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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='throwoff' timestamp='1384768649' post='2280347'] I stuck 175 on a silver series strat a few days back which is a silly low bid. Won it. [/quote] A great buy indeed at an excellent price but that's not really a silly low bid. It does however reflect the current market where most things aren't selling for the price they were a few years ago.
  2. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1384769412' post='2280361'] Kind of like saying that Christopher Columbus did a bit of sailing in his time . [/quote] Indeed it is and if anyone said it they would probably be being ironic. That's a bit like someone saying that Macca was just songwriter of a few decent tunes. Now where have i heard that before? Oh yeah, it was me...................being ironic.
  3. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1384731729' post='2280189'] Yeah, a few. [i][color=#000000]Guinness World Records d[/color]escribed McCartney as the "most successful composer and recording artist of all time", with 60 gold discs and sales of over 100 million albums and 100 million singles, and as the "most successful songwriter" in United Kingdom chart history[/i]. [/quote] Sorry that was my attempt at irony after 'Sinatra was just a crooner'. Not to worry perhaps someone got it and had a chuckle to themselves.
  4. A few more interesting bass players....... Buell Neidlinger....... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SwCPPyImuI[/media] Arild Andersen........ [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rfx4vSpMWHc[/media]
  5. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1384719624' post='2279992'] No joke. It's not a derogatory term is it? [/quote] Not derogatory at all but then again i think of Macca as just being a songwriter of a few decent tunes.
  6. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1384717635' post='2279942'] Well, knock me out with your own [/quote] This is my washing up music of choice..... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGYMHG7pDiQ[/media] Then i sit down, have a nice cup of tea and listen to this........ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgUmpSWB-fc&list=PL9DF86B95A0102369
  7. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1384701071' post='2279614'] There aint no reasonable here! I'm cleaning the kitchen, listening to this over and over.. leaping around with my rubber gloves on, playing air bass, imagining I'm in front of of thousands bringing the noise.. I love this song! [/quote] I was really expecting something good but it's so bland and ordinary to my ears. Good video with the sound down mind.
  8. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1384715114' post='2279882'] I listened to an interview with this wifey who used to be his secretary/PA. The interviewer was alluding to what a crazy, drugged up time it must have been working around Zappa. But, she said No, he was completly organised, lucid and serious about everything he did. [/quote] It's very well known that Zappa was a well organised and serious musician as are his views on drugs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7Vi1zusI3s
  9. [quote name='timbass' timestamp='1384681829' post='2279331'] Is it just my ignorance, but don't jazz bass solo pieces played above the octave mostly sound like a demented bee caught in a jam jar? Even Niels Henning Orsted-Pedersen brilliance up there leaves me cold. [/quote] I can't say that they sound like that to me but maybe i have the advantage of listening to a lot of free jazz and contemporary classical music for many years so perhaps you have to tune your brain to it.
  10. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1384713924' post='2279853'] But Sinatra was just a crooner [/quote] I presume that's a joke as it did make me laugh.
  11. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1384636149' post='2279089'] Poor old Macca, fancy being limited to his own original and unparalleled body of globally renowned songs. [/quote] I think you missed my point. Sinatra had hundreds of songs in his repertoire and as he got older he could pick and choose the ones that suited his voice. Unfortunately Macca is stuck with the songs he wrote of which many sadly don't suit his voice any more.
  12. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1384636768' post='2279098'] That drumming is insane.... Sort of a drum 'n' bass groove... [/quote] I'm sure i can hear a kitchen sink in there somewhere
  13. I would have paid to hear Scott LaFaro wash dishes. He was a genius. I have nearly all of his recorded work and this is interesting as most recordings you hear (unless you are a fan) are with Bill Evans or Ornette but anything by Scotty is well worth a listen. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNqSL3xGW70[/media] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gzwXQGvXgc
  14. As a fan of Albert Ayler i've loved this for over 40 years and still amazes me. The rhythm section don't really know what to make of Albert and his much more free style than they are used to but they stick with it and the brilliant Niels-Henning Orsted Pedersen's bowed solo at 6.00 is a joy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYsQ2Nwe54U
  15. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1384632189' post='2279023'] I suspect I was too young to 'get' punk the first time around and am now too old to 'get it' the second time around. I'm sure they're very good at what it is they're doing, but it's really not for me. If it's any consolation, I don't get 'funk' either. [/quote] They weren't what i'd call a punk group.
  16. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1384631332' post='2279006'] One does wonder, doesn't one. Perhaps there are too many videos of chicks with low tops playing funk bass on YT so people think that's all women can do with music. I mean, god help us, an ANGRY feminist woman? In this day and age? [/quote]
  17. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1384630974' post='2279000'] It does commonly happen. It happened to me. I couldn't sing and now I have got worse. [/quote] Me too. The neighbours used to ask me to turn my bass amp down but now they ask me to turn it up to drown out my singing.
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1384630020' post='2278983'] McCartney's voice is certainly not what it was. But is it 'awful'? I think not. Two guys from one of my bands were in the audience and I wish I had been too. They won the tickets in a competition. [/quote] I really did think it was awful. It happens to the best though. Sinatra had to choose his material very carefully in his latter years but was fortunate in having more material to draw from compared with Macca.
  19. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1384629539' post='2278976'] So worth watching on your side of the road then? [/quote] I meant worth watching on TV. I still wouldn't cross the road to see him. Well not unless i had a bit of cotton wool in both ears.
  20. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1384626079' post='2278934'] So you did watch it then? [/quote] Yes. From a bass point of view he's always going to be worth watching but oh those vocals.
  21. [quote name='Oneandfive' timestamp='1384625252' post='2278919'] 4AD 1980. And why the hell not? [/quote] Because it isn't 1980? But seriously that a good point. I'll happily go and watch a jazz group play music that was being played in say 1955 but i'm not so sure i'd want to see many groups (Cabaret Voltaire may be one exception to that) playing stuff from 1980. That might be because i was around in 1980 and heard it at the time where as i wasn't around to hear the music from 1955 live.
  22. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1384620099' post='2278842'] I don't understand why skill is important anyway. This band are skilful, very tight, great dynamics, they care about the music. Whaddya want? A punky Snarky Puppy? w***er bar band? Nice that you have produced many w***er bar bands, did they sound good after you applied your magic? [/quote] I tend to agree with the skill bit. Having lived through when prog-rock and then when it was (thankfully) on it's last legs the advent of punk was for me a blessing. Of course there was a lot of rubbish but some decent groups came out of that era. On saying that i didn't think that Savages were very good and it was all predictable and a bit old hat. Perhaps this is just me getting old. Once you've seen the same old thing over and over again no matter how good it is maybe it all gets a bit jaded. I know that they are favourites on this forum but i get no pleasure at all in groups like The Killers, Arctic Monkeys, Muse and Kings of Leon and numerous other bands nowadays. They are obviously really accomplished musicians but ultimately so ordinary to me so if i'm putting Savages in with that lot they may have a great future and good luck to them if they do.
  23. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1384622710' post='2278886'] Who do you have to sell your granny to to get tickets for this sort of show? [/quote] If i'd have had tickets you could have happily had them. I wouldn't have walked to the pub across the road from me to see that. Awful.
  24. I woke up in the middle of that and when it finished i half expected it to be 1981 and for Robert Elms to tell us that XTC were on The Oxford Road Show next week.
  25. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1384554342' post='2278246'] I think they're all great. Peaches has some really weird stuff going on in there. Ahead Of Their Time? [/quote] Excellent!!! Zappa was not only a great composer but very a clever bloke who knew how to put a great group of musicians together.
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