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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. If it is a Jazz Knitting Circle could someone knit me a new beret please?
  2. I saw EW&F at Hammersmith Odeon in 1975 and at Wembley in 1979. Just grateful that i caught them at their best. [url="http://s1306.photobucket.com/user/High_Slide/media/P1040692_zpsa8e6d4ea.jpg.html"] [/url]
  3. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1382979325' post='2258724'] Wonder if they'll get on 'Later' at some point once the album is released? too commercial maybe? [/quote] Right up their street i'd say. There's plenty of 'commercial' music on there.
  4. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1363561263' post='2014224'] I keep an eye out for very very cheap baritones with the vague idea of doing this. AIUI, the fretboard width on a U-Bass is greater than that of a normal baritone uke. I don't know what the tension on the strings used on a U-Bass is like but I would think it's similar to Ashbory strings, which aren't very high tension at all. [/quote] Did you ever do this? I've just picked up a Baritone Ukulele and i'm thinking about doing this.
  5. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1382963345' post='2258435'] I don't think it's a bad bass, my point was the hypocrisy of the attitude because it's a member here and not a random person on eBay. [/quote] +1
  6. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1382918567' post='2258095'] Indeed, and also the objective eye of the moderators. All is well; there's no big deal here. It's simple common sense and respect of all, no more, no less. [/quote] Yes absolutely, and respect should be shown to everyone whether they are members on here or not.
  7. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1382913484' post='2258055'] Giving an opinion, even (especially..?) in jest is one thing. Insulting someone (anyone...) is another. There is a difference. [/quote] I suppose that could depend on whether you are on the giving or receiving end of the jest or insult.
  8. Great. Just great. If anyone is in doubt of what funk is then play a bit of Rick James.
  9. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1382811071' post='2256899'] I like some jazz, but not all that much. I've listened to a fair bit and still do, partly because I know I don't understand it. I was considerably put off, a few years ago, when I read a comment by Dave Brubeck saying that gigs could be spoiled by people in the audience [i]listening in the wrong way[/i]. [/quote] I can understand why people are put off as i grew up in a time when jazz journalists would often give a critique of not only the performance but of the audience. Of course half the time it's all a load of pretentious twaddle. I've seen hundreds of jazz groups over the years as well as most other forms of music. Ornette Coleman is a particular favourite of mine but don't ask me to explain his theory of harmolodics because i haven't a clue, but it doesn't make his music any the less enjoyable. I also think that the most beautiful piece of music i've ever heard is 'Angel Of Light" (Symphony No VII) by Finnish composer Einojuhani Rautavaara. It's beautiful, sad, and joyous but don't ask me to explain. I just listen.
  10. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1382540356' post='2253406'] Agreed. I think "minority interest" is more appropriate than "widely disliked". [/quote] I think that's right. I posted on here yesterday a gig coming up in London next month featuring three of this countries finest bass players. This is a real one off and an opportunity to see these Jazz bass greats on stage at the same time. The post has had 21 views and not one reply so i take it there isn't much interest in jazz even on this forum.
  11. I still like these the most............. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaQCr4PIsHE[/media] ...........not 'arf!!!
  12. I still think that Josh Davis (DJ Shadow) is the best by a long way. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ArSb3lCc28
  13. British bass player Peter Ind is still gigging at 85 and you can see him live at the Southbank, London in November. http://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/whatson/the-black-saint-and-the-sinner-78826
  14. Is anyone going to this? It seems like a bargain for a fiver. http://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/whatson/peter-ind-masterclass-79188
  15. This should be really good. The line-up of Gary Crosby, Peter Ind & Dave Green on stage together looks particularly interesting. http://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/whatson/the-black-saint-and-the-sinner-78826
  16. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1382652740' post='2255192'] Yep, maybe worth asking the seller about that comment, as the comment suggests they have some knowledge of the bass, whereas a £60 start price doesn't. I've had a few SGC Nanyo's ranging from, off the top of my head, 1988 to 1994 and they were all MIJ. By the way, this is a straight relist, it was on in the last couple of weeks at start price £85 (I think) with no takers. Maybe the link through to the sale here on BC has helped this time around. [/quote] I bought one the same as that in 1993 from Project Music in Hounslow for £195. It was listed as used but still had protective plastic on the pups. If this one could be had at the right price i couldn't care less where it came from. But then again i'm not a bass anorak. i.e. 'Uncle Mat' is not part of my vocabulary.
  17. I've just had to listen to a bit of Slave followed by the Ohio Players to floss my brain after watching that video.
  18. [quote name='Josh' timestamp='1382643190' post='2255014'] I must be in the minority of those who these guys do absolutely nothing for. Polished technique and slick production and arranging, but it's just too much for me to enjoy both as a musician and general listener. [/quote] Doesn't do lot for me either. Not much funk in there either to my ears.
  19. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1382609800' post='2254252'] Back in the 80's I owned a Shaftesbury Rick copy It was a really nice bass too I only got rid of it cos it needed re-fretting and I didn't have the dosh for that Now I'm sure many of you are thinking they certainly aren't a rarity! But I haven't seen one in years When I started playing again a few years back, I searched high & low they would get pulled off ebay now anyway but the last one I saw there fetched almost the same as an "original" Damn good basses those Shaftesburys too - apart from the tuning pegs... Folk reportedly stripped them if they couldn't get spares Just wondered how many would be around now, as I say, I haven't seen one since the 80's I wonder how many have survived [/quote] I still have my Shaftesbury 3263 Semi-Acoustic Bass. Here's a pic of Bill Wyman playing one. http://shaftesburyguitars.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/shaftesbury-bill-wyman-bass.jpeg
  20. [quote name='madshadows' timestamp='1382548896' post='2253551'] Anyone have experience of this make/model of bass ? Thanks John [/quote] I had one of these (same model and colour) 20 years ago. Superb basses.
  21. That reminds me that i've got to creosote my fence at the weekend.
  22. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1382529411' post='2253204'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Sf_pogZ8jE[/media] [/quote] Very clever but not very funny. Give me Marcel Marceau any day.
  23. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1382528233' post='2253181'] I always liked a bit of lounge jazz... not too keen on the stuff that sounds like someone released an angry bear into the orchestra pit though... [/quote] If lounge jazz is the music you play in your own lounge then this is what lounge jazz sounds like..............to me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmjaeOpAQOk
  24. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1382516408' post='2252989'] I'm slightly confused here. Is what Jamie Cullum plays jazz? [/quote] I really need to know the answer to this before i take all of my Albert Ayler vinyl LPs down the charity shop and replace it with a Jamie Cullum cd.
  25. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1382520937' post='2253049'] Nah, the really good stuff was never recorded... you had to be there when Miles played his set at the [size=3]blah [size=2]blah [size=1]blah[/size][/size][/size] [/quote] .......I was.
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