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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='paulconnolly' timestamp='1389514238' post='2334884'] Probably too busy practicing [/quote] Or maybe they've simply taken up playing guitar.
  2. [quote name='lowregisterhead' timestamp='1389448767' post='2334262'] As a young boy, I was always hankering after a 'Top Twenty', the Woolies brand. Not sure if they did a bass, but here's the guitar version, perhaps only slightly less hideous than the Satellite and Kay offerings... same factory, perhaps? [/quote] It's easy to say that now but at the time the Top Twenty was the only chance you had to own a guitar owing to the fact that they were affordable while the US built ones were way out of reach for the average 60s teenager. Looking at them today of course they look poor when compared with the budget stuff coming out of Chine etc but at the time they were all we had and served a purpose. With a bit of setting up were playable guitars and yes they did make a bass.
  3. I can't believe that we've got so far without mentioning Laure Nyro a singer songwriter who probably influenced more singer songwriters than anyone else. She sang with a passion and emotion seldom seen before. For anyone who has or is just about to discover her then you have a treat in store. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jjdowef1oKE
  4. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1389482972' post='2334762'] Well, as Beedster said one did go for £275 less than a couple of months ago, it's certainly not "mint for £170", but it's also a whole lot less than £400! I'm pretty sure there's no 'definite' value on these things, they are nowhere near as in demand or clearly defined in value as old Fenders for example, so it seems like there is a bit of room for haggling there. I just had a look at recently sold Marathons on eBay, and one went for £485, another seemingly identical one went for £275, and another went for £403, but that's with a Linear 100 amp (whatever that may be..)! So that's quite a lot of variation in price even between those 3 basses. [/quote] If you think that they were identical then i understand why you needed advice in the first place. I wish you luck if you do decide to buy one.
  5. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1389482605' post='2334755'] You're getting a little obsessive BetaFunk? Like all other basses, prices vary on ebay for a number of reasons, sometimes they go for what appears to be an unreasonably high price, sometimes the opposite, it's how it is. I posted on this thread to let the OP know that, if he bides his time, he can probably get one cheaper than £400, and probably in better condition than the one he's looking at. To back it up I showed one that went for £275 in November, and mentioned that I saw one a while before then that went for £170. If I could be bothered I could probably Google that one and find it as well. I didn't say the £170 was mint, just that it went for £170. Facts are your friend here BetaFunk, not opinion. [/quote] Who's getting obsessive now? Happy hunting with those bargain buys.
  6. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1389474081' post='2334634'] 8 string basses aren't common but they've certainly been around for a long time. [/quote] Dean, Schecter and Hagstrom all currently make 8-string basses.
  7. I wonder what the op has thought of these suggestions as they haven't replied to any posts.
  8. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1389478875' post='2334717'] Not now it won't [/quote] It never was whether 'we' all saw it or not. There is a world outside Basschat.
  9. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1389480530' post='2334734'] No, you go for it - it looks great but not one I'll be going for, it's just a bit too far gone with mods etc from what I'm willing to take on as a project I'm afraid! [/quote] Good thinking. Just pick a mint one up for £170.
  10. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1389474280' post='2334637'] Ah, you don't need a bridge cover mate, you should give it to me....... [/quote] Don't worry i expect some of the 'experts' on here can pick these up for as little as 99p.
  11. We all have our own opinions but good luck anyone who thinks they will be picking up a Marathon in excellent condition in the near future for £170. Dream on and good night.
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1389474160' post='2334635'] Thanks for that, very interesting. It'll need a pickguard and control plate sourcing as well, but I think these can be got. I will be very interested to see what this goes for. [/quote] ..and it won't go for £150 that's for sure.
  13. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1389470797' post='2334583'] No, not unless I REALLY had to have a Marathon. I paid £125 for mine on eBay about 4-5 years ago, and I wouldn't pay much more. They're OK instruments but nothing special, even without issues. £400 buys a lot of bass at the moment, there are better things to spend your money on. [/quote] The days when these went for £125 are long gone. £400+ is the going rate for a Marathon bass nowadays. I paid £350 for 1974 Fender Jazz Bass in 1990 but don't expect to find another at the price any more so it's irrelevant what bases cost in the past. As for being special they are as special as any bass of the same period bought for the same money. They weren't budget basses by any means and as good as any at the price at the time and they look as if they are increasing in value all the time. Lastly on the subject of cost i was looking at a post on a Joy Division website from 2004 where they were discussing someone selling a Shergold Marathon 6-String bass. They thought the price of £400 was ludicrous and reckoned that £250 was the maximum they would get for it. Try getting one of these now for under £1200 and if you did it would probably be the bargain of the year and would probably be more like £1500 if you could find one.
  14. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1389443600' post='2334179'] I wouldn't worry too much about the plastic bridge cover being missing, I can't recall ever seeing one on a Shergold. [/quote] My Shergold still has it's original bridge cover. See posts #1 & #5 of this thread: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/222814-shergold-marathon-couple-of-questions/page__p__2286564__hl__shergold%20marathon__fromsearch__1#entry2286564
  15. This is really nice music and just look at that lovely PS Bass VI. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gInzey_VnPI
  16. I couldn't watch too much of that but are you saying that you've never heard of or seen an 8-string bass?
  17. [quote name='Alfie' timestamp='1389380267' post='2333710'] When buying a new car you go for a test drive and place an order for a genuine factory-new vehicle. When I have bought a bass from a shop I have always bought the bass I have played, because of the variety between instruments. Am I in reality buying a display model, rather than a new product? [/quote] What about if you have a custom built bass? It may be built exclusively for you but the luthier who made it has certainly played it before handing it over to you.
  18. I keep trying to see where the heavily relic'd guitars are. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH-E6J5TJTY
  19. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1389391018' post='2333895'] Yes, indeed, or imagine if Fender had offered a knackered version of their guitars as an extra cost option back in the 1950's and 1960's. Those who enthusiastically purchased such guitars would probably have been forcibly placed in a mental asylum and given a lobotomy. [/quote] Seems fair to me.
  20. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1389380440' post='2333711'] Bass goes out of tune real quick, which could mean bad tuners, or it might just be the Roto's that have been on there since the early 1600's. [/quote] It should be alright for playing Greensleeves on if the strings are of that vintage.
  21. Have a look through the answers given last time you asked. If the bass is the same then all the answers are relevant. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/222814-shergold-marathon-couple-of-questions/page__p__2286564__hl__shergold%20marathon__fromsearch__1#entry2286564"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry2286564[/url]
  22. [quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1389346886' post='2333026'] I don't know, this amount of wear looks quite unrealistic to me, has there ever been a bass that worn by actual use? [/quote] That's exactly what i don't 'get' with a lot of these relic'd guitar and basses. All these basses they are trying to replicate were not cheap when bought new in the 60s and 70s and although i've seen many of those originals with a few dings and worn paint mostly they were looked after (even if gigged really hard) because they were the tools of someone's trade. Most of the relic'd one's i see seem to be more neglected than road worn relics and therefore totally unrealistic.
  23. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1389306555' post='2332777'] [url="http://www.nashguitars.com/Images/Guitars/bass/JB63CARr3pw.jpg"]http://www.nashguita...JB63CARr3pw.jpg[/url] thats is sexy as! [/quote] I'd much rather have an unmolested straight out of the box nice and shiny Squier than that every time.
  24. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1389303076' post='2332723'] Bloody BC detectives. Next you'll be telling me I'm sat at my computer wearing a lacy basque and high heel combo, errr [/quote] Whatever you do don't get your bow caught in your suspenders. Arco and nylons don't mix. We all know that don't we?........ Maybe it's just me then.
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