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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1382518902' post='2253022'] Good jazz: 90% of everything recorded between 1956 and 1978 Bad jazz: 90% of everything recorded from 1979 to 2013 [/quote] Did the Jazz Gods have a committee meeting around Christmas 1978?
  2. I'm slightly confused here. Is what Jamie Cullum plays jazz?
  3. [quote name='kulabula' timestamp='1382511165' post='2252925'] I think that is up to you. Grasshopper [/quote] Yeah that's what i thought. I think that a lot of my 'good jazz' may well be a lot of peoples 'bad jazz'.
  4. [quote name='Cairobill' timestamp='1382486109' post='2252859'] Good jazz is the nuts and bad jazz is hell on earth. I absolutely f***ing love the good stuff... [/quote] Yeah, but what's good jazz and what's bad jazz?
  5. Might be worth a look for someone. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321231262714?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  6. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1382391823' post='2251725'] Enjoyed the bit with the patter and the singing, solos bored me. [/quote] Forget the music just listen to the lyrics. It what this thread is about. Listen from 3.55
  7. [quote name='Nick Riffed' timestamp='1382387354' post='2251657'] The guy I got it from had advertised it as a Custom Vox. I am certain that it is a bog standard Bassmaster that someone has taken a tin of paint stripper to and painted "Vox" on the headstock. [/quote]Originally the headstock would have had VOX written large in light green with 'BASSMASTER' in smaller script and even smaller the JMI logo followed by DARTFORD, KENT all black and in upper case. [quote name='Nick Riffed' timestamp='1382387354' post='2251657'] The knobs, tuners and the nut all seem to have been replaced at some point and there is a crack in the scratch plate. The hardest fix will be to get proper knobs. I'm sure someone on Basschat will be able to sort a replacement scratch plate. [/quote] I'm sure that the Bass Doc on this very forum can make you a new scratchplate as he's made me one for a Bassmaster before. Just out of interest i've seen two Bassmasters with the scratchplate cracked in the same place as they seem to get so brittle with age.
  8. This is a link to my wonderful courier experience a few weeks ago. It's not just Parcelforce as you'll see. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/219689-couriers/page__pid__2251585__st__30#entry2251585
  9. I had a nightmare with Interparcel a couple of weeks ago. I arranged it through the Interparcel website and was given tracking details. The bass was picked up the next day by City-Link and i received a receipt by the driver. I tracked it and the next day it stated on the Interparcel website that the address had been carded because no one was in and had been returned to the depot. The buyer also noticed this as i had given him the tracking details and told me that some one had been in and that they received no card. The day after it showed it was out in the van. The bass was not delivered and despite numerous emails to Interparcel they didn't have a clue where it was and then the tracking showed instead of being out or back in the depot it showed that it was awaiting collection from me! The next day City-Link turned up to collect the parcel. Funnily enough it was the same driver that had picked it up just days before and now seemingly lost. I sent numerous emails but although i received replies (usually a day later so not much help) it seemed to me that they treated it as just one of those things. The attitude was that they really couldn't care less. They offered no solution and i had to ask them that maybe Interparcel might contact City-Link and ask them where the parcel was. I had no reply to that email. Finally after both myself and the buyer had given up i received an email from the buyer that it had finally turned up. NINE DAYS LATER. Nine days to get from London to Somerset. No apologies at all. It seems that customer service isn't a priority.
  10. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1382141132' post='2248714'] For as long as i can remember Donny Hathaway's voice has been in my memory. i personally think as subjective as this subject is, he has the best voice ever to be recorded. he has power, control, subtlety, he never EVER, misses a note, or goes off key. pure perfection.. and this recording is live. to think this man threw himself out of a building and killed himself from depression.? [/quote] A great voice and a good example of a cover being better that the original. I loved this by Al Kooper / Blood Sweat & Tears when it was released but the Hathaway version released a few years later was better in many ways. He sings it beautifully and with such emotion. Amy Winehouse did a version of this and it has far too much vocal gymnastics and misses the point completely and has none of the emotion of Hathaway's.
  11. From 3.55....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0pIioIc5lk
  12. I love this but be warned it may offend. Some may think that it is elitist. Some may think that it is music of a higher level but it isn't either of these. If you have an open mind it's just music. It will offend though.............they don't have a bass player. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPI_cXLO7fw
  13. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1382311675' post='2250595'] Sums it up for me [media]http://youtu.be/ZBeC-LcLoP0[/media] [/quote] He definitely needs a double dose of Sun Ra.
  14. I don't think that jazz is a higher form of music or is the slightest bit elitist. That's just usually the assumption of someone who doesn't like it. I'm just happy that i like a lot of styles of jazz and i can't imagine a world without it.
  15. I think that everyone should at some point in their life be strapped into a chair and with headphones secured listen to 'The Heliocentric World Of Sun Ra Volumes 1 & 2'.
  16. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1382309587' post='2250575'] HAHAHA. Love this. I love having my mind nourished and this guy does it for me. xxx [/quote] As well as having every LP he's made i've managed to see Ornette live in every decade since the 70s and he never ceases to amaze me. Fabulous music whatever anyone wants to calls it.
