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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1388602679' post='2323931'] Yup, television sets being just about the worst - they had an appalling reputation for exploding, sometimes when they were just connected to the mains rather than actually switched on ... [/quote] Yes i can imagine! What i find fascinating is that a lot of Russian basses (and guitars) have been really butchered by their owners. Where just a small screw was maybe needed it usually has a six inch nail which is strange because these instruments weren't cheap for the Russians to buy in those days.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ucwDjKC8us
  3. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1388600258' post='2323897'] Be very, very wary of anything that was made behind the Iron Curtain. I saw a Russian punk band many years ago in St Petersburg, and had a go on their bass guitar. It was absolutely awful, and I was told it was representative of the terrible instruments that were available under Communism. Amusingly, Soviet synthesisers are now considered desirable, but just like Soviet guitars they are poorly designed instruments with appalling build quality. The exceptions are some of the Vermona stuff from East Germany, which while primitive often has redeeming qualities, and Jolana from Czechoslovakia who managed to build quality instruments. [/quote] It wasn't just guitars and basses that were poorly made. The same can be said for nearly all household electrical goods. The link below is a great resource for Eastern Bloc guitars and basses. http://www.cheesyguitars.com/
  4. I'm probably not alone in finding this thread amusing. I read that Ron Wickersham the founder of Alembic that when he developed the Alembic bass electronics he did them n conjunction with flatwound strings. He obviously thought flatwounds were o.k. to put on an expensive bass. BTW Didn't the first Alembic bass that was made for Jack Casady cost something like $4,000 in 1972? As i said, a most amusing thread.
  5. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1388502100' post='2322746'] This made me laugh. [u][size=4][b]It normally takes about 5-6 days to deliver the items. Then you can get the items after hearing knock on your door.[/b][/size][/u] [/quote] Now that's what i call the personal touch.
  6. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1388542500' post='2323353'] I thought that's what all radio DJ's did ? I had the misfortune a short while ago to be stuck in a car travelling for 6 hours, not my car and not me driving. I had to put up with Chris Evans (this is way before my usual wake up time too ), who has to be the most annoying person on the planet, this was followed by some scots dick who I think was suffering from dementia. Then some abysmal phone in show, where lots of people who almost certainly read the Daily mail and haven't quite woken up to the fact that the year is 2013 phoned up and talked nonsense, then there was to cap it all, as if the previous 3 hadn't been bad, Steve Wright ! [/quote] I feel your pain. I had to put up with that at work for years. When i did complain they all said 'Wassup. Don'tcha like moosic?'. I tried to explain that that was the problem. I like music too much perhaps.
  7. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1388581808' post='2323577'] My mistake then, I have no idea what loon pants are, apologies for overreacting! But I still feel the P bass is a very fashionable bass (maybe not so much as the Jazz), there are many basses than can do the same thing that are a fraction of the price, but it still sells loads. Last time I had the opportunity to play an American P bass, I also had an opportunity to play a vintage P bass through the same amp. TBH, in a blind test I don't believe that I would have been able to tell the difference in sound and although they felt a little different, nether felt better than the other, they were just a little different. But there was a grand difference in price. So why buy the fender over the vintage if not fashion? [/quote] No worries i should have explained what i meant. I think that it's probably an age thing. I'm old so i remember when something was new but tend to forget that younger people may not. What they think is retro i sometimes think is still in fashion! I suppost that the P Bass has never gone out of fashion unlike all of the pointy BC Rich, Washburn and Jackson basses of the 80s. I'm really pleased that the Bass VI is making a comeback especially at a reasonable price as it means that younger players will get their hands on it an produce some creative music and that's a really good thing. I hope you enjoy your Bass VI whatever you play on it.
  8. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1388536270' post='2323272'] I assume the clown comment is your version of disagreeing then? Very clever. I see what you did there. You disagree with me, you must be a clown [/quote] There was no reference to clowns. Not sure why you thought that but i certainly meant no offence, it was just that when the P Bass was fashionable so were Loon Pants and Penny Collared shirts.
  9. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1388563601' post='2323404'] Darn all that diversity of music that Jools and his mates bring to our TV screens . I say bring back New Years with Andy Stuart and Moira Anderson - you knew were you were in those halcyon days! [/quote] Comparing it to last nights offering it was indeed halcyon days.
