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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1377728493' post='2191199'] Give some people the benefit of the doubt, we can't all be walking musical encyclopaedias now can we and he's certainly played with a lot of British artists. This place can be terribly uptight at times. [/quote] It wasn't that, it was that once i questioned why he was on the list there were two posts questioning why i had put 'Nathan East?' making it look as if i was adding him to the list.
  2. An interesting list but it shows that there aren't too many 'oldies' on here on BC. Only Macca, JPJ, John Entwistle and Jet Harris are from the 60s Beat Group era. No bassist from the 60-62 era Beat Instrumental Groups (I did add Brian Locking) and not a mention from anyone of 1950s & 60s Jazz bassists like Coleridge Goode, Malcolm Cecil, Phil Bates, Jeff Clyne, Spike Heatley (all Jazz Couriers who were arguably the one British jazz outfit that could hold their own with the Americans at the time), Graham Collier the brilliant composer and arranger, Kenny Napper (Ted Heath and big Band bassist), Cliff Ball (Kenny Graham's Afro-Cubanists). I feel really old tonight.
  3. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1377694107' post='2190445'] For me, dorkiness != ugliness. That's not what dorkiness is about, it's more an endearing awkwardness. In this respect I think some people are missing the point. If this was just another "ugly bass" thread, why not just call it that? My vote is for the Gibson RD Artist. Huge. Neck sticks out further from the body than usual making it quite a stretch but the scale length is normal. Looks like a melted Thunderbird. Absolutely bonkers circuitry. Can pick up radio on some settings. Can sound like tuned springs on extreme EQ settings. That's dorky. It's not ugly, it's not difficult to play, but it has some things about it that have you scratching your head going "eh?". Yet it makes me smile like this when I play it: Now I look dorky, playing a dorky bass. THAT'S dorky. [/quote] That is the least dorky bass i've ever seen. That my friend is a thing of real beauty.
  4. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1377725650' post='2191116'] ....weren't Steinburgers a 70's design? [/quote] You won't see many 1970s ones. The 80s was most definitely the decade of the Steinberger.
  5. How could i have possibly forgotten the great Brian 'Licorice' Locking?
  6. Steinberger - Original L Bass. P.S. I'm really waiting for someone to the say 'The 1994 xxxxx Bass'. You just know it's going to happen don't you.
  7. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1377718000' post='2190884'] American? [/quote] Yes. That was my point.
  8. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1377717904' post='2190881'] Is he British? [/quote] No. That was entirely my point but he was on the list. I don't know why i bother at times.
  9. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1377716289' post='2190852'] Pino Palladino Andy Fraser Stuart Zender. Nick Fyffe. Paul Turner Sting Geezer Butler John Deacon Jean Jacques Burnell Paul McCartney Lemmy Jack Bruce Steve Harris Dougie Poynter Norman Watt-Roy Boz Burrell John Paul Jones Rick Laird Ric Grech Percy Jones Roy Babbington Boz Burrell Dave Holland Jeff Clyne Mo Foster Hugh Hopper Nathan East Yolanda Charles John "rhino" Edwards Chris squire John Entwistle Danny Thompson [/quote] Nathan East?
  10. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1377716119' post='2190845'] FFS no chris squire yet!!! tsk tsk tsk [/quote] I presume that's because no one who has submitted a list yet thinks that he is 'inspirational'.
  11. Nearly forgot Danny Thompson. Unforgivable!
  12. Jack Bruce Pino Palladino Rick Laird Ric Grech Percy Jones Roy Babbington Boz Burrell Dave Holland Jeff Clyne Mo Foster Hugh Hopper
  13. What about this from the same seller. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Blonde-1959-Gibson-EB2N-EB2-Electric-Bass-Guitar-/271266622351?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3f28c02b8f"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3f28c02b8f[/url] Looks familiar? [url="http://vintageguitarsforsale.net/for-sale/vintage-blonde-1959-gibson-eb2n-eb2-electric-bass-guitar-8/"]http://vintageguitar...-bass-guitar-8/[/url]
  14. Sounds to me like something they used to play on the OGWT in the 70s.
  15. I remember going to Spain on holiday in the 1960s and brought home one of those straw donkeys. Everyone brought one home in those days. I was really pleased with it and had pride of place on my sideboard for a while. I got it out of the loft a few years ago and couldn't understand why i ever bought it. No complaints though as it was bought as a straw donkey and it was most definitely a straw donkey.
  16. This photo and description has appeared on ebay many times.
  17. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1377676776' post='2190099'] Most of us have probably seen “Watchdog” and “Rip-Off Britain” where they highlight individuals who are conning innocent people, so why should we not do the same, and as MistyFingers says: [b][i]“And as a public service, if the threads here prevent one naive bassist in the making from buying one of his basses and being put off for life, then it's a good thing, surely”.[/i][/b] [/quote] Who is complaining about being conned? That's what these programmes are about isn't it? Whether you think something is worth the money is a totally different thing. I see lots of things for sale in shops that i don't think are worth the money and can't believe people actually buy them. Do you think i stand outside each shop with a big banner and pointing out to shoppers why they shouldn't part with their money? Of course i don't. It's their money, their choice.
  18. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1377644069' post='2189947'] i stand by my post. i dont really care for hardcore funk. it lacks harmony. i am and will always be a soul man for that reason., and i can hear that in AWB. dont get me wrong i love Maceo Parker, but some funk is very lacking in aspects that i previously mentioned [/quote] Yes that makes sense and i now understand what you mean but that's because AWB aren't a funk band. They were funky but not really a funk band. Funk bands were groups like Funkadelic, Parliament, The JBs, Ohio Players, Mutiny, The Meters, T-Connection etc. When AWB first moved down to London they were simply thought of as a soul band with some funky grooves and that's the way i've always thought of them. Whatever their music was they were a fantastic band. No doubt about that!
  19. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1377640024' post='2189875'] Fair do's - I just really find that there is an intimacy to the sound of vinyl - it draws you in to really listen. I know this is probably a downside to some but I love it! [/quote] Yeah i do know what you mean. Perhaps i'm not taking into consideration that in my advancing years my ears might not be as good as they were. P.S. I did play my collection of Pat Metheny ECM Vinyl LPs the other day and they did sound good.
  20. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1377639358' post='2189869'] Just seems to suit them to my ears - funny some things just do and AWB are one of them. [/quote] I have a decent turntable (Linn Sondek LP12) and also a CD player and iPod and AWB sound just as good to me on all of them.
  21. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1377634402' post='2189780'] Top band - sound great on vinyl. [/quote] Only on vinyl?
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