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1382301616' post='2250480'] But 'An Evening With Ornette Coleman' completely blew my mind when I first heard it. [/quote] I must admit to rather liking Ornette Coleman too.
  18. [quote name='Nick Riffed' timestamp='1382305406' post='2250538'] Oooh, you have an old sonic. They were a year or 2 behind the Bassmaster and the Clubman. [/quote] Vox made the Bassmaster & Clubman from 1961-1965 while Burns made the Sonic from 1960-1964. Both my Bassmaster & Sonic were made in 1963 while my Clubman was made in 1965.
  19. [quote name='Nick Riffed' timestamp='1382301490' post='2250474'] I will be asking the library to try and get hold of a copy of "The Vox Story" as it is quite expensive. Especially if it contains about the same amount of info. [/quote] I should have said that the book is mainly about Vox amplifiers and not much about the early guitar and basses but it does have some interesting info and photos of the JMI factory and some excellent 60s Vox adverts. I think that it's worth it for those alone. There is plenty of info out there on the web of the early Vox British built guitars and basses but most are obsessed with the Phantom and Teardrop and the Italian made guitars. The early British models are usually dismissed as poorly made which is a shame because both my Vox basses are certainly no worse and as playable as my Burns Sonic bass of similar vintage. One website worth checking out is www.voxshowroom.com
  20. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1382294700' post='2250297'] Mention 'jazz' to people and, aside from a few who like it, the reactions seem to be very negative, some even hostile. People don't react like this to 'classical' music do they? [/quote] Many years ago where i worked i often stayed late on Fridays on my own to catch up on work and often listen to some jazz. If anyone popped in their usual comment was 'why are you listening to that?' and 'I couldn't listen to that'. I usually replied that no one was asking them to and to close the door when they went so never got into any conversation of why they didn't like it. The strangest reaction i ever got was when i played anything like Varese, Messiaen or Stockhausen. Usually calm people used to get really upset and even nasty about it for reasons that they couldn't actually explain. It seemed to bring out the worst in even the mildest mannered person.
  21. [quote name='Nick Riffed' timestamp='1382287047' post='2250115'] I would like to know who those supplier are if poss please. [/quote] John Exley @ www.projectguitarparts.co.uk is good for repro tuners, pups etc. [quote name='Nick Riffed' timestamp='1382287047' post='2250115'] I would hate to strip any old Guitar for parts unless it was a complete, no hope basket case. [/quote] Yes me too. I've only done this to a couple of Basses when one had a damaged body and the other a bowed neck. [quote name='Nick Riffed' timestamp='1382287047' post='2250115'] Two things, Do both the Bassmaster pups have the Vox stamp (can't see to neck one too well due to the flash) and is the Clubman neck that much wider or just and illusion? [/quote] The Bassmaster chrome pups are both stamped VOX but the Clubman isn't. The Clubman has one non-original pup and the other looks original but isn't stamped. It could be that some weren't stamped. The bridge cover is stamped VOX and these are probably the rarest of all parts for these basses. The Bassmaster neck is very thin. A bit like holding a hockey stick(!) and measures approximately 35mm at the nut. The Clubman is approximately 40mm.
  22. [quote name='Nick Riffed' timestamp='1382280142' post='2249996'] BetaFunk, I'll have a look for that book. Your to are kinda cute and look like new. What have you had to do to them to get as they are and do you have any idea where any spares can be obtained, mainly the original type of knobs? [/quote] Nick, I've taken both basses apart, thoroughly cleaned them and given them a blast of switch spray. Both are in good condition with original paintwork. The Bassmaster (on the left) is original apart from replacement tuners and a new nut. The Clubman is original apart from someone at some time has fitted a different bridge pickup. I was going to change it back to original but it really sounds good so i kept it as it was. These basses are not as well made as many modern budget basses but if they are well set up can be decent basses. They are not as bad as a lot of people think and are not just for looking at. You can certainly play them! I took them to my local guitar shop where they are a lot younger than me and after the laughter had died down the guys in the shop loved them. In fact i'm lending one to one of the guys as he wants to play a gig with it. There are a few places that sell new replacement pattern parts (mainly pups and tuners) but i had to buy a complete VOX (not working and in poor condition) just to get a bridge cover!
  23. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvZjldFCzco[/media] The Beau Brummels with their shiny new (and unplugged) VOX Guitars & Basses.
  24. 'The Vox Story' by David Petersen & Dick Denny mainly focuses on the Vox amplifiers but is well worth a read especially for the Guitar and Bass 60s period adverts. All the other info i have on VOX basses is from the internet. I have some Bassmaster & Clubman spares that are from Basses i have bought that were incomplete or not working. Here's a pic of my 1963 VOX Bassmaster & 1965 VOX Clubman basses.[url="http://s1306.photobucket.com/user/High_Slide/media/P1040957_zpscc131968.jpg.html"][/url]
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