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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1383569759' post='2265907'] People may hate jazz, but just play Moondance and they'll pack the floor... [/quote] Is that because it's fantabulous?
  2. [quote name='JazzyYama' timestamp='1383522096' post='2265543'] I'm just gonna sit this down over here and contemplate the subject of the thread... [url="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hOA-Xh40-M8"]http://www.youtube.c...bed/hOA-Xh40-M8[/url] [/quote] Wonderful. I remember buying a ticket for a choir seat at the Festival Hall and being a few feet away from NHOP. What a treat and maybe that's (from a purely selfish point of view) one of the things i love about jazz is that i paid 7 quid for that seat while up the road people were probably paying 10-20 times that to listen to some old farts banging on about some old brick in a wall.
  3. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1383503913' post='2265184'] Ive put a decent wave on it....i'll have to wait and see...dont need the amp though! [/quote] Can someone decode this please?
  4. This is for those who think that Nile Rodgers & Bernard Edwards only wrote disco toons.............. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xQx4G11pRo[/media] ....and one from a Cocteau Twin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVj-BA0Zufk
  5. This is the best thread on here for ages so let's have a bit more Chic produced Sheila B ............... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMe9owk0-jc
  6. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1383504701' post='2265207'] Yep - that's what I was trying to say originally. "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Usually I quite like mixes without vocals but his one leaves me a bit cold"[/font][/color] [/quote] That's why i said it was 'interesting' rather than better or as good as which of course it isn't. It just goes to show how clever Rodgers & Edwards were at writing these songs. There seems a lot going on but when the vocals are stripped away this isn't always the case.
  7. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1383393711' post='2263965'] Usually I quite like mixes without vocals but his one leaves me a bit cold To me it sounds like one long intro waiting for Sheila B to come in and inject some sparkle into it [/quote] .... a bit like every other instrumental version of a song that originally had vocals? I think that part of the genius of Rodgers & Edwards was their ability not only to write songs with great hooks but also to create songs where there is plenty of room for the vocals to shine through.
  8. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1383485042' post='2264880'] He says some iteresting things about writing vs performing in the interview. Give it a listen - it's only the last 10 mins or so of the programme. [/quote] Thanks for that. Just listened to it and it's well worth it. Jimmy Webb is not only a wonderful songwriter but always amusing, worth listening to and the what he said about being a reluctant singer is very interesting.
  9. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1383483673' post='2264855'] What do you do with them? eBay, or forum sales or charity shop donations? I have loads I doubt I'll ever listen to again, but I'm not sure I can be bothered to list 200 items when it seems an awful lot of CDs on eBay only make 99p! Anyone used services like Music Magpie? [/quote] Amazon.
  10. Another great songwriter who wasn't the greatest singer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vmc-pEyUHTs
  11. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1383425764' post='2264444'] To be honest with you , I have seen Jimmy trying to perform his own songs in the past and he isn't much of a singer, but I suppose that's not really the point.[/quote] I've seen Jimmy Webb live a couple of times and of course he's not a great singer but certainly isn't as bad a singer as a lot of other composers. I think with Jimmy Webb it also helps him that Richard Harris who recorded many of his songs wasn't the greatest singer either. The thing about seeing Webb live is not his singing but the great stories that are attached to all the songs.
  12. This is interesting without Sheila B Devotion's vocals. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaXkwWLgpns
  13. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1383340471' post='2263492'] Whether it's good or bad or whether people like it or not. This is where it has ended up and some Jazz musicians have recorded this. What does it say about their beloved art. Could you imagine Bilbo rocking this? [/quote] Oh no. I expect you're going to tell me next that all those 60s Beat groups had jazz musicians playing on their records. It's enough to make any true beret wearing jazz disciple take his vinyl record collection of Hard Bop and send it frisbee style from the window of his inner city loft apartment.
  14. This is great..................Rick and Lady T tearing it up on Soul Train http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TOK4SHpAmk
  15. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1383245467' post='2262133'] Precision = Sterility in a lot of people's worlds. It's a shame. [/quote] Not for me. It has nothing to do with precision = sterility for me, i just don't like it. On saying that, most of the music that i like would probably be torture to listen to for many on here.
  16. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1383224978' post='2261766'] I'd rather see a covers band than a DJ playing the same songs. [/quote] I now have visions of a disco with the DJ playing all those old Woolworths Top Pops records.
  17. [quote name='EMG456' timestamp='1383055366' post='2259570'] Yep - they seem to me to be about as far away from "free-form" as you could get - everything's arranged to the Nth degree and they all have the chops to keep up with programme! That said, it's plain to me that they *do* possess huge amounts of funk, soul and musicality and I find it refreshing to see young players following their own path and not trudging down the dreary but fashionable retro route. Good luck to them. Ed [/quote] I echo your good luck to them but can't hear anything near to funk. I don't happen to like it but that's not to say it isn't any good. It just isn't funk.
  18. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1383226255' post='2261787'] No, this was Little Feet . They sound just like Little Feat but their feet are smaller. [/quote] That's some feat/feet.
  19. The school bass? Best laugh i've had all year. A triangle and tambourine was about as good as it got at my old school.
  20. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1383176355' post='2261341'] Personally, if I go to see an original band I expect to have to pay to get in and I expect them to be good. I have absolutely no time for a mediocre original band – if you are not good enough then don’t bother! If I am just going out for a beer with the missus or some mates then I am more than happy to go and watch a covers band. Hopefully they will mainly play songs that I recognise, but without resorting to doing all of the obvious ones that every other band does. Ideally a good covers band will also be able to provide a few surprises i.e. play a few songs that I wouldn’t expect or don’t recognise. I judge covers bands less harshly than I would an original outfit, but still expect them to be at least half decent. If I were to come across this band on such a night out, I would be delighted… [/quote] Yes i can see the appeal of a covers band as musical wallpaper but personally i don't even have a radio on as background music. If something is worth listening to then it's worth my attention. I have actually seen a lot of mediocre bands turn into decent bands over the years. I remember being not too impressed with The Stranglers when i first saw then in the mid 70s on the London pub circuit but by the end of that summer they had turned into a competent band that were worth the 50p admission!
  21. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1383174765' post='2261323'] They are a very good covers band - I'm happy to just appreciate them for what they are... [/quote] That's great but if i'm making the effort to go out and see a band ii'd rather see a mediocre band playing their own material than a superbly proficient band play the usual tired old songs i've heard a thousand times and often by the original band.
  22. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1383173913' post='2261309'] There are still bands out there gigging original material - they're just not playing the covers circuit... [/quote] Of course there are and those are the ones i go and see. If i want to hear classic rock i'll have a night in and listen to the real thing.
  23. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1383172336' post='2261282'] Their are tonnes of bands playing originals. Maybe the reason that classic rock music still has a healthy following is because many of the current crop of original acts don't match up. [/quote] I'm really glad that i lived through a time when groups actually played their own songs, otherwise Led Zeppelin, Yes and Deep Purple would have been playing covers by the Glenn Miller Orchestra and we would never had had those classic original songs by them.
  24. It just wants me to long for the day when we have more bands playing originals and not the same old recycled songs of yesteryear.
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