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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1376670670' post='2177820'] Don't forget that rock started in the 60s, The Who, Cream, Hendrix, Deep Purple, Vanilla Fudge, Pink Floyd, Yardbirds, Zeppelin, the list is virtually endless. [/quote] !960s? 1959 for me!!!!!!!! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2j7sLUDkDM[/media] ......and it took me ages to do my hair like that every morning.
  2. If you thought that guitars and basses are expensive now imagine trying to save up approximately £175 to buy a new Precision or Stratocaster in early 1960s Britain when your wages were about £12 a week. it makes the guitars and basses of today look like a bargain in comparison.
  3. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1376650672' post='2177302'] Cool! That's a keeper then;) [/quote] Oh yes.
  4. [quote name='Dandelion' timestamp='1376666285' post='2177723'] 1970's TRex, sweet all the glam stuff, and the heavy rock would be excellent. [/quote] That's a great excuse for dressing up outrageously. I rather like that. I may have some velvet loon pants somewhere.
  5. [quote name='Dandelion' timestamp='1376663519' post='2177633'] A 1970's band I would jump at, but 60's? [/quote] What sort of 1970s music do you mean? I'm sitting here thinking of Boney M and The Sex Pistols.
  6. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1376653678' post='2177376'] nice looking thing... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Precision-Bass-1964-/111144783461?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item19e0bece65#ht_159wt_1330"]http://www.ebay.co.u...5#ht_159wt_1330[/url] [/quote] Post #9 in this thread.............. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/214633-errrr/page__pid__2177332#entry2177332
  7. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1376648020' post='2177244'] If I did a lot of stuff on eBay, or even just the odd "collection only" sale, I'd want to be paid by paypal too. [/quote] I'd be interested to know why.
  8. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1376645464' post='2177194'] I'm intrigued by this bass - the review says it has very close string spacing at the bridge, and sounds quite 'uprighty' which apparently was it's design brief in the 50's. Really fancy trying one out, along with it's sister model the Kay Pro Bass K162.[attachment=141630:Kay bass.png] [/quote] There are also Custom Shop reissues of these basses that are made in the U.S. I think that both these and standard ones have a 31" scale. I've also bid on a couple of the 1950s Kay basses that these are based on (sadly without success) and i think i'm right in saying that they have an even shorter scale. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQASG39Xvoc
  9. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1376639779' post='2177081'] You'd have to be a twazzer to pay by paypal and then go and collect but it [/quote] Funny you should say that but i've bought three basses on ebay that i went and picked up. Two of the sellers asked me to pay by paypal and only the other one was happy with cash. Paying by paypal does entitle you to their 'buyer protection' but i agree that if you're picking something up you don't need this. I also bought a bass recently very near where i live which i picked up and the buyer preferred paypal over cash!
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1376598110' post='2176747'] Johan Kugelberg. He's a complete legend in the DIY music scene. [/quote] He's so enthusiastic as well and has written some good stuff. I was only listening to him on the radio last month. I used to love those 45s in their xeroxed sleeves that bands sold at their gigs in the 70s and 80s. Still have a few by Thomas Leer and Robert Rental 45s with their felt tip hand coloured in sleeves. I also still have a couple of Sun Ra Arkestra home produced vinyl LPs on their own El Saturn label from the 70s that came in plain white sleeves that were then hand coloured in by the band members!
  11. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1376586294' post='2176545'] That's pretty cool [/quote] Thanks Ray. It's my Fretless Boomslang Jive Bass which was designed a few miles up the road from you in Hampton by a South African and made in China!
  12. [quote name='Storky' timestamp='1376560883' post='2175913'] I just picked up my new Squire Bass V1 yesterday (early birthday present). Really like it. The sound seems to cut through well, plenty of "twang" would be good for Country stuff, but also does usual bass duties well. Best to play it with a pick though due to string spacing. I guess it is like a bass version of a Stratocaster - same sort of sound - just deeper! Only slight issue so far is the low "E" is too close to the edge of the neck and is too easily pushed off the edge. [/quote] Welcome to the Bass VI club! The 'Bass VI Players' page on Facebook is an excellent resource for all things Bass VI.
  13. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1376576561' post='2176321'] Anyone got any experience of these recent Kay reissues? There's a good review of the jazz special in this months Guitar&Bass magazine. Maybe this should be in the irrational likes thread?!!! [attachment=141597:kay-jazz-special-electric-bass-k5970V-front-blonde.jpg] [/quote] I've liked these since they were reissued. I think that the one pictured has a 31 inch scale.
  14. [quote name='cybertect' timestamp='1376593289' post='2176645'] IIRC possibly a notch above Satellite, and below Columbus, but neither is saying much for them. [/quote] You're confusing the cheap Japanese Kays from the late 60s and 70s which are nothing like the 50s and early 60s ones which were made in Chicago and much sought after today.
  15. [quote name='amewse' timestamp='1376589068' post='2176582'] My memory of Kay from the late seventies and early eighties was that they were terrible catalogue instruments and not something that anyone would want to remember! A case of cashing in on the rose tinted first bass spectacles perhaps (if there is such a thing as first bass spectacles, I may be thinking of something else altogether). [/quote] The Kay pictured on the OP is not the same as the basses you are talking about. This is a copy of a U.S. made bass much sought after nowadays and not to be confused (although it looks like some are) with the 70s and 80s cheap Japanese made ones.
  16. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1376563202' post='2175958'] would be worth a few hindered more if it was left the way it was before being sanded down Still a nice bass tho' [/quote] It says in the description that it had been painted orange over the original blonde finish so i guess that's why someone decided to strip it.
  17. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1376581451' post='2176442'] Oh my..... I need more greenburst instruments in my life. [/quote] It actually looks a lot better than that. My photo doesn't do it justice.
  18. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1376573643' post='2176265'] This is green! [/quote] So is this..............
  19. [quote name='bigthumb' timestamp='1376561836' post='2175921'] How strange.... Its vanished now [/quote] What a surprise.
  20. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1376500423' post='2175038'] Yep [/quote] After i posted that i realised that it didn't do it justice as the photo was far too dark so have edited my original post with a better pic. P.S. I forgot to say that it's very good for metal as well. Just look at that tremolo!
  21. No need to ask if that's good for metal.
  22. Perhaps the OP can let us know if it has increased in price in the 21 months since he started this thread.
  23. [quote name='bassninja' timestamp='1376125483' post='2169915'] While musically a little outside my usual playlist, John McLaughlin's 'Live at the Festival Hall' trio with Kai and Trilok Gurtu is amazing. Still listen to it loads. [/quote] Great bass player. I was at that Festival Hall gig.
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