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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. I received my Krappy Guitars 2-String Bass today. It's tuned D-A and is rather beautiful in a strange sort of way.
  2. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1389694490' post='2336907'] nearly ...Norfolk!...only just got horseless carriages, electrickery and telling bones...now where did i leave that swede? [/quote] Well i'm glad that you refrained from saying 'Yer talkin' a load a ol' squit'
  3. [quote name='bh2' timestamp='1389645126' post='2336562'] I don't recall ever seeing a raw maple board, guitar or bass. [/quote] I doubt if there are any 'raw' maple boards but there are plenty that have a matt finish so they do look 'raw' when compared to the shiny lacquer on your bass.
  4. Try this one....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Igbpx26YE3k
  5. [quote name='lonestar' timestamp='1389654439' post='2336725'] This dusts my broom too: [media]http://youtu.be/Vifw3aQbrlY[/media] [/quote] Now we've got Dusty in this thread this is definitely not an overlooked singer thread anymore.
  6. The Carpenters would have been the absolute height of naff for most people between the ages of 18 and 25 when this was aired in 1971 but i think this is one of their finest tracks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xlr-gS1VhWY
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1389649241' post='2336630'] The 70s just like every other decade [/quote] How wrong you are.
  8. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1389645366' post='2336565'] I must lead a sheltered life, I have never seen a maple fingerboard that has not been lacquered. I've seen enough where the lacquer has worn off to know that maple gets pretty dirty if left unprotected. [/quote] I think a lot of modern maple necked basses have matt lacquered necks which gives them the appearance that they aren't lacquered as opposed to the shiny 60s and 70s lacquered necks.
  9. Let me get this right. The 70s? Was that the bit between the 60s and 80s when you went to gigs and parties that smelled of josticks and Lebanese Woodbines with a Party 4 (or Party 7 if you were flushed that night) tucked under your arm? If it was then it's sadly just a faded memory now.
  10. http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/red-ibanez-bass-guitar-for-sale/1044537640
  11. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1389641333' post='2336492'] I'm gona buy one of these super cheap J&D 1975 vintage bass in the surf green for no other reason than i'm shallow and love the colour combo and they appear to get some good reviews. The website spec' and this pic shows a laquered maple neck. Now i've owned a fair number of maple necked bass but never with laquer finish....is it simply to keep the neck clean? [/quote] I presume the sole reason it's lacquered is because J&D are making a copy of a 1975 Jazz Bass with a lacquered neck.
  12. It seems to be commonly agreed that the Ukulele is a Hawaiian interpretation of the Portuguese Machete.
  13. I presume by short scale you mean 30"? Using 4 tuner from a set of 6-in-line would be fine for a Burns Sonic because it has a thin neck and the originals were not much larger that guitar tuners. The headstock is also much like the size of a guitar headstock but i'd want much more substantial ones on something like an Encore Short Scale P Bass. Most tuners used on any Long Scale bass would be fine. All of my three modern short scale bases have normal tuners that are used on long scale basses.
  14. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1389626401' post='2336240'] What are the criteria that you will be assessed against? [/quote] The OP posted the same thread in 'General Discussions' and hasn't replied in that thread either. Perhaps they passed the exam with flying colours or maybe got fed up and took up the vibraphone instead.
  15. [quote name='simon1964' timestamp='1389573560' post='2335794'] I've no idea. If we are allowed to post links to Rics on eBay, it would be nice to know. There have been some very nice 4004s on there recently, but I assumed we were not allowed to link to them. [/quote] Yes i see what you mean.
  16. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1389566529' post='2335689'] To you... [/quote] Of course to me. That's why if you notice i posted it and that i said 'to me'. It can be hard work on here at times.
  17. [quote name='simon1964' timestamp='1389572350' post='2335778'] Interesting to read that again six months on. Hamster says that the purpose of the ban is to prevent copies of Rickenbackers appearing in the market place, however unwittingly. Yet the whole point of this thread is for copies of Rickenbackers to appear in the marketplace deliberately. [/quote] I presumed that Hamster meant 'the Basschat marketplace' rather than 'the marketplace'.
  18. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1389521832' post='2334945'] Relicing = naff. [/quote] That about sums it up perfectly for me. A bit like a Chelsea tractor with synthetic mud sprayed on it. It seems ridiculous to me and does look so naff. The height of un-cool.
  19. I've seen these before. Headstock similar to the Rondo SX. Got to be worth a punt if anyone's near Soton.
  20. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1389551799' post='2335456'] I don't have receipts for any of my basses, they were all bought 2nd hand. By your logic if I flew to the USA with one them, I'd end up paying tax and VAT on my return for a bass that I already owned. [/quote] Yes, that could happen if you couldn't prove they were yours and customs thought that you have bought them outside the EU. It's up to you to prove otherwise. I'm not saying what can't be done but simply what is allowed. That's all. Have a look at the customs and excise laws of this country if you are really interested.
  21. I wonder if sales of sanders have increased since the boom in worn and relic'd guitars and basses?
  22. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1389550022' post='2335424'] I bought a bass from New York 5 or 6 years ago, can't remember the name of the shop, it was in Brooklyn. I paid for it before I went over and collected it. The cheapest flight was via CDG in Paris, so flying back my flight into the UK was from CDG, no customs no VAT, just me very happy . Just remembered, it was the Groove shop. [/quote] I presume then that you didn't declare it or weren't stopped at customs. It has nothing to do with what i wrote. People are stopped at customs all the time at British airports when entering from EU countries. Customs are also well aware that although you may have come from an EU airport they will know the route you have taken to get there from outside the EU. People bring items into the country all the time undeclared but i was stating what happens if customs search your luggage. As i said they are not stupid people but just too busy to stop everyone.
  23. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1389547508' post='2335365'] If it's a very expensive instrument, it may be cheaper to fly and pick it up ? Maybe split the flight costs 50/50 ? You're taking a bass out and bringing one back, who's to know it's different one ? [/quote] Because it's up to the person bringing it into the country to prove they didn't buy it outside the UK and are not trying to bring something into the country without paying duty on it. If you don't have a receipt that you bought it in the UK or proof you have already paid duty on it they can charge you duty on it. They people who work in customs are not stupid.
  24. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1389533075' post='2335129'] Shipping costs have soared recently, I was gonna buy an Ibanez GWB1 from a guy on talk bass, the shipping (no insurance) was $450. [/quote] It depends on who you use. I've done it recently for considerably less than that. Even for the West Coast of the U.S. you could do it for half of that. It's all down to who you use.
  25. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1389545970' post='2335323'] Early Danelectro Longhorns did n't have a truss rod either - blimey! [/quote] Many guitars and basses of that era didn't have truss rods.
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