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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1376926956' post='2181001'] It's the same guy that's (apparently) selling the SB1000. [/quote] That seems to have been removed.
  2. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1376926956' post='2181001'] It's the same guy that's (apparently) selling the SB1000. I put a post up about that a couple of days ago in the "ebay/ weird and wonderful" section of the forum. Dodgy as hell!!! [/quote] The photo of the body of that SB1000 is the same photo as one on a TalkBas thread from 2007.
  3. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1376828561' post='2179553'] This doesn't add up. The seller (new seller/no feedback) has presented 2 photos. One is a stock photo of a SB1000JT (black hardware), The other is a stock photo of a SB1000 re-issue (gold plated hardware). [/quote] The photo (the body only one) of the SB1000 was on a thread on TalkBass in 2007. I can add the link if anyone wants it.
  4. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1376916672' post='2180753'] I think they will try and get you to skirt the pay pal to save him the fee etc, gift item is it? Gives the buyer no come back as far as I know? [/quote] Yes, i'm with you now. It's got to be something along those lines.
  5. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1376914329' post='2180708'] See my earlier post, what he will say is something like he is working away for a month, didn't find out until the last minute, totally his fault and he will pay the shipping etc all insured too as he will be a super nice guy or girl [/quote] I still can't see how that would work. If you paid by paypal and the item was not delivered paypal would refund your payment.
  6. I have reported many items over the years and many are not removed by eBay even though are not within the guidelines set out by eBay themselves so it will be interesting to see whether this listing is pulled.
  7. Bump for a bargain U.S.A. made bass. P.S. Feel free to pm me asking for details which i will send you then don't reply to me as you won't be alone.
  8. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1376781386' post='2179168'] Ha ha I know what you are doing here... You are trying to eak out a little more info with each post. Bit by bit you bastards will slowly build a somewhat frankensteined picture. [/quote] I have a mental picture of a bass guitar equivalent of this............ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWHniL8MyMM
  9. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1376778238' post='2179118'] Without encriminating myself here and I am in no way advising you to break any laws, however the split guitar in the suitcase will work 999 times out of 1000. [/quote] I'm sure that there must be a module in the 'Customs Officer' course that covers what a guitar looks like with the neck removed when they open your suitcase although i could be wrong.
  10. A friend of mine was a customs officer and used to tell me some great stories. Some years ago he told me that he stopped someone who was bringing in 2 x 1 litre bottles of whisky. He told the person that he would have to pay duty on one bottle as he had gone over his allowance. The bloke got really irate and was making a scene and dropped one of the bottles on the floor smashing it and smiling as he said 'you can't charge me duty now'. The customs officer replied 'oh dear, you seem to have dropped your duty free bottle. We'll have to charge for the this one' as he held up the other bottle.
  11. [quote name='AndyBob09' timestamp='1376751584' post='2178704'] I'm sure if you walk through the nothing to declare with your head held high, they're not going to stop you? [/quote] I wouldn't be so sure of that.
  12. [quote name='MisterFingers' timestamp='1376744394' post='2178585'] Blimey - I have the same ones (Leer and Rental). I also had a few Sun Ra Saturn LP's (now sold), including one which had 4 Rachmaninov piano pieces - stunning performances but not exactly what you'd expect from the label. I once helped June Tyson get her jacket on at an Arkestra gig! [/quote] You have great taste! They had some odd stuff on the Saturn label alright. The Arkestra were amazing really how they kept the same nucleus of members for decades. They must have loved playing that stuff. I got into Sun Ra in the 70s and the holy grail was both volumes of The Heliocentric World of Sun Ra on ESP records. Not easy to obtain back then. SA few years later i bought a Stockhausen LP after reading a review that said to expect that this wouldn't be easy listening and you must be prepared to persevere with it. I listened to it and found it rather nice and jolly but then by that time i'd listened to most of Sun Ra's 60s and 70s output!
  13. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1376733008' post='2178466'] Bought it at car boot sale in oxford in '94 for twenty quid mate What? [/quote] Sadly you wouldn't have a receipt to prove that so they would charge you taxes on their valuation of it. The rotters.
