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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. This thread is making me feel very old. I heard this in 1971 before Clean Up Woman was released. Amazing maturity in her singing for 16-year-old. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHjBSfZrz7I
  2. [quote name='Johnm93' timestamp='1387834678' post='2316378'] Hi Betafunk. My girl lives in Gloucester and I'm in Croydon. She may be able to do the honours if you need. Drop a pm if that's the case. [/quote] Thanks. Much appreciated.
  3. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1387832930' post='2316346'] I will be coming home past Gloucester on Sat 28th. PM me in the meantime if you get no offers from native Gloswegians! [/quote] Will do. Cheers!
  4. This is a long shot but i've seen a bass on the net but it is pick up only in Gloucester. If i did buy it i would need someone to pick it up for me and keep it until i can drive down and pick it up. A nice bottle of wine, money, chocolates etc is on offer!
  5. Here's another Miami musician on that JS album. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yReDe5-rTIU That fretless Fender Jazz Bass sounds familiar. Sounds like someone has ripped the frets out with a pair of pliers.
  6. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1387829174' post='2316284'] Cant say i really dig Joss Stone's voice, or music.. interesting facts though BF [/quote] Me neither but she had some great musicians on that 1st album which made it really. I think that Betty Wright co-produced it and with Benny Latimore and those other Miami session musicians she couldn't go wrong. Here's Benny Latimore. One the great soul voices of the 70s. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SfpofKEzTE
  7. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1387827186' post='2316236'] Think this a great album. Betty Wright's 'Clean up Woman is a classic. this stuff with the Roots is cracking. [/quote] They got Betty Wright in to mentor Joss Stone when she went to the U.S. to record her 1st album with Miami soul musicians Timmy Thomas, Little Beaver etc. However decent a singer Joss is she's no Betty Wright. Great singer.
  8. TC Electronic Ditto Krappy Guitars 2-String Bass
  9. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1387740650' post='2315135'] Well done Mssr Clouseau, er, Mr. Funk. Good work. As said, if it looks too good.............. Bugger [/quote] Cheers.......
  10. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1387741943' post='2315156'] Back in the day(!!!) we used a Selmer Goliath cab which had an 18" Goodmans in it rated at, I think 50 Watts & was 16 Ohm. A bundle of joy to carry around! G. [/quote] That is beautiful and i want one!
  11. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1387736499' post='2315068'] I'd say chances are nil; nobody buys a bass in September for roughly £2,600 then sells it a couple of months later for £1,000 and uses the same item description as the guy they just bought it from. [/quote] It's similar to this Kubicki thread. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/225198-kubicki/
  12. Looks familiar? [url="http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=281208865323"]http://www.ebay.com/...em=281208865323[/url] If they are in Leicester then it's a long way to go to Massachusetts for a church service and i'd hardly call it local. There are also taking a bit of a hit on the price because it went for nearly £1700 on ebay last month.
  13. http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=261273380598&item=261273380598&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466
  14. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1387712555' post='2314759'] I've got a few sets of Fender Jazz Bass ashtrays here at home. Both covers weigh less than a single pickup. To cause a bass to "roll forward", they'd need to be made out of a couple of bricks [/quote] I was so intrigued i just weighed the ashtray and pickup cover from my 1974 Fender Jazz and together they weigh just 170 grams (less than 6 ounces). They are so light that they might well blow away in a strong wind!
  15. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1387699133' post='2314564'] Any reason why i cant use strings for a 34" scale on a 32.5" scale bass? I would of thought that shouldnt be a problem but best to run this past the BC bretheren? Cheers [/quote] You mean can you use Long Scale strings on a Medium Scale bass. No reason as long as they fit correctly. I've just put Medium Scale strings on my Short Scale resonator bass as Short Scale ones are too short. This thread may help. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/224868-status-bass-strings/page__p__2311785__hl__strings%20status__fromsearch__1#entry2311785
  16. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1387643519' post='2314151'] mine hardly weigh anything? [/quote] Same here.
  17. This has been a very strange thread. It seems more to do with what someone's definition of 'Modern Sounding' is. Interesting posts but getting nowhere because no one can define it. All we have is a list of excellent producers and productions. As i say it's interesting all the same.
  18. [quote name='darkandrew' timestamp='1387403165' post='2311684'] I'm left with a high regard for the song writing, musicianship, etc but a slight feeling of being underwhelmed by the recording itself. [/quote] To me the recording of DSOTM sounds fine. It's the rest of it that has always underwhelmed me.
  19. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1387619829' post='2313814'] When I saw the thread title I thought it was about people using the word 'Whatever' in a dismissive manner lol. [/quote] I think it's turned into that.
  20. Gallagher and Turnbull pre-Blockheads http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_OmyWtAqCU
  21. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1387557612' post='2313383'] It's the blockheads before they became the blockheads [/quote] Exactly. Not the Blockheads. I saw Skip Bifferty for example on the college circuit long before two of them became Blockheads etc etc. I'm sure that there's numerous examples of them all playing in other bands other than the Blockheads. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asA5mPZDCW8[/media]
  22. http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/unique-2-string-bass-guitar/1042535527#photo-content
  23. [quote name='jenevers' timestamp='1387546678' post='2313211'] What is the PURPOSE of the pickup and bridge covers on a Jazz bass? What do they actually do? [/quote] They're bright and shiny and look lovely.
  24. I've often found that a nice large ashtray bridge cover can be very convenient if there is no mirror to hand. I think i saw this first in Spinal Tap although i'm not sure.
  25. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1387532101' post='2312930'] It does to me too in 2013 but in the 1970s The Blockheads were a great band even without Ian Dury. I saw them loads of times in pubs in London and they were up there with the best of them at the time. [/quote][quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1387532968' post='2312943'] and for all the 1970s radio caroline heads out there ... [media]http://youtu.be/zsa3OHzOIlM[/media] [/quote] Not sure how that's relevant to my post but if that's what you were listening to in the 70s then great but it was a long way away from what i was listening to. .............although it is rather soothing.
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