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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1389302763' post='2332714'] shhhhhhhh [/quote] My lips are sealed.
  2. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1389084481' post='2329608'] Erm possibly. A very specific instrument on which there is a new year's deal [/quote] Kolstein's haven't got a sale on have they?
  3. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1389274663' post='2332184'] According to Boy George and Call Me Dave we will be feeling the pain for at least 5 more years, so that may well have an effect on prices too. On a more chearful note, we shouldn't worry as "we're all in this together", us and all the other Eton educated, multi-millionaires that make up our nation's glorious leadership. [/quote] It makes me proud to be British to have these two stooges bailing us out of the **** that them and their mates got us into in the first place. A right pair of 22 carat ones.
  4. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1389274027' post='2332179'] Schecter are great. Just not recognized over here for some reason. Recession obviously has something to do with it . [/quote] ....and fashion.
  5. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1389275631' post='2332205'] Other than pre 1970/80s instruments find me a bass that's selling for more now 2nd hand than you'd pay for a new one? [/quote] Read what i said again. A lot of people buy now hoping not to lose money and yes that's different from the 80s for example. Remember all those pointy guitars and basses? You just bought them with no thought as to how much they would be worth when it came to part exchanging them. We live in much less adventurous and much more cautious times.
  6. The weight of the pickup and bridge covers combined on my 1974 Fender Jazz Bass is 170 grams (just under 6 ounces).
  7. Lige Curry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HuTT0mVRZE
  8. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1389264746' post='2331991'] Having played a truly orrible, grungy, beat up 70's Jazz Bass recently, I much prefer the more hygienic modern fake versions without the grime. Not too keen on the sunburst ones but do like the Fender, Fiesta Red, Jazz Bass. [/quote] I've never understood why 'grime' has to be associated with 'worn'. A lot of the relic'd guitars and basses i've seen have what seems to be grime, dirt or rust all over them. I have a 10 basses from the 60s and early 70s that have got a few chips, buckle rash, the finish worn away and dulled metalwork but definitely no dirt and grime. Why would there be? You clean a bass like everything else. All of the basses i have (some are 50 years old) are all grime free i can assure you.
  9. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1389253324' post='2331835'] I cannot always see the videos posted here as I look at Basschat primarily in work and on a Kindle HD, neither of which allows me to even see the embedded videos let alone watch them. Thanks for thinking of me. [/quote] I'm only joking Bilbo. I knew you'd like it though. I have a few CDs by Pedro Aznar. I also saw him with Pat Metheny and i heard a podcast where PM was telling how he had advertised for a percussionist and went to South America to audition them and of course found Pedro.
  10. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1389271238' post='2332118'] But that's not true! Just one example (prompted by the revived thread), but by no means unusual: The Frankies "Two Tribes". It could (to my mind) have been "dead in the water" without the wizadry of Trevor Horn. Of course, I don't know what deal was done, but I'd bet my garden shed that, in terms of royalties, he did just as well (if not better) than the individual band members. IME successful producers, arrangers etc, have a very good idea of their worth. [/quote] I agree with that. I was really surprised when i was speaking to someone i know in the music industry (he's actually a neighbour) once that producers and even engineers often negotiate a percentage of royalties.
  11. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1389263744' post='2331974'] Ever heard of 'The Wrecking Crew'? Most of the classic American pop music from the 50's to the mid 70's was even recorded by the same couple of hundred players, let alone the writing. [/quote] That's a good point. The Wrecking Crew played on those hits made on the West Coast and Chuck Rainey, Bernard Purdie, Richard Tee, Eric Gale etc played on most of the East Coast ones.
  12. Goffin & King, Bacharach & David, Mann & Weill, Jimmy Webb and Barry Mason, Les Reed, Tony Macaulay in the UK wrote hit after hit after hit. None of these were household names while they were having those hits. The average punter didn't take much notice of who wrote the songs in the 50s and 60s. It was only some years later that they got the recognition for those songs. One interesting point is that because when they played a record on the radio in Brazil they had to by law name the composer songwriters became household names in that country.
  13. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1389252928' post='2331834'] It's funny much of this thread has moved on to the matter of the shim. [/quote] It's what happens on forums that's all. Just like most conversations we have whether at work or down the pub all conversations move on.
  14. [quote name='spinynorman' timestamp='1389228373' post='2331769'] I agree Fender has become a safe choice, but how much is fashion and how much some poor design choices by other manufacturers? To me most Guild solid bodies look plain ugly. The Pilot isn't the worst, but I still don't find it particularly attractive compared to Fenders and even some other Fender-inspired designs like Lakland. The Guild bass that does still attract serious money is the StarFire, which is a classic, timeless hollow-body. The upside is, if you don't mind the shape, you get a classic bass for much less than it's quality deserves, though that's no consolation if you own one from new. [/quote] Yes, and i still think a lot of it is to do with fashion. As i said we live in very conservative times. Very few people want to be different. In music nearly every popular artist plays it safe nowadays so what has become a traditional rock instrument fits in perfectly. People also now buy with a view that they will be selling on in the future so want something that will not lose money and hopefully actually make money. This wasn't the case in the 60s and 70s where the Fender Jazz Bass you bought new in the mid 60s would (after a few knocks and dings from gigging) be worth about half that when you part exchanged it for a new one (everyone wanted brand new shiny basses then) in the 70s. What is Road Worn today meant tatty unloved and unwanted then.
  15. A lot depends on what make the 4003 copy is. On saying that whatever 4003 copy it is it's going to be worth £200-£250+ to someone so with that and the £200 you have to spend you'll have £400-£450+ to spend on a bass and you can get a lot of bass for that.
  16. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1389214504' post='2331559'] Budget or no budget it's still better than USA precisions I've owned- although it's not been playable long enough to really get to know it! Thanks for the trolling though! [/quote] No need to be so touchy. These were budget basses in their day.
  17. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1389214276' post='2331555'] More Aznar. Beautiful [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x-031gqsVI[/media] [/quote] You're not paying attention Bilbo. I posted that before Christmas especially for you!
  18. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1389210219' post='2331470'] Ah, that is a bit unusual on a budget bass. [/quote] I hope that you're wearing your tin helmet Dingus. I can just see al the JV fan club members firing off emails to each other right now. You're right though about it being a budget bass.
  19. Mutiny: Jerome 'Bigfoot' Brailey's group after he left The Mamaship! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7kHuFCzs-s
  20. [quote name='RoRi' timestamp='1389211287' post='2331500'] A-Zack. [/quote] A modern twist on the funk and most definitely funky!!!
  21. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1389201593' post='2331308'] Cant do a Funk thread without some mad Japanese funkateers, it just wouldn't be right! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piMRpOjwm9w[/media] [/quote] About as funky as Brotherhood of Man to my ears.
  22. This thread has been posted in both General Discussion & Bass Guitars. I'd remove one or it's going to get very confusing.
  23. This thread has been posted in both General Discussion & Bass Guitars. I'd remove one or it's going to get very confusing.
  24. I had a 1983 Guild Pilot bass for sale and couldn't shift it on BC for a third of the price you'd pay for a Fender of the same year. For a made in the U.S. bass it was a bargain, played superbly, sounds great and as well made as any Fender or Gibson of the same period. The reason it didn't sell? Fashion, At the moment these aren't fashionable. We live in very conservative times where most people want to conform and don't want to be the odd one out and as far as basses are concerned the Fender blinkers are firmly in place. I rather like a Fenders by the way but do appreciate there other basses out there.
  25. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1389190892' post='2331104'] I helped a lot of people shift a lot of firewood. [/quote] I realise now that it was all a cunning plan.
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