  10. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1388569266' post='2323431'] Can't seem to find this on catchup ? [/quote] Be very thankful for that.
  11. WARNING..........WARNING..........WARNING If you think Jools is bad then please do not be tempted by turning on the radio. Johnny Vaughan is on Talksport. So unless you want to hear this buffoon talk endless moronic drivel usually about himself then avoid at all cost.
  12. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1388534900' post='2323259'] It is both. [/quote] Fashionable? You don't wear loon pants and penny collared shirts by any chance do you?
  13. I can stand anymore of this old tosh. Absolute crap. I'm off to bed.
  14. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1388526842' post='2323184'] I didn't really get it to be fashionable, if that was the case I would have got a P bass! [/quote] A P Bass isn't fashionable. It's functional.
  15. It would be a better show if Jools could get The Shaggs on it one year. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxPsXPCR5MU
  16. I'm watching it now and struggling to stay awake. I can see Jools Holland taking over from Brucie and introducing Strictly Come Dancing in the near future. I'm surprised that he doesn't do a bit of tap dancing as he wanders across the studio to introduce the next band.
  17. [quote name='col.decker' timestamp='1388530737' post='2323212'] I wonder if Roland Rivron will be on????? [/quote] I sincerely hope so. The Great Escape and Roland Rivron were the only certainties for Xmas viewing for many years.
  18. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1388522844' post='2323151'] Well, the one on eBay went for more than the general selling price of 273 (which is how much mine was), and even more when most people do free delivery for that, and that had £20 delivery, so they paid £295 altogether. As I sit playing mine now, I don't actually think that is a bad price! [/quote] These were easily available to order when first released but as soon as they became trendy everyone wants one. It just goes to show that fashion rules in the guitar and bass world as much as everywhere else.
  19. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1388522544' post='2323148'] Trevor Dunns versatility always inspires me. [/quote] Yes it's impressive. I was wondering about versatile bass players when listening to a podcast interview with Chuck Rainey. He said that as a working musician he never questioned what the job was when he got the call, he just went and did it. He also said that he didn't really slap but when the job called for it he slapped. Some bass players are known for their style but many more are known for not one style but the ability to play all styles.
  20. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1388518667' post='2323061'] I fully expect to see some daft bugger with a beard and a chequed shirt playing this thing backing up Pete Docherty on Jools Holland in the near future, and to read the self- same bearded bloke waxing lyrical in his interview with Bass Guitar Magazine about its' naturally warm vintage passive tones. I just hope he paid a fortune for it. . [/quote] I'm hoping that the same will happen to this. In fact it's the only reason i watch Jools nowadays in the hope that my car boot Kay (complete with flats) like the one in the video that i splashed out £35 will become the stuff of legends backstage at Later with Jools after it's been played by some trendy indie types. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZkyw-r34HA
  21. Cleveland Eaton is an interesting Bass Player. I doubt that he was ever out of work. He played with Ramsey Lewis, Count Basie and many others plus numerous recording sessions and also recorded as a leader what must have been decent selling LPs in the 70s/80s Jazz Funk era. P.S. I'm pretty sure that Maurice White later of Earth Wind & Fire was the drummer with the Ramsey Lewis Trio at the time Eaton played with him. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YHEWFdhEMc[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wH5TjU-3FEU[/media]
  22. Just put Flats on it then it will sound the same as an exotic boutique bass with Flats costing many thousands of pounds. P.S. That sounds like it should be in Viz 'Handy Hints' now i come to think of it. Changes voice to very posh and serious....... "hey! Johnny Bass Player! Fed up that you can't afford a very expensive boutique bass guitar with quilted maple top? Then you need Wizzo Flatwound Strings. They will make your 1965 Top Twenty bass guitar that your Granny bought you for Christmas in 1965 sound just like a £5,000 custom bass guitar"
  23. More of the George Clinton magic..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpN4dhh3ad8
  24. Jessica Cleaves: ex Friends of Distinction, Earth Wind & Fire and the voice on all those Parliafunkadelicment records http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQhJKoZjTqk
  25. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1388511066' post='2322901'] [/quote] BEHIND YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
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