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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='terocious' timestamp='1379404526' post='2212151'] He is doing disco. This was posted few days ago to Guy's facebook page... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSHVqOYjaDI [/quote] I'm just amazed someone hasn't mentioned the fit between the control plate and the scratchplate.
  2. [sup]That's a bargain.[/sup]
  3. I saw Jamaaladeen Tacuma play a Rick with Ornette Coleman's Prime Time around 1980. It was probably the last bass that you'd choose for that type of music but it sounded great.
  4. Very nice. I bet that could tell a few stories.
  5. [quote name='Baxter' timestamp='1379259869' post='2210470'] I. Am. Going. To. Get. One. [/quote] Good. For. You.
  6. From The Abyssinians 'Satta Massagana' LP. One of the best reggae albums of the 70s. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1hn34M40uQ
  7. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1379175285' post='2209518'] Played the Fender Pawn Shop version today. I liked it a lot, but I don't know what I'd "do" with one musically. £600 for a Fender one is probably out of the question, but a second hand squier might sway me... [/quote] The Squier was initially available in small numbers on it's release a couple of months ago so there aren't many around. Also there are probably more than that number on back order and most either have or will be sold as soon as the dealers receive them. The Squier is only £270 brand new so i can't see them going for a great deal less even used ones for a while yet. I have a Pawn Shop but have also played a Squier VI. The PS is definitely better made with much better bridge etc and so it should for over twice the price but the Squier is fantastic value for money and that's why the initial ones were snapped up so quickly.
  8. It has been discussed before on here. From post #2903 onwards via this link: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/7473-japcrap-spotting/page__pid__2208160__st__2900#entry2208160"]http://basschat.co.u...00#entry2208160[/url]
  9. This is the best thread on here for weeks.
  10. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1379026869' post='2208031'] And I just said I bought one for around that price and then sold it on at a loss. So that's at least two occasions I know of of a Musicmaster selling for £350. Both on eBay. Maybe you're not looking hard enough? Truckstop [/quote] I can't say i look every day on ebay and although there are plenty that have been messed about with, i've not a decent Musicmaster with original pickup, pots that haven't been refinished or stripped at that price for a couple of years.
  11. [quote name='1970' timestamp='1379095921' post='2208709'] you'd almost think they were running a business or something [/quote]
  12. [size=3] 'This bass is pickup only so as per eBay rules PayPal cannot be used (sorry)'[/size] [size=3] What?[/size]
  13. You could always have the real thing........
  14. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1378920418' post='2206563'] I got lucky on eBay for one of mine. Turned out to be a bit of a money pit and sold it on after giving it a clean and swapping the electronics out. At a loss unfortunately Truckstop [/quote] As i said, i'd love to see one at the price you quoted.
  15. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1378892076' post='2206028'] A good Musicmaster is a wonderful thing! You will be able to pick them up from £350. [/quote] I'd love to know where you can pick one up for that price.
  16. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1378832916' post='2205321'] I don't 'do' Facebook any more - my space was hijacked & I've come out of it & have no wish to rejoin. Any way of seeing this otherwise? G. [/quote] That's a pity as it's the best info on the Bass VI i've found on the net.
  17. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1378818975' post='2205037'] Pretty much. I don't play guitar much any more, so I may as well swap it for something I'd use. Also saves me the hassle of putting it up for sale. If I put it up on Ebay, I'd probably get about £400 for it if I'm lucky, so a Bass VI & case wouldn't be far away. G. [/quote] Have a look on the Facebook 'Bass VI Players' page as it is the best resource i've found for all things Bass VI. There are also a lot of comments re: the Squier VI.
  18. [quote name='The Twickerman' timestamp='1378812125' post='2204854'] I have one of the Fender Pawn Shop Bass VIs (very nice) and just taken delivery of a Squier. I have to say, the Squier, as received, was nearly unplayable. Fret buzz and choking all over the higher frets. It's currently back with the shop for remedial action. They adjusted the bridge, but now think they'll have to give it a fret dress! I have no idea if it's indicative of the build quality of all the Squier Bass VIs - but I'd warn you to be careful if buying by mail order, that your dealer is good with after-sales customer service. [/quote] I also have a PS Bass VI and i'm pleased with it but when i bought it i got a luthier to set it up properly. I have noticed that on the Bass VI Players Facebook page it seems that everyone who has bought a Squier VI has not been pleased with it out of the box. The main criticism seems to be the bottom E string, the bridge and generally trying to set it up. I still think that they are fantastic value for the money but i think anyone buying one should be prepared for a lot of tweaking before making it playable. P.S. I'm up the road in sunny Hampton Hill.
  19. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1378764455' post='2204550'] I was snooping about a local big(ish) music shop today & asked them about a Bass VI. They have one on order. One. So I mentioned I had a Burns Double Six snuggled up safely under the bed in excellent condition. These are going for £700 new on Ebay, so I reckon it is worth at least a Bass VI. The guv'nor wasn't averse to the idea, so I'll be taking the Double 6 to see him next week & see if we can be doing a straight swap for his Bass VI when it comes in. Fingers crossed!! G. [/quote] Do you mean that you are swapping the Burns for a £270 Squier Bass VI?
  20. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1378731387' post='2203803'] It was me boys and girls. I too assumed it was a RW, from the tuners and checking. Either way I was after a jazz for a project or backup anyway. Unfortunatly the seller sent me a message stating he forgot to put a buy it now price on it, and is no longer for sale. My guess someone has offered him a lot more than what it finished on, or he wanted more than what it went for. Something doesn't smell quiet right so I'll be contacting eBay with this. [/quote] Have you contacted ebay yet?
  21. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1378738737' post='2203961'] I'm almost tempted to put "THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH TEISCO" on my next listing. I don't even care if I'm not selling a guitar, I just reckon it will turn up as a search result for anyone including "Teisco" in their terms. Just for the extra views. [/quote] I reckon you could sell a plank of wood with a nail at each end with a length of wire attached if you put in the item description those magic words.......Matsumoku, Hoshino Gakki, FujiGen and Teisco......................!!!!
  22. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1378731314' post='2203798'] When I see Jedson's and original Futuramas going for skywards of £300 I think if somebody buys them they are classic more money than sense. They were crap planks with strings then and definitely won't have got any better. £300 would see me with a good MIM. YES they do exist [/quote] Everyone has jumped on the retro bandwagon. Also it's funny that nearly every 1960s Japanese guitar or bass on auction sites has a reference to Teisco when most have nothing at all to do with that company.
  23. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1378733161' post='2203841'] EBay don't make it easy to contact them, and it's even harder to complain since I haven't handed any funds over to him yet, and obviously won't if he doesn't intend to sell it to me. Very frustrating. [/quote] eBay aren't the easier to contact but if you bought an item and the seller refuses to sell to you then in that case it is easy to contact them. For what it's worth you can also leave negative feedback.
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