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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. Chuck Isreals. Not an easy task taking over from the late Scott LaFaro in the Bill Evans Trio but what a great job he made of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67WyBSZ_3d4
  2. I have happy memories of some great gigs at Ronnie's. I sat on the stage talking to Billy Higgins (mainly about his time with Ornette Coleman) while he was setting up his drums before this gig was recorded. What a great line-up it was too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As1YxJt99uE
  3. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1385078674' post='2284368'] Exactly. Colin Blunstone, touring with Rod Argent, is always asked why the Hull they do this Santana track ... Happily he laughs when telling the story. [/quote] I bet that Rod Argent laughs louder.
  4. Gary Karr http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxqkJTjSw7U
  5. [quote name='Tobiasthegiant' timestamp='1385074471' post='2284313'] Some people will hear Ain't no mountain and wonder why they stole Amy's bassline. Sad times. [/quote] That didn't even occur to me but yes you've got a very good point there.
  6. It amazes me that a whole new generation are hearing songs from my youth without even knowing it and thinking it's something new. It really is a strange old world.
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1385071215' post='2284247'] I don't know about Kings of Leon or The Killers, but one or two tracks from the Monkeys' 'AM' I thought were pretty good. About fifteen billion times better than KW, anyway. But there's nowt as queer as folk, each to their own, one man's trash, beauty in the eye (or ear) of the beholder, etc. [/quote] I'm not saying that one is better than the other just that all sound to me so boring, dreary and lacking in imagination. This is probably more of a reflection on the times we live in as much as anything to do with music.
  8. I'm just impressed that Ronnie's have a sound man. I don't think there was anyone that technical there when i used to go there in the 70s.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxaZMreym88
  10. I don't see Kanye West as any more bland and boring than a lot of other music i hear lately. I can't say the thought of listening to Arctic Monkeys, Kings of Leon or The Killers fills me with any more excitement but then none of that music is aimed at my generation. It all seems a bit bland and uninspiring to me.
  11. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1384899310' post='2282179'] Played a nice old Shergold (I think it was a Marathon) today, it weighed a ton, the setup was pretty awful, high action, but the tone was AMAZING, growly vintage dirt. So as a result of that now I have a severe case of GAS. It was just like the one in the pic (not my pic, found on google but I believe it belongs to someone from Basschat). A couple of questions: The bass I played had a switch above the tone pot, which was apparently a 'mono / stereo' switch, according to the guy in the shop. Is that actually true? Did these come with that as standard? Or was it modded? When the switch was over on the bridge side, the output on the D & G strings dropped to almost zero, which is apparently what happens with the bass in stereo mode but going to a mono out. I'm not sure if this is true or if it's just bull, can anyone chime in and let me know? The neck was very nice, but it was bowed and it desperately needed a good setup, the action was way too high. The guy in the shop told me there was a slightly unique way of doing this - you had to adjust the truss by removing a little panel on the back, which gives you access to a spoke wheel or something similar - but it should set up without any problems. Does that sound about right? The paintwork was cracked but regardless of that it was very nice, and the cost was around £350. How does that price sound? I'm tempted to go for it but I would welcome any input / advice you guys may have. cheers! [/quote] That's my Marathon in the photo. It isn't heavy. In fact it is considerably lighter than my 1974 Fender Jazz and the action is very low. £350 is a very decent price if it is good one as they seem to be rapidly increasing in price. The most recent ones i've seen were priced at between £400-500 and there is one on ebay at the moment at more than that. Here's one that was for sale recently......... [url="http://www.thelittleguitarshop.com/Bass.html"]http://www.thelittle...p.com/Bass.html[/url]
  12. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1384985782' post='2283265'] Or that I waste my time on the net looking for basses to replace mine with [/quote] That's ok. because we all do that.
  13. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1384985519' post='2283260'] Proves what ever I searched wasn't good enough, many thanks! [/quote] No worries. It probably only proves that your life is a lot more busy than mine and that i've got time to waste on the net.
  14. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1384984307' post='2283242'] I've googled it and none seem to be for sale anywhere! Hence why I came to the wonderful world of BassChat! [/quote] Perhaps you're not looking hard enough............ http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TRABEN-JOHN-MOYER-STANDARD-BASS-GUITAR-IN-GUN-METAL-FINISH-/321242667141?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4acb8e1885
  15. No, but i've always found the internet good for finding out the value of basses.
  16. I wanna hear caravan with a drum solo
  17. [quote name='Colonel36' timestamp='1384969264' post='2282959'] Yes...I did. Something not quite right. Not his usually happy self, but seeing that guy in the audience that thinks he's funny when he's the most "unfunny" bloke out there,...made me realise why. [/quote] I forgot that Rob Brydon was in the audience.
  18. [quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1384975282' post='2283051'] sorry not tried any of them so can't help on that front, but their website looks like a giant lawsuit waiting to happen [/quote] Why?
  19. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1384698897' post='2279584'] I think there's a lot of mixing of reviewing of the band and reaction to the band. A reaction requires no defense or explanation. It can be like a Benny Hill skit -- everyone knows it's just dopey, but if it makes you laugh, it succeeded in doing what it intended to do. [/quote] Of course. Now it all becomes clear to me........................... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twJohGfOIz0
  20. [quote name='Immo' timestamp='1384955452' post='2282730'] Sorry for digging up the fossil, but I have a question for someone who might know a bit more 'bout Encores. I found this baby: up on an Internet auction, fairly cheap and in good condition, minus some rust and minor dings it's really nice. Is it made in India (as it has the Fender-style headstock and square string tree)? I know those MiI were the best ones. I have an identical (Encore made as well) PU in my drawer and I wonder about buying this baby and fitting it with this second PU in the bridge position (Fender Precision Elite II / Blacktop J-Bass style) and changing the pickguard to something more lively and less boring. [/quote] I had a made in India Encore like that with the same headstock and string tree. It was very heavy. Mine was black but i seem to remember they came in black, red or white and came fretted or fretless. I bought it brand new fretless one in the late 90s for £110.
  21. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1384917842' post='2282345'] I notice that the audience was full of celebrity liggers. [/quote] Well it was the BBC so no surprise there.
  22. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1384893168' post='2282053'] In Scotland we call them "chancers". [/quote]
  23. I've bought and sold on auction sites like ebay since the late 1990s. One thing that always amazes me is that when selling something occasionally someone will email me telling me that what i'm selling is too cheap or too expensive (usually the latter). It usually goes along the lines of 'i've seen the xxxx that you have for sale and i can tell that it is too expensive. I have seen these before for £xxxx but was too late to bid for it. I doubt if you will get what you want for it but if you want to sell it to me for £xxxx then please contact me'. Now don't get me wrong because i do find them amusing but why what sore of people are they that can afford to waste their time and do this?
  24. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1384874812' post='2281724'] Winning bid was £103!! Anyone here nab it for that? Unbelievable bargain!! [/quote] Not unbelievable, just another example of what sort of price you get if it's collection only.
  25. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1384772270' post='2280410'] UZEB always felt like me to be proof of the idea that technique without passion, flair and creativity was a pointless endeavour. They can play their asses off but I hear no beauty or warmth in it. Fusion for mathematicians. [/quote] I agree with most of that but i was one of the fortunate few to hear them in the very small Cellar Bar at the Bracknell Jazz Festival in 1981. They were amazing and probably the unexpected highlight of the weekend for those present. Their later CDs were much slicker than that evening.
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