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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. It's a very serious place on here sometimes that's for sure.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LmZCMmNPkM
  3. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1387143279' post='2308750'] One of these might be rather cool for some Sonics / Trashmen action. [/quote] I like to play along to this on mine.............. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCmTw5ckN-k
  4. Stick me down as member #2 in this rather exclusive club please. P.S. I forgot to say that these basses are better than a Musicman Stingray with it's lovely 'woody' sound (thinking about it that's probably cos it's made of wood).
  5. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1387137548' post='2308594'] Looks like we cross-posted, so ta for digging up an old thread I'd completely forgotten about - I think I explained myself somewhat better back then! I'm starting to worry that I might have forgotten more than I ever knew... J. [/quote] Jon, I remembered your op because i read it before buying my version of these basses. And a jolly decent bass it was for the money!
  6. One of the most annoying stunts that some couriers pull is the text or email with 'you were not in so we could not deliver. Please visit our website or reply to arrange a re-delivery' one when they haven't been anywhere near your address all day. The contempt that some of them have for customers is mind boggling.
  7. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1387130204' post='2308485'] Without seeing it, generic Japanese or Korean (same design was made in both countries) short-scale starter bass. Body is probably plywood, pickups are definitely single-coils in mini-humbucker size cases. These basses were sold with lots of different names on the headstock, and also like this one, unbranded, which means it's not "an" anything. You see so many basses with this same Burns-influenced design that I tend to think a few different factories made them - as I said, I ve seen both MIJ and MIK examples. Here's an early 70s Aria catalogue with a very similar bass: [url="http://www.matsumoku.org/models/aria/catalogs/75_aria/75_aria_catalog_pg1.jpg.html"]http://www.matsumoku...og_pg1.jpg.html[/url] Notice there's no brand name on the headstock. This is because these were stock factory shots used by any reseller who the manufacturer supplied. And in this case, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the factory wasn't Matsumoku! Jon. [/quote] I must have posted just before you Jon but hope you didn't mind me putting the link to one of your old posts as it was a good post which explained about these basses.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYX0sjP6Za8
  9. These were made in their thousands and the majority were sold unbranded with no name ever on them. I picked up a short scale version this year that was perfectly playable with a nice low action for £60. P.S. If you click on the link below there is a very informative post by Jon (Bassassin) who knows his stuff on this subject. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/120229-parts-for-60s-jap-bass-like-silvertone-1490-aria-a-200/page__p__1103857__hl__1490__fromsearch__1#entry1103857
  10. [quote name='still-young' timestamp='1387115846' post='2308297'] Saw placebo last night, fantastic band, they played a bass vi...that's cemented it. Getting one after christmas [/quote] I'd get your order in as soon as possible then.
  11. What about a 'basses that have never been outside your bedroom' club?
  12. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1387078657' post='2308047'] I think that I'm doing a service to the bass playing community if I tell them about the dogs. [/quote] As a part of that bass playing community i can only thank you for such a selfless deed. Truly inspirational.
  13. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1387072691' post='2308036'] Goes to show there's [i]a lot[/i] of variation in the standards/reliability of most courier services. [/quote] Absolutely. I've had fantastic service and also really pathetic service from the same courier company more than once. I've used all of the major ones and they all are much the same. i.e. one day brilliant, another day hopeless. I put it down to luck rather than the skill and organisation of the carrier as to whether something arrives, arrives damaged or they lose it completely. Pure luck.
  14. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1387071926' post='2308031'] Awesome thread thought would give it a bump for more stories. [/quote] It's funny how we all differ but i thought this one of the most pointless threads on BC. It just seems like moaning for sake of it to me.
  15. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1387069196' post='2308007'] DPD are great. [i]Really[/i] good service and their tracking is first class. [/quote] Not in my experience. See post #51 in this thread. Their tracking on their website told me that 'Your Parcel Was Refused' when it clearly wasn't and no attempt was ever made to deliver it. I was in all day and they did not attempt to deliver anything. So no their tracking isn't first class. P.S. See post #36 for the fun and games i had with Interparcel. Never again with that shower.
