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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1388805019' post='2326355'] Anyone else fancy a Tony Levin signature 3-string Stingray? [/quote] I don't think even TL has one now after the fire does he?
  2. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1388868399' post='2327229'] I guess that's what it comes down to. Your response to Lettuce's music is to want to sit down in a nice jazz club. My response (and that of the band and the audience in the video I posted) is to want get up and shake my bits. [/quote] I still reckon you could have a dance around at Ronnie's even if they didn't remove the tables. Just stand at the back with the waiters! Seriously though i do see your point. Ronnie's isn't the cheapest place in town so i'd dance on the tables if i wanted too for those prices.
  3. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1388863776' post='2327127'] I'm really interested you hear what you think of as funk with rough edges. [/quote] To me Lettuce are the type of band that would appear on the David Letterman as a a funk band. They are slick, polished and superb musicians. That brings me round to the Brecker Brothers as Paul Schaffer who heads the Letterman house band was a member of the Brecker Brothers in the 70s when they played a style of jazz funk that was loved and loathed in equal amounts. The example of the Brecker Brothers you gave was, i thought really good. Both brothers were fantastic musicians who got better with age. This clip was after they had shaken off the shackles of their early funk years and were finally accepted as serious jazz musicians. Going back to my original point. I still think that sitting at a table with the lights down low, having a drink and a meal is the ideal way to listen to Lettuce. That doesn't mean to say that i don't like them but that it's easy listening music. No problem with that as Burt Bacharach's being doing that for years and he's great. Here's the Breckers when they were both loved and loathed...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjl6XIlvfn0
  4. Got to agree with all the above. Great playing. I've wondered, probably since Live Evil was released but is Michael Henderson using any FX on this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lb-jR8OSXaY
  5. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1388858326' post='2327004'] You're definitely trying to wind me up. I don't think you've listened to them recently ... and I see no suits in this this audience (or any other I've seen on youtube) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dBJ5NyI-4w[/media] [/quote] It's very nice and they are brilliant musicians but i prefer my funk with a few more rough edges that's all. I still think that it's perfect music to sit down in a jazz club to and actually the Brecker Brothers were far more funkier.
  6. [quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1388857879' post='2326995'] i'm one of the engineers on the gig at ronnies with some bands they take out the tables in the centre of the club and convert that area into a dance floor they did this with average white band and reel people last year i would imagine this is the plan for them too [/quote] Blimey, haven't times changed. I'm showing my age now but remember when the AWB could only get a gig 'Upstairs at Ronnie's'.
  7. Oh dear. I mentioned Jazz-Rock. No one is going to read this post are they? I might have to sex the title up a bit. What about 'Not For The Narrow Minded"............ That should work
  8. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1388857650' post='2326987'] Now you're just trying to wind me up [/quote] I'm not honestly but surely it's nice and pleasant funk for people in suits or at least those who dress 'smart casual'.
  9. Here's a link to a thread i posted about Michael Henderson. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/226174-one-minute-youre-playing-bass-in-a-jazz-rock-band/
  10. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XYzbW3bZOQ[/media] .......then you're singing Soul Ballads in front of thousands of adoring fans. It's a funny old world this bass playing lark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WojJLbTgeco
  11. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1388854366' post='2326914'] if only i lived in London Geoff. my life would be full of the Jazz Cafe and all London has to offer. hope you dont mind Geoff, but the the Tune has had some action. really nice bass. ive not heard of the Starship Orchestra.? [/quote] Andrew, it's a good thing you don't live in London or you'd be poor like me. I used to spend a lot of money on going to gigs. The Starship Orchestra were Normans backing band.
  12. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1388853520' post='2326898'] Really ? Really really ? I much sooner see them at say Koko where I've got room to move a bit. Why would you anyone want to sit down for what's essentially dance music ? [/quote] Yes, it's pretty smooth funk. It's hardly the 'get down and dirty' type of funk is it? They're nearer the Brecker Brothers than Funkadelic in the funktionary.
  13. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1388852459' post='2326881'] the first time i heard this record, i thought WOW, this is totally what i dig. very slick soul jazz. check out some of his other stuff. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbePHK_sCdk[/media] [/quote] He's at the Southbank, London on 2nd March with Michael Henderson and The Starship Orchestra!!!
  14. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1388849492' post='2326826'] Why why why did they choose this venue ? I mean I'd love to see Lettuce, but sitting down at a cute little table with a lamp on it and being served drinks by a waiter is not really the right environment for that kind of band is it ? [/quote] I'd say it was the ideal place to see them for the type of music they play.
