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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1388660188' post='2324404'] Anyone remember Quazar? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBh8hdQIui8 [/quote] Quazar was Glenn Goins (former Funkadelic vocalist and guitarist) project which he produced, composed and played on with another former P-Funker, drummer Jerome 'Bigfoot' Brailey. Sadly Goins died before the LP was released which was a shame because Quazar were up the with the best funk bands, funk-upon-a-time!
  2. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1389182826' post='2330930'] Jon is right, as always. i think i destroyed my fair share of great guitars in the 90s, as they were squiers, and therefore needed to be Townsended at the end of the gig. Sorry. [/quote] So you're the reason these Squiers are going for so much nowadays.
  3. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1389183662' post='2330956'] I'm looking to sell a US Jazz, but the prices are just going down all the time at the moment. I'm hanging on for as long as I don't need the cash, hoping things (i.e. second hand prices) will improve. [/quote] I think it all depends on the age the US Jazz is. I have a couple of 1970s US Jazz Basses and there seems to be no decrease in prices at all. In fact they seem to be increasing in value.
  4. I've started a thread with a link to this in the 'eBay - Weird and Wonderful' section of this forum where it may get a few more comments. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/226520-fender-jazz-bass/"]http://basschat.co.u...nder-jazz-bass/[/url]
  5. Someone posted a link to this in the Bass Guitars section but it may have been overlooked there so here it is. Any comments? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1978-Fender-Jazz-Bass-Block-inlays-Sienna-burst-/271366693495?ssPageName=ADME:B:BCA:GB:3160
  6. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1389179878' post='2330876'] I sit corrected!!!!! G. [/quote] The only reason i questioned it was not that i didn't believe you but that as i'd never seen a Hondo P Bass thru-neck i thought that had something unique there G!
  7. Buying any Fender of that age is a minefield unless you know a lot about them. I'd want to see the neck off and also a photo of the pots before going any further. The colour is definitely not faded sunburst though.
  8. Pity it's had a refin and new pickguard.
  9. I couldn't agree more with Bassassin. I've taken the neck off dozens of guitars and basses and never had a problem re-attaching one successfully. As long as you know one end of a screwdriver from the other then you're 99% there. It really is that simple.
  10. [quote name='hoiho' timestamp='1389131544' post='2330537'] Spectacularly useless, really, from the picture to the "description". [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Precision-Bass-White-Road-Worn-/131087061233"]http://www.ebay.co.u...n-/131087061233[/url] [/quote] Infirmative? Not very informative but what's infirmative about it?
  11. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1389100117' post='2329849'] Taking the neck of is not the smartest move, getting the bolts to make that last bite might be difficult now on old wood, those that fix basses will know, that last little click makes the bass play, once you dog about with the necks on them, sometimes you can never get that grip back on the neck bolts. [/quote] I really do hope that all makes sense to you. It's gems like this that makes trawling through all the post on here worthwhile.
  12. [quote name='ebenezer' timestamp='1389124795' post='2330398'] ....maple finger board(haven't seen many with this!) [/quote] Neither have we...............PICS PLEASE!!!!!!!!
  13. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1389039089' post='2329214'] I have truss rod issues [/quote] Sounds painful.
  14. Looks like we've got two exactly the same threads running posted by the same person.
  15. [quote name='patrikmarky' timestamp='1389119961' post='2330299'] My schecter is so beutiful ..great sound... Have he no interest at all..is it me or is there no love for anything that's not fender ... [/quote] A lot of it's down to fashion. A while ago you HAD to have a Stingray but not now it seems, but they are still the great basses they always were. Now it's JV prices that have gone through the roof. It seems that everyone wants one now but these were relatively cheap up to a couple of years ago when they were just as good bases as they are today. As The Dame said: It's Fashion! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA27aQZCQMk
  16. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1389100009' post='2329847'] They didn't - Geoff's bass was a Satellite. I bought it off him & found the logo under what looked like an inch of black Hammerite under the headstock! J. [/quote] Yes i know they didn't make one Jon, hence the ?.
  17. [quote name='hubrad' timestamp='1389096708' post='2329781'] I had their catalogue way-back-when.. probably the finest guitar porn available at the time; contained many words which I'd never heard before! :-D [/quote] I remember a mate of mine part exchanging his really beaten up pre CBS Stratocaster (Lake Placid Blue i think) in Bell's in the 70s for new Strat. I think he got about £100 for the beaten up Stratocaster as there was no real market for them in that condition back then. I'm sure that it was because anyone buying a guitar at that time would have lived through the austerity of post war Britain and everyone wanted things to be bright, new and shiny. How things have changed eh?
  18. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1389097247' post='2329791'] Particularly Jason who is selling this, and is a member here. [/quote] You'll have to explain that one please. P.S. Sorry karlfer, i get it now!
  19. [quote name='hoiho' timestamp='1389090945' post='2329681'] Interesting: I can't think of any other bodies Shegold did that had rear routing, until very near the end of the company. Really ugly, though. [/quote] Ned Callan is an important brand in the history of British Rock. They were the creation of custom guitar builder Peter Cook and made to his specification by Shergold. They were endorsed by John Entwistle of The Who and distibuted by Simms-Watts. Later they were distributed by Rose Morris and branded as Shaftesbury Ned Callan. These Knobbly Neds and Cody range guitars and basses were around a lot in the 70s. Anyone who knows the history of British Rock in the 70s will be familiar with these.
  20. I can see them now. Hanging up with the Jedsons etc in the cheap section at Bell's Instruments in Surbition in the early 70s.
  21. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1389090966' post='2329682'] If it's the neck-thru, check out that there is still adjustment there. I had one and the bridge had to be rebated into the body to get a low action. [/quote] Hondo made a neck-thru P Bass?
  22. Bell and Head Jack and Danny Those crazy Germans eh? What a laugh.
  23. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1389015929' post='2328772'] We have not met, obviously... [/quote] Yeah, but i'm really crazy. I even have a certificate somewhere to prove it.
  24. "What Did The Romans Ever Do For Us?" Made Ford Transits going by the age of that. It's probably why the Romans built the roads straight if you've ever tried steering a Transit around a corner flat out?
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