  14. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1376740921' post='2178546'] Huh? Whatever happened to printouts of No Reserve auctions incorporating knowledgeless product descriptions and lots of speling muistakes ... and one invited bidder only ... oh and the PayPal receipt to follow it? I also dislike how some bad people use a label printer to equip a bass with the production number and barcode of a bass that is sitting at home with its local shop receipt. - Got a receipt for that? - At home. Can scan it and send it to you within the hour, mate! Yup, I [s]loves[/s] hates my label printer! Also, when bringing home your US bass, you're soooo not equipping it with the numbered neck plate of your UK one ... That would be dishonest. best, bert [/quote] UK Customs have really upped their game in the last few years. Due to where i live i know a lot of people who work at Heathrow. If you came through customs with no receipt for your prized bass THEY will decide how much it's worth and may charge you the required taxes on that valuation. They have access to the price of all guitars and basses. I'm certainly not saying it's impossible to get one over on them but it's getting harder and anyone should make sure they have the money available to pay if you get caught.
  15. [quote name='goblin' timestamp='1376698510' post='2178307'] Take an old case over with you, bring it back with an instrument. I know quite a few people who've done this and had no issues at all [/quote] If you bring an instrument back into the country and are stopped by customs they will probably ask you for proof that you own the instrument and also proof of where you bought it.
  16. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1376696298' post='2178289'] Good point, if its secondhand please check thoroughly. If unsure about any found substances please send to me and I will conduct the necessary testing, ahem. [/quote]
  17. I reckon that must have been after they got their advance from the record companies. There were a lot of Hondos around before that.
  18. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1376695557' post='2178278'] Sniffer dogs aren't trained to find guitars lol. [/quote] They are if they have certain substances on them.
  19. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1376693569' post='2178253'] I am just looking at ways to get there . At the moment. I am working the Friday night. I don`t get bookable holidays. they are all assigned for me. The only way is too get a swap. If I can`t, I finish at 7am Saturday morning. I can get a train , at 8.15 and arrive at Addelstone at 11. I don`t mind getting a taxi, and get a return at 5.10pm. I really would like to go as I am learning and think I would learn a great deal from all of you nice people. I still need a day pass from the wife, but just wanted to know how I could get there before I have to get one. So Addlestone and taxi so far seems the easiest for me. I won`t have any gear as the only things I have is a Warwick Rockbass Fortress and a battered Pro Aria 2, with an 50 watt EC10 Eden amp. Latest model just released this year though [/quote] I'm sure that someone could pick you up from Addlestone station. I can certainly do that. We can arrange something nearer the time.
  20. [quote name='cybertect' timestamp='1376694065' post='2178258'] You're right. Any applicable duty and VAT are due on all goods brought in to the country from outside the EU, whether they are new or not (I've bought a few second hand cameras from the US). [/quote] ...and it's no good trying to tell them at customs that the 1960 stack knob Fiesta Red with matching headstock Jazz Bass you bought only cost $50 because they'll have that neck off and get an expert who will tell you what exactly what it's worth all within the time it takes to say tortoise shell pickguard.
  21. [quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1376684652' post='2178121'] Addlestone is the closest. I can probably sort out lifts from & to rail stations on the day [/quote] Yes it is but it's still a lot further than i would want to walk especially with a bass guitar!
  22. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1376673324' post='2177880'] Anyone know how far the train station is from the school? It says 4 miles, but on the map it looks like an easy 10-15 minute walk [/quote] Both Chertsey and Byfleet & New Haw stations are a distance from the school that i would want to walk. Chertsey station looks close on the map as the crow flies but it's a lot longer walk that it looks as you have to go a long way out of your way if walking.
  23. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1376675515' post='2177949'] With a credit card one doesn't actually have to have £1k in their pocket. So it is possible for people to 'afford' new instruments at those prices. For example, on my credit cards I could buy a brand new £1.2k bass. I certainly couldn't afford one, but if I wanted a new instrument then it is possible for me to buy one. Truckstop [/quote] Thanks. Credit card or not you've still got to pay for it somehow. I can't see how that pushes the price up by much (if anything) if that's what you mean.
  24. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1376674410' post='2177906'] Credit cards! [/quote] What about them?
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