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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1388401731' post='2321487'] I don't know why people seem to get so upset when instruments are offered on eBay (and elsewhere) at what they consider to be over-priced values. No-one is forcing you to buy them at that price. EBay sellers can stick stuff up at any price they want. If it sells great. If it doesn't then they can reconsider what they want to do when they realist the item. It's got nothing to do with the rest of us. [/quote] Couldn't agree more. Excellent post.
  2. Unfortunately my Tea Chest has blown away during the night. It was last seen heading towards the Surrey green belt. I knew it was a mistake leaving it in the garden after painting it with creosote last night. Fortunately i have another but this time i plan to fill it with concrete so it won't blow away but will this ruin the acoustics?
  3. [quote name='Mod_Machine' timestamp='1388392430' post='2321383'] We seem to have a shortage of custom string suppliers and companies selling off the shelf replacement/alternative scratch plates in this Country. [/quote] And that's a problem? Every company i've ever dealt with in the US has delivered exactly what i wanted at a good price and despatched quickly. As for this country i've sourced all of the replacement parts i've ever needed for the 1960s basses i've had here in the UK. I've had numerous scratch plates, pickup surrounds and truss rod covers also made here. I don't see a great need for custom strings for me in the UK when companies make these so cheaply in the US, usually with reasonable shipping as well.
  4. [quote name='Mod_Machine' timestamp='1388343878' post='2321034'] Hi, I have the squier vi and want a thicker set of strings on it. Seems silly that fender website advertise they come with 26-95 gauge strings on but in reality they are arriving with same as the fender bass vi....24 to 84 gauge. So lots on the internet about the labellas, which is fine but at £55 in UK its too expensive. There is also lots about the length required for the vi meaning guitar strings are not long enough and loads of people saying order custom made sets....but no definitive answer... So where in the UK can I get a heavier gauge e (and possibly a) string to fit squier vi with a small ball end? Ta M_M [/quote] I've found that the 'Bass VI Players' page on FB is the best resource for all things Bass VI. You may have to trawl through a lot of other stuff on there but they have all the information you'll ever want to know about what strings to use on your Bass VI.
  5. [quote name='keeponehandloose' timestamp='1388361052' post='2321299'] if you have some old twine from the local hardware store that will do fine. tea chest bases are great fun, I even made a left handed one for buddy of mine . he just couldnt get the hang of my right handed one.. [/quote] Yes but will it sound as good as a Stingray and will it be any good for metal?
  6. This is also an interesting one.... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gB8-u09o02Y[/media] I read somewhere that this is played on a keyboard that used samples from Bireli Lagrene's Fretless Jazz Bass.
  7. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1388264808' post='2320259'] You might find this link useful - [url="http://www.watkinsguitars.co.uk/index.htm"]http://www.watkinsgu...co.uk/index.htm[/url] [/quote] Thanks Ash. I'm familiar with that site because i have both WEM and Watkins basses but it doesn't answer what the differences are between the guitar and bass amps.
  8. I love Jaco and the twiddly noodlings of Michael Manring, Stu Hamm and Victor Wooten etc but i think that i've finally seen the light. I know i'll never reach the dizzy heights of these great players so i decide that maybe i should set my sights slightly lower. I found this on the net and this is now the path i will follow. I already have a tea chest and have my Nan's old clothes prop but what string(s) should i use to get this sound? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYU-cwc462g[/media]
  9. [quote name='ML94' timestamp='1388238680' post='2319788'] Anything that has a nice feel to it. I like the modern edge to some of the artists as well like Joss Stone who really can sing. [/quote] If you think that Joss Stone can really sing then you have a wonderful journey ahead of you discovering hundreds of singers that are far better than Ms Stone. Listen to everything you can and judge for yourself.
  10. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1388349500' post='2321140'] Yep you are right - mine wasn't cheap and I had to get a NOS fretted neck for it too! I'm now lucky enough to have the parts to renovate a second one. I actually have three spare Marathon 6 string bass necks to work with; one fretless (my original), one NOS oil finished and one NOS just sealed and sanded. I think these were the last available. I love the sound of chords on the Marathon 6 - and the Fender VI for that matter, great through a Copicat echo. [/quote] In the shop where i bought my 1974 Fender Jazz Bass around 1990 they had a white Marathon 6 standing next to it in the shop. It was £185 and it stayed there for months and months. Nobody wanted it. How times and of course fashion has changed. Of course there was a time when nobody wanted that 1974 Jazz and that's why it has been a bit of a bargain and yes i still have it!
  11. [quote name='Sambrook' timestamp='1388348291' post='2321121'] Sold! How quick was that? [/quote] Perhaps the price had something to do with that?
  12. [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1388348623' post='2321126'] Sold when I was investigating it! Im heading your way at weekend too!! [/quote] Investigating it? What was there to investigate?
  13. The internet is a good place to start looking for one.
  14. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1388343965' post='2321037'] I think the Shergold Marathon 6 is a much more viable option as a bass 6 - the string spacing is far more comfortable and 'bass-like'. I have had Squier, Fender MIJ and Pawnshop versions of the Bass VI and have found them great sounding instruments but uncomfortable to play on account of the string spacing. I have used my Shergold live and not had any problems getting tangled up in the strings like I did with the Fender VI so I sold mine on. [/quote] I'm a great fan of all Shergolds and the Marathon 6 is no exception but they are silly money now for most punters now they have become 'fashionable'. Even in the early 90s you'd be lucky to get £175 for one if you were selling one but now as you know as well as me it's name your price. I blame Hooky and New Order.
  15. [quote name='topo morto' timestamp='1388342145' post='2321013'] I am fully expecting this to happen at some point! [/quote] I've just noticed that there's one in the BC Basses For Sale section too.
  16. This is the second one in a week on ebay in the UK. Perhaps the novelty is wearing off for some. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Squier-Bass-VI-/141151765841?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item20dd4d0551
  17. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1388338276' post='2320946'] Back in the days when we queued outside record shops for long anticipated LP or Single releases. [/quote] Yes and they always seemed to be released on a Friday.
  18. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1388337658' post='2320933'] Prince back in 1979 - I Wanna Be Your Lover. [/quote] I bought that LP on the day it was released. It's seems a long, long time ago now.
  19. The Ohio Players ......... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y47G-Wa4qfs
  20. [quote name='RoRi' timestamp='1388336574' post='2320906'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd52_fjLFs0[/media] [/quote] Excellent!!!!
  21. We've got to have this classic by Zapp. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK6wOG_aDl8
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoHpjmuFe44
  23. Daryl L Cameron puts on his Captain Sky costume and dishes out the funk........ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMJPqo9jlDg
  24. Don't Fake The Funk ................wise words indeed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXweNzXe9H4
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