamp='1390782852' post='2349567'] A quick apology, it was me who started with a long list! It's only really in the last ten years or so that I even acknowledged C&W as, personally, a legitimate musical genre! Guess I've got a bit of a passion now....just the faintest hint of pedal steel makes me go all misty eyed (adopts Homer Simpson voice: mmm, Buddy Emmons...) Sorry. John x [/quote] No need to apologise. I actually like a lot on your list and couldn't agree more on your comments about Dolly Parton. I just think that it's best for the op to start in the early days of Country then work forward. There is some great music out there to discover.
  12. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1390776494' post='2349483'] My band is a country trio but tbh I couldn't tell you where to start! [/quote] I have told them where to start. The op only needs to read what i said in post #14 then they can make their up their own mind rather than just be bombarded with what each individual contributor likes.
  13. Was it this remix? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pyxsVBD0dc
  14. [quote name='simes' timestamp='1390775501' post='2349462'] Thank you, computer says NO, as work PC has banned the link I'll check it out later when I get home. Si [/quote] Sorry i should have said the all it says on the playlist is Mike Oldfield - Sentinel.
  15. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03sh6l8#programme-broadcasts
  16. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1390773079' post='2349410'] Well I'm not gunna lose any sleep over it put it that way, but a discussion about a particular brand of bass guitar has somehow ended up in an argument... Again [/quote] I know what you mean but that's the way it usually goes on here. If someone asks for recommendations on a good short scale bass because they have a hand or back problem so it must be short scale you know that sooner (usually rather than later) someone is going to chirp in with 'you don't want a short scale bass, what you want is this 35" scale bass'. It wouldn't be Basschat without that.
  17. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1390770220' post='2349363'] no not the search engine silly i was going to put this in the 'what are you listening to now thread' but it's so bloody lovely ive put it here [/quote] Not bad.......for a drummer. Seriously though that's really nice.
  18. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1390771784' post='2349392'] This thread went from a really good one to one that absolutely sucks. [/quote] It's just a thread on a forum so i wouldn't worry about it too much. I actually thought that a lot of it was really amusing.
  19. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1390763398' post='2349238'] Right back at you. [/quote] Thanks.
  20. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1390760626' post='2349166'] Ah, you've heard Marcus then? [/quote] Try reading my post again and by all means feel free to ask me anything that you may not have understood.
  21. [quote name='KingPrawn' timestamp='1390760632' post='2349168'] Bonny prince Billy will blow your mind!! [/quote] Really? Why? He wouldn't be in the names i'd think of as a Country music artist.
  22. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1390757844' post='2349113'] To answer your question , no I have never met Mark King, but we do have mutual friends and apparently he is, just as you say, a very nice man. The fact remains that he sees himself as an alternative to Marcus Miller. He is not , and never will be. [/quote] I like some Mark King / Level 42 stuff but i've got to agree with the above. On the other hand there are plenty of people on BC who think that Alice Cooper is the cutting edge of rock and that ELO as the best thing since the Fab Four where i see one as a 70s teeny group and the latter as sterile muzak for lager tops drinkers so what do i know?
  23. Many suggestions so far are Country Rock. I totally agree with Dingus about Country being a hard genre to define as there are so many offshoots and Country Rock is just one. I'd start with giving a listen (there is plenty on youtube) to Jimmie Rodgers and the Carter Family then move on to Western Swing with artists like Bob Wills and Tennessee Ernie Ford then on to Bluegrass by Bill Monroe and Earl Scruggs. Honky Tonk shouldn't be overlooked so a bit of Hank Williams and on to 50s and 60s Nashville Sounds and Countrypolitan and then Outlaw Country by Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings etc. There are far too many artists to list so it's best just to work your way through the genres in the history of Country music and it will give you a good idea of what it's all about. Happy listening!
  24. [quote name='lowregisterhead' timestamp='1390721574' post='2348524'] Ugly. UG-LEE. Not aesthetically pleasing, to my eyes at least. Yet the concept - a bass with a built-in drum machine, and its own internal speaker, I find attractive. What can I say, I'm torn! [/quote] Yes i understand now but they are just copies of the 1960s VOX Teardrop and Phantom basses.
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zp97HWohKx8
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