  15. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1388796020' post='2326304'] ''[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Don't bother watching if you don't like solo bass''[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color] [/quote] I understand that but still don't understand the 'narrow minded' bit.
  16. Sad news indeed. The Everly Brothers produced the most wonderful harmonies that were probably only equalled by the Beach Boys in the history of pop music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaIpXdo4KvE
  17. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1388796020' post='2326304'] ''[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Don't bother watching if you don't like solo bass''[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color] [/quote] I actually do like a bass solo and i've seen Anthony Jackson with various groups over the years and he is undoubtably a superb bass player but i found that clip really tedious. If i was in that room with that lot i'd happily pay to get out of it rather than in. There's only so much twiddly-diddly stuff a man can endure.
  18. [quote name='Si600' timestamp='1388792099' post='2326256'] Any ideas what this is? [/quote] Yes it's a Squier (note the spelling). Not a Squire.
  19. [quote name='krysh' timestamp='1388788262' post='2326197'] I just don't get this signature thing. the only reason for a lookalike that I can imagine is playing in an into-detail-tribute-band. I don't see any sense other than this. everybody will always sound like himself anyway and the only signature I like to see on my basses is mine - which I do. [/quote] The only signature bass i have is a Verdine White Ibanez. I bought it because it's really a great bass, not to sound like him. On saying that even if i played that and Verdine played a clothes prop strung with some old rusty wire sadly he'd sound ten times better than me.
  20. [size=3][b] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=2326077"][/url]BetaFunk, on 03 January 2014 - 08:23 PM, said:[/b][/size][size=3] I've had a go on a couple of Krappy guitars. Kevin at Krappy has just made me the 2-String Bass but it hasn't arrived yet. I'll let you know all about this one once it arrives but generally they are what they are. I know that's a bit sketchy but i think when you buy one your opinion is based on what you think you are getting rather than what it is. I hope that makes some sense. Whatever anyone thinks of them they are fun![/size] [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1388784724' post='2326147'] Cheers. That's kind of what I'd imagined, and why I've not pulled the trigger. Sometimes the journey is more fun than the destination! I might be searching skips for a 2x4 and some nails to use as frets though. [/quote] I'll let you know what this one is like when i receive it. I've seen pics of the finished bass and it looks great. My Reverse Jag that i made into a 2-stringer was a great success (even if i do say so myself!) so it might be worth you getting a cheap 6-string (plenty on the bay) get a couple of thicker strings, a bit of nut filing and off you go. There's even a lot of Morphine TAB out there for a 2-string tuned D-A!
  21. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1388780107' post='2326066'] How does you're 2 stringer play? I was always curious about those Krappy Guitars but put off by their disclaimer. [/quote] I've had a go on a couple of Krappy guitars. Kevin at Krappy has just made me the 2-String Bass but it hasn't arrived yet. I'll let you know all about this one once it arrives but generally they are what they are. I know that's a bit sketchy but i think when you buy one your opinion is based on what you think you are getting rather than what it is. I hope that makes some sense. Whatever anyone thinks of them they are fun!
  22. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1388778229' post='2326027'] Although chances are if they existed, I couldn't afford one! I'd be more likely to adapt a cheap old short-scale bass, which in some ways would be a more authentic approach than buying one. [/quote] I have actually converted a cheap (£35 B-Stock from Gear4Music) Reverse Jaguar Guitar into a 2-String Bass which is tuned D-A. If you are ever in London Town then you are most welcome to have a strum on both that or my Krappy Guitars 'Sandman/Morphine tribute' 2-stringer!!!
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhwFI0WUmkM
  24. There's a whole thread on it here..... http://basschat.co.uk/topic/224990-another-wtf-ebay-special/
  25. These Good Samaritans must trawl eBay and Gumtree day and night with the hope of seeing something that they decide is going too cheaply. I had this with a motorbike on ebay years ago when i won the auction for £1500. It was a good buy but not the bargain of the century by any means. After i'd contacted the seller to arrange picking it up i was informed that they might not sell it to me as someone had emailed messaged then to say it was worth £2500. I simply told them to take the £2500 if someone had actually offered that amount to them and if they did then i was happy to cancel my bid. I got an email a day later saying that the person didn't want to buy it for £2500 but was just 'advising' them of it's value. I picked up the bike the next day. Some people just love getting involved in other peoples business and perhaps it makes them feel good or maybe even wanted that they can pass on information on something they know a little about. There's a bloke that sits on a bench down my high street who 'advises' drivers on how and where to park their cars. Next time i see him i'll ask him if he's ever been on eBay.
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