  16. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1385239086' post='2286066'] Anyone tried DPD? Their website even has instrument packing guidelines, so a good start? [/quote] Yesterday (Saturday) i had a text from DPD letting me know that a parcel was being delivered in the morning. They even gave me a one hour slot and the drivers name. That's nice i can hear you say. Well it would be but they had already sent me a text the day before telling me that it would be delivered on Monday but if it was going to be delivered two days earlier that can only be a good thing. Well yes, but of course the parcel didn''t arrive yesterday. I then had to go on the DPD website because i now have to rearrange delivery of a parcel that has never been delivered in the first place. Still with me? Good. So onto the website i go and the tracking says 'Your Parcel Was Refused'. This is the same parcel that no attempt has ever been made to deliver as no one rang my door bell (i was in at the stated time) and no card was left by the courier. Hardly fills me with confidence in using them but on saying that i've had trouble with most of the courier companies it's just down luck whether your goods arrive in my experience.
  17. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1387042120' post='2307731'] I'm sure he enjoyed it. [/quote] I'm glad he did. I can't say i did but it wouldn't be good if we all like the same thing. Give me the EW&F version anyday.
  18. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1387039592' post='2307700'] well it is an Earth Wind and Fire song from 1975. maybe thats got something to do with it,? [/quote] This Skip Scarborough penned song was originally recorded by Creative Source in 1973. EW&F recorded it a couple of years later.
  19. There's some old threads being dragged up today.
  20. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1387015727' post='2307394'] I just about qualify here as I owned one as part of my shop inventory when I had one for a couple of years (shop, not bass). It is an absolute cracker - beautifully made, neck was lovely, very nice to play. Never got to hear it being gigged, but the tone unplugged and plugged in was great - the lipstick pickup somehow managed to keep the resonator vibe. It was also a major talking point - everyone will be asking you about it at gigs! Apart from heavy and loud the other bit that everyone will tell you - they're a nightmare to keep clean! Finally, I thought they used to be brass bodies, I see they are now as you say, steel, so the current ones may well be a bit lighter. [/quote] Thanks for the reply. I've wanted one since they came out but at first resisted then they seemed to shoot up in price but i managed to find one a brand new one tucked away in a guitar shop that they must have had for years as the price was the same as when i saw one many years ago. P.S. I also thought that they were brass bodies (maybe the older ones are) but the Ozark website lists the 3516B as nickel plated steel but the similar looking 3515 guitar range as solid brass which seems strange. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1387018357' post='2307420'] I owned a reso bass but not an Ozark so hopefully still allowed to comment. Initially it looked great but sounded pretty awful. I strung it with flats which completely transformed the bass tonally, more so than any other bass going from rounds to flats. It really came into its own. I used it live a fair bit bit sadly it was one of the casualties in my divorce a few years ago. Great bass and a more portable alternative to an upright bass on acoustic nights. [/quote] Thanks for the tip about flats. Sounds interesting, i will definitely give that a go.
  21. I'm sure a few basschatters have owned these Steel Bodied Basses so i'd like to know anyone's opinions who has owned one of these. I don't really want to know opinions on it if you haven't owned one, like 'it's really heavy' (yes i know) and 'it isn't very loud (yes i know that as well) but would really appreciate what you thought of it if you owned one.
  22. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1386888028' post='2306178'] +1 [/quote]
  23. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1386846800' post='2305220'] Just for a bit of 70's nostalgia we sometimes do 'Sky High' by Jigsaw in the house band's jam session forays. We drop it down to a lower key though! [/quote] Great 70s pop song.
  24. [quote name='Toddy' timestamp='1386806840' post='2304983'] still chuffed with the pic tho..... [/quote] So you should be, that's a great pic! P.S. I'd be chuffed i could do that even without a bass guitar in my hands.
  25. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1386799042' post='2304842'] I was at Dorset this weekend. Better not turn this into a mungo jerry thread. Or smashie and nicey;) [/quote] That's a long way from Twickers old chap. Weren't you just a bit homesick? P.S. As it happens i'm in Twickers tomorrow morning.
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