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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1384019856' post='2272031'] what mature oldies like , Clarky, JTUK, Molan, Xilddx, etc.? yeah they know this stuff already. the nippers need some good music. [/quote] I'm far too polite to name names but you're right, it wouldn't hurt any youngsters to listen to Paul Carrack. He's a great singer and always seems to be enjoying himself. A testament to how good he is/was that i often saw Ace for free on the London pub scene in the 70s and when they stated getting popular i still went to see then although they were then charging 50p entry.
  2. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1384015927' post='2271958'] well i wasnt talking about you knowledgeable dudes obviously.. !! [/quote] Sorry, didn't mean to be a big head!!! ..... I really thought that Paul Carrack would be a favourite amongst the, let's say, more mature BC members.
  3. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1383941076' post='2271160'] not a lot of people know Paul [/quote] After playing since the 70s with groups like Ace, Squeeze, Roxy Music, Elton John, Mike and the Mechanics, Simply Red, Roger Walters, Ringo Starr and having made 16 albums and with a UK #2 and US #1 i'm sure that a lot of people know Paul.
  4. It's a decent version of 'What's Going On' but it's like whenever i hear anyone singing 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough' on a TV talent show i immediately have to play the Diana Ross version to get the other one out of my head.
  5. Ace were a great band. I saw them many times in pubs in the 70s but i've just had to play Marvin Gaye's original which is my favourite album of all time. No one can get near to Marvin's version. His voice is just amazing.
  6. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1383208297' post='2261447'] The Shadows? I would have loved to have been able to listen to artists as modern as them in our music lessons! [/quote] Me too! I think that our music teacher would have fainted at the thought of such decadence in the classroom.
  7. I first heard 'Darling Dear' in 1970 on the Jackson Five 'Third Album' where it was the last track. I loved in then and still think it's one of the best bass guitar performances ever on vinyl.................Enjoy!!! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ND-iW51idC0[/media]
  8. The music press and radio stations had some great fun with the story at the time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XgGOmHKcuU
  9. Speed Knobs? I thought they were the spotty herberts that wheelspin outside the local burger outlet in their Saxos.
  10. You had to be cool to be in the coolest Jazz group ever! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGaQA2L3Jp8
  11. You wanted yodelling? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEIBmGZxAhg[/media] Here's Suzy Bogguss with a great version of the Patsy Montana classic............ [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrqoJCR-R-Q[/media]
  12. Perhaps this will get this thread back on track................ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K5v18aeRFU
  13. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1383769841' post='2268967'] I am the house bass player at tomorrow's jam at The Bull in Colchester. The last three times I did it, I was the only bass player. Can SOME of you come down and give me a break? PLEASE!! [/quote] If only you hadn't mentioned the word Jazz hundreds would have turned up. It's such a pity that Jazz is so disliked.
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1383747071' post='2268471'] Just a have look back at what you've posted... You all sound like my dad complaining about the music I listened to back in the 70s. What a bunchy of grumpy old farts! No wonder rock/pop music is in such bad shape... [/quote] I'm think that i'm a grumpy old fart because of all the bunch of old farts that are on Later With....
  15. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1383750506' post='2268547'] I get what your trying to say about us as a society on a whole, but I don't agree Jazz requires "Mental Stretching" to enjoy, or I most likely wouldn't enjoy it. Playing it is of course another matter. [/quote] I agree with that. I remember in the 70s reading about music by Varese, Xenakis, Stockhausen etc and that it can be difficult to listen too. When i actually started listening to it i didn't find it difficult at all. I realised some years later that as i had been listening to Ornette Coleman, Sun Ra, Cecil Taylor etc for some time it was just another type of music. I can't read music or have any understanding of music theory but simply know what i like. I think generally people think far too much about music rather than just listening to it. Who cares what label it's under, just enjoy it.
  16. The whole programme is well past it's sell by date and the Beeb should pull the plug on it a.s.a.p.
  17. I've just watched 'Prog at the BBC' on iPlayer. The bands i liked then i still like and those i didn't i still don't. Family and Soft Machine were great bands. Atomic Rooster and Wishbone Ash were always worth seeing live at a college for only a few bob and Yes still really annoy me more than i can say.
  18. I've just watched 'Prog at the BBC' on iplayer and came to the same conclusion now as i did way back then. If you like Prog Rock then you're probably going to like a lot of Jazz. Without Jazz there would have been no Prog Rock.
  19. Here's a previous thread.......... http://basschat.co.uk/topic/220143-interesting-hybrid/
  20. [quote name='Jonnyboy Rotten' timestamp='1383653103' post='2266987'] As a bit of a laff, me and some mates put on some big band music (similar in style to the Coronation Street music but a full brass band) and stuck that on the car stereo full blast and wound down all the windows. We did our hair and wore cool shades to complete the look. Driving through King's Lynn in the middle of the day we got some funny looks and made some people laugh! [/quote] Yes, but it was Kings Lynn.
  21. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1383640119' post='2266781'] Fascinating ... fret-ends on [i][b]both [/b][/i]sides of the fingerboard. [/quote] Yes
  22. I find this ideal on my Fretless [url="http://s1306.photobucket.com/user/High_Slide/media/IMG_1306_zpsbf8f013b.jpg.html"] [/url]
  23. It just goes to show that music evokes so many emotions and opinions. I can't stand listening to the music that Pink Floyd produce. It is obviously played with precision and is played perfectly but seems so devoid of any emotion. There's just something about it that makes it all so twee and instantly forgettable but i can appreciate that a lot of people can't get enough of it.
  24. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1383597687' post='2266471'] It's very important to get on with neighbours and even (perhaps especially) when they are unreasonable. I would apologise and try to make friends with them. [/quote] That's a really good point. Many years ago a bloke moved in next door to me and was the noisiest person i'd ever known. It could have all ended up horribly with arguments etc but i really liked him and we got on really well socially. He knew that he was noisy and did quieten down and because i liked him it didn't bother me if he was noisy. He became one of the best neighbours i ever had and we continued our friendship long after we'd both moved far away.
  25. I've lived in a flat and it has never stopped me playing the bass guitar. I keep the volume down very low and mostly use headphones. It's all about having a bit of consideration for others.
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