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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. Compared with more modern basses the Musicmaster may not be great but it's certainly a decent bass when compared with a lot of other basses that were around in the 70s. I'm not at all surprised that they are collectable.
  2. [quote name='JuliusGroove' timestamp='1386599967' post='2301973'] I have to do an essay for Uni about a pre 1970 track that has heavy influenced music of its own type and others. I'm thinking of doing Milestones by Miles Davis as the starting ground for Modal Jazz.. Would I be correct in saying it was the first Modal Jazz tune? I've tried doing some research and can't find another track credited before Milestones as the first Modal Jazz track so I'm assuming it was.. Also any insight into the track/sessions/album or general history would be greatly appreciated. References optional Thanks! [/quote] It might be worth having a look at the 1950s work of George Russell for examples of Modal Jazz. Bill Evans was a member of his group before he played with Miles who gave Evans a lot of credit for what he brought to the band.
  3. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1386542982' post='2301373'] Been doing a bit of research on the Musicmaster. The pickup looks to be a Strat pickup, as on the Bronco, so if hum was a real problem then a hum-cancelling Strat pickup would fix it. I'm actually more concerned about the intonation on the 2-saddle bridge. Of course I could just try it out and plug it into my Korg Pitchblack. I feel a plan coming on... [/quote] If you are worried about all those things then you're probably looking at the wrong bass for you. A Musicmaster is what it is. It's a no frills basic short scale bass. That's it.
  4. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1386513930' post='2300873'] we're all at it [/quote]
  5. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1386512960' post='2300863'] Its already being watched..... [/quote] ....it most certainly is.
  6. [quote name='Raymondo' timestamp='1386511067' post='2300842'] Well I had one of the best nights of my life! It was fantastic,sure,the strokes have meant that Tony doesn't sing very much now but his wife jo did brilliantly.I got to chat to all the band members and even got asked to play in the jam session that followed the gig. Dave Anderson (ex Hawkwind) the bass player kindly let me use his gear,unfortunately Tony didn't join in on the songs I played but he was very appreciative and encouraging. Tony and his wife run an open Mic session at the pub every Tuesday...I intened driving over to join in a few times in the new year. Yes I know I am suddenly calling him Tony but they were all so friendly (and amazing musicians!) that I felt like a friend. [/quote] Sounds like a great evening.
  7. [quote name='alembic63' timestamp='1386455556' post='2300436'] Saw Wishbone Ash play to 50 people at the Queen Elizabeth Hall in Oldham in the late 80's... Martin Turner playing a Squire Jazz .....fantastic night ,had a good chat to the band after the gig ,but very surreal [/quote] I suppose it's often a lot to do with how are you as to what sort of venue you saw a band in. I only ever saw Wishbone Ash in college and small halls in the early 70s. Similar to groups like Thin Lizzy around the same time.
  8. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1386508297' post='2300796'] Yay, I'm currently the winning bidder on this: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ovation-B768-Elite-Acoustic-Bass-Guitar-Black-Including-Hard-Case-/271341979667?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3f2d3e0813&autorefresh=true"]http://www.ebay.co.u...utorefresh=true[/url] For some strange reason, I'm not looking up how to get to Leek on public transport. [/quote] Agreed. I wouldn't book your supersaver rail ticket just yet.
  9. What about this for a bit of keyboard bass. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gB8-u09o02Y[/media] Played on keyboard by Koono after being sampled from Birelli Lagrene's Fender Jazz Bass. Not bad for something that was recorded over 20 years ago.
  10. I bought a 'B Stock' guitar from them which i made into a 2-String Bass. The packaging was very flimsy but it arrived undamaged and for 40 quid including postage it was a bargain.
  11. [quote name='Raymondo' timestamp='1386447513' post='2300328'] Its very weird to see the tiny stage gear Set up in a pub.....I used tp see them in big halls and at festivals.....not sure how I feel about seeing one of my heros playing a pub. [/quote] I've only ever seen them in very small venues but it was a very long time ago. [quote name='Raymondo' timestamp='1386447513' post='2300328'] anyone else been to see their heros in a small venue (I don't mean big bands doing warm up gigs )? how did you feel? [/quote] I've seen many of my heroes play small venues.................Usually long before they were famous. Enjoy the gig!!!
  12. That's nice. I really enjoyed the restoration thread as well. Great job!
  13. It's very funkadelicslystoneaveragewhitebandtroublefunkkoolandgangish dontcha think?
  14. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1386358443' post='2299348'] Why haven't people tired of the air guitar rubbish, yes it was mildly amusing....10 years ago [/quote] Probably more like 20 years ago but it still obviously amuses some people.
  15. The only thing that did for me was to go and play the original immediately.
  16. It looks like The Who weren't the first to smash their instruments on stage. It seems that Jerry Lee Lewis and Charles Mingus beat them to it some years before before but The Who and especially Pete Townshend certainly made it a popular thing for rock groups to do.
  17. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1386273492' post='2298193'] If you get it working try selling it on here first on the lefty sale forum as you wont be hit with 10% fees. [/quote] You would if it sold for £70.............
  18. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1386265922' post='2298023'] What was his putting like after 5 minutes? [/quote]
  19. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1386254433' post='2297770'] But that's the point. Those with more talent will exceed over those who simply put the time in. [/quote] I agree that you have to have the talent but i can only compare it with footballers that i have worked with. I don't know any who have fulfilled the potential (however talented) without putting in the hours on the training pitch. Wasn't it the great golfer Gary Player who once said 'the more i practice, the luckier i get'.
  20. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1386257384' post='2297821'] Because I'd played about four or five other basses while I was there, and I had to stop somewhere I end up buying very little from shops, so feel if I'm taking the p a bit if I try too much gear. [/quote] I would have played it in the shop. If you had already played four or five others i doubt that one more would have been a problem. I would definitely have tried it out as i doubt that there is another one in a UK shop at the moment.
  21. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1386246815' post='2297614'] One of my local shops has these in, and is selling them for a very reasonable price. I thought it was £273, which matches internet prices. [/quote] If the shop is local to you then why not go there and play it? If they have one in stock then i'd buy it pretty quick as i'd be surprised if many (if any) other dealers have one in stock.
  22. Scott LaFaro is probably not the best example. His father studied under the well known violinist and teacher Otakar Sevcik then played in some of the best bands of the day including the Paul Whiteman Orchestra and with the Dorsey Brothers. Scott played the piano and then the bass clarinet before taking up the bass. He also had perfect pitch and of course as has already been said he was a genius!
  23. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1386186290' post='2296944'] This is a great laugh from Stuart Maconie [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Cider-Roadies-Stuart-Maconie/dp/0091897459/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1386186216&sr=1-1&keywords=cider+with+roadies"]http://www.amazon.co...er+with+roadies[/url] ... and from the collection I had that I've only just donated to a local charity shop, this one by Gary Valentine (ex Blondie) [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/New-York-Rocker-Generation-1974-1981/dp/1560259442/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1386187952&sr=1-1&keywords=gary+valentine"]http://www.amazon.co...=gary+valentine[/url] [/quote] That's the first time i've see Maconie and laugh in the same sentence.
  24. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1386172031' post='2296722'] We need more bands like ELO to come through nowadays! [/quote] I don't. Once was enough in anyone's lifetime.
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