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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. My Siggery Roadbass 4 which a couple of BC members have previously owned. Nice and light as is my 1980s Guild Pilot. A Jazz like neck, 8 pounds and also for sale in the Bass For Sale section. Oh, and complete with tremolo it really is good for metal.
  2. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1375904457' post='2167294'] Yep great, track.. And yeh MB1.... an out there video... What I should have said was "Two of many covers" [/quote] I had to mention it as it was a really weird video. It was a bit odd when it was released but looks even stranger now!
  3. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1375901950' post='2167241'] +1 take your item, look at how much you want for it (realistically), add 10% to it and start the bidding with free PnP. with that methodology, you are theoretically covered. [/quote] I did a small experiment where i sold 20 similar items for the same total price. 10 were sold for £5 including free postage and 10 were sold for £3.80 + £1.20 postage. I sold much less of the items where postage was free. I know this is not a scientific experiment but people are well aware that when there is free P+P they know full well that they are paying for it.
  4. ....and then there's the original version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asA5mPZDCW8
  5. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1375882844' post='2166877'] Was it a generational thing? Can anybody remember? (Or guess?) [/quote] I'll guess that there will be a lot of the latter.
  6. I googled 'Hohner B500' and came up with three prices within a few seconds.
  7. This has been relisted. I like B-301s and this looks like a decent un-molested example but it's 'cash on collection only'. Like all items that are collection only it massively limits buyers and proves yet again that some of the best bargains on ebay are 'collection only'.
  8. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1375635646' post='2163712'] Wow is that how it works? [/quote] I thought someone needed to explain it.
  9. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1375604185' post='2163234'] ...these Cardinal fuglies do seem to be cheap though, this one maybe on the strong side...looky here a Cardinal CSB 380...no bids yet and a start of £80 [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Aria-pro-2-CSB-380-Bass-cardinal-Series-/321175024428?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4ac785f32c#ht_166wt_1314"]http://www.ebay.co.u...c#ht_166wt_1314[/url] [/quote] Yes it starts at £80 but it has a reserve. It depends on what the reserve is as to whether it's cheap or not.
  10. Might be worth a look. Chelmsford or North London. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sakura-Electric-Bass-Guitar-Made-Japan-/251312839791?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&clk_rvr_id=506415370386
  11. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1375447864' post='2161528'] Play faster [/quote] ...and for longer.
  12. Air Guitar and Air Drumming? New kids on the block i'm afraid. On the other hand they've been doing this for donkey's years. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGwhmjqnGOY[/media]
  13. This might work........ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lES_1vaidrE
  14. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1375430229' post='2161034'] Not mine , I saw this and put a link as there are a few people on BC who are interested in the Epi gear.......... Trying to be helpful , hope that's ok with you [/quote] Very helpful now you've explained it.
  15. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1375391344' post='2160784'] Anyone got any ideas for speeding up the natural wear on my nitro bodied and nitro necked p bass ? Particular fabrics , that kind of thing ? I don't have sandpaper sleeves [/quote] Keep playing it.
  16. You might get a better response if this was in the 'eBay - Weird and Wonderful' section.
  17. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1375361871' post='2160261'] So why not buy an actual bass? The U-Bass doesn't sound like a bass, or a uke. It's a 'no mans land' type instrument. [/quote] It sounds like a bass to me.
  18. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1375308796' post='2159719'] Sorry for the off-topic derailment, but just out of interest, why would you spell that "Goucho" - exactly like I did too originally? I did it because I was convinced it was the correct title, and then I was corrected, but now I wonder whether the Dutch word for "gaucho" was "goucho" back in the days. Was or is "goucho" a word in English? best, bert [/quote] It must be one of those 'made up' words. .
  19. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1375285734' post='2159311'] I bought Zazu on CD and still have it. Bought exactly because of the Steely Dan input. I went right off it though when I found out that she uses made up words. Dunno why but it turned me right off. We could of course mention China Crisis with the Becker link, not aware that they used made up words. [/quote] I also bought Zazu but on it's release (on vinyl) and i still have it. I suppose that all words are 'made up' at some time so this never turned me off.
  20. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1375184830' post='2157709'] But when I bought a Tony Franklin Fretless Precision I had no desire