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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1387527400' post='2312870'] TBH The Blockheads without Ian Dury (never mind NWR) seems a fairly pointless exercise to me. [/quote] It does to me too in 2013 but in the 1970s The Blockheads were a great band even without Ian Dury. I saw them loads of times in pubs in London and they were up there with the best of them at the time.
  2. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1387498856' post='2312816'] For me, it is probably never a guitar I would use all the time, not quite a guitar, not quite a bass. I found it a bit harder playing as a bass with fingers due to the narrowness of the string gap, but was surprised at just how bass it sounded. So I wouldn't really have an option of buying the fender as it is way out of the money I would pay for that sort of instrument, but the squier is really in the 'why not' price range. the trem is like, the fender I played didn't have the trem bar fitted, but as I never use them on the guitar, can't imagine me using one on a bass. [/quote] This bloke doesn't seem to have a problem using his fingers. Mind you it helps if your name is Roy Babbington who is still the finest Bass VI player i've ever seen.
  3. [quote name='still-young' timestamp='1387495930' post='2312788'] Yeah I'm sure there are however, I am an 18 year old student who works 11 hours a week haha. Also I prefer the squiers pickups and pickup selector and also the neck even though that's superficial... However if I got enough money for Christmas for the fender things may become mor difficult... If they made the squier version as a fender one I'd definitely save for it. [/quote] I have a PSVI but if the Squier VI had been out when i bought it i would have bought the Squier VI and i'm sure i'd be more than happy with it. They are an absolute steal for the money.
  4. [quote name='still-young' timestamp='1387487554' post='2312687'] The red fender one is beautiful, I have a bit of a thing for matching headstocks... But I feel the squier is better value for money. If i can find a fender somewhere though I can see how it feels upside down. And I really like the tort guard... [/quote] There's no doubt that the Squier is an absolute bargain but there are reasons that the Pawn Shop is more expensive.
  5. One of these sold on ebay this week so i'm sure that the club's membership is about to rise.
  6. Remember this? I still think it's amusing after all these years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8SW_sKF5Sg
  7. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1387223385' post='2309612'] Email or call them - not only bargains but excellent customer service as well. [/quote] +1 Phoned them yesterday and they sorted out what i wanted and even phoned me back after i'd placed the order on the net because they were low on some strings. Great service. They also said that they are reviewing their strings and may not be stocking some short and medium scale strings in the future.
  8. Just be grateful that it hasn't been relic'd.
  9. That's all great but i especially thought that Peg was brilliant.
  10. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1387321706' post='2310806'] Staytrem bridge was £65 and tremolo unit was £45, so quite a lot as a proportion of the price of the Squier itself (i.e. £270). But if you think of it as as Bass VI with a proper bridge and locking tremolo unit for around £370 or so then you might think it acceptable as long as you aren't going to resell it immediately. [/quote] The Staytrem bridge looks like a really essential upgrade on these. Well worth the money. Even with the extra spent on the Staytrem it's still a cracking guitar for under £400.
  11. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1387321935' post='2310808'] Storky said he was having some buzzing problems; I said so was I; you said your luthier fixed it; I said perhaps I needed a professional, i.e. professional luthier, too. That's it. [/quote] My apologies ET, i misunderstood. My PSVI was buzzing ever since i bought but the luthier i took it too did some work on the nut and set it up really nicely. He said that he couldn't eliminate all of the buzzing but it sounds so much better than it did.
  12. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1387318186' post='2310748'] You're correct on the rejection timescale, but I'd still kick up a stink if they're acting like wazzicks. Sale of goods act is up to 5 years in Scotland & 6 in England & Wales. [/quote] Yes i agree. I'd also kick up a stink if they were like that.
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1387311864' post='2310642'] Maybe I need a professional on the job. [/quote] I have no idea what you are talking about.
  14. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1387311367' post='2310632'] It's not the manufacturers choice. It comes down to the Sale of Goods and Services Act. If you know about this, and how to use it, you'd be surprised as to how much time can pass by and you'd still get a refund or replacement. Warranty says no.. but reasonable usage says yes. I've quoted this act twice in correspondence with sellers, and won both times. And one of them was for a complete new exhaust system on a Land Rover, and had I not fought, I would have just accepted what the dealer told me. [/quote] What i've said is correct. You can come to an agreement with the retailer but that is nothing to do with the Sale of Goods and Services Act. Read my post again as it has a lot to do with the time you have physically had the goods and that's a fact.
  15. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1387308870' post='2310587'] If the amp's only 6 months old I'd be asking for a replacement under your statutory rights. No ifs or buts. [/quote] It's not that simple. You can ask for a refund but if the goods were bought months ago it is too long a time period to 'reject' them. If the goods can't be repaired you can then demand a replacement.
  16. [quote name='Storky' timestamp='1387283008' post='2310143'] I've got one, and that's how i feel about it. Its not worth selling even if i wanted to because its great fun for the money and actually it sounds great too. I've gigged it as the main bass in my "pub band" and it was very powerful; really cut through the mix. I have two problems with it though - string spacing is tricky if you're used to playing a conventional 4 string bass and the fret buzz/bridge allignment is still work in progress. [/quote] I had a fret buzz problem with my PSVI when i bought it but after my local luthier worked his magic on it it's been fine.
  17. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1387274118' post='2310012'] I'm kind of expecting a wave of these to hit the second hand market at somepoint. I think the Bass VI definitely falls into the category of "very, very cool, but what do you do with it?" and a lot of people are buying them on something of a whim. [/quote] That was the general view after the Pawn Shop Bass VI came out but it hasn't happened yet. The Squier is so cheap that i doubt it will happen with that either as owners will keep them as they haven't invested a lot of money in them.
  18. [quote name='Bankai' timestamp='1387252255' post='2309903'] They do not insure for damage though, only for loss in transit. If you book a UK->UK delivery with them, it'll be done by TNT. [/quote] I rather like the sound of that. I've never had a problem with anything i've ever sent being damaged but i'm much more concerned that it may be lost.
  19. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1387223107' post='2309603'] [/quote] Great choice. Beautiful album.
  20. [quote name='krysh' timestamp='1387207983' post='2309347'] here my beloved pair of guild pilots: [/quote] Very Nice. I have a Guild Pilot (like the one on the left) in yellow with Kahler Tremolo. Superb basses.
  21. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1387223385' post='2309612'] Email or call them - not only bargains but excellent customer service as well. [/quote] Excellent. Will do, thanks for that.
  22. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1387222531' post='2309590'] As far as I'm aware it's the part not covered with silk. My favourite flats BTW, and a bargain too! [/quote] Thanks for that. They really look like a bargain for the price. I'm wondering if they will be long enough as the 'speaking length' is 32 3/4 inches. I've measured the G string on two of my old Short Scales Basses (1960s VOX Clubman & Burns Sonic both with inline tuners) and from the bridge to the tuning peg it's 37 inches. Maybe i'll have to give them a call unless anyone has Status Short Scale Strings and knows the actual length.
  23. I recently bought a Kay for £20 at a car boot sale and was extremely disappointed that it was nowhere near as good as my mate's Alembic. I mean it doesn't even come close to it in build quality. It's plywood and the intonation as all over the place and oh those frets, while the hardware leaves a lot to be desired and don't get me started on the pickups.
  24. I want to buy a couple of sets of Status Flatwound Strings for my Short Scales basses. Below is what it says about them on their website. Anyone know what the 'speaking' length means? SHORT SCALE Round-wound, half-wound, flat-wound or vintage black nylon strings are available. They have a 'speaking' length of 832mm ( 32 3/4" ) which makes them suitable for most 30" scale basses. (Please check length to make sure they work on your bass).
  25. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1387114835' post='2308281'] I mentioned this Ovation USA made acoustic further up this thread. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ovation-B768-Elite-Acoustic-Bass-Guitar-Black-Including-Hard-Case-/271341979667?ssPageName=ADME:B:EOIBUAA:GB:3160"]http://www.ebay.co.u...EOIBUAA:GB:3160[/url] Isn't £392 an utter bargain for this? When I looked into other sales, they were over a grand. [/quote] Yes but again it's collection only. This greatly reduces the amount of punters who would be interested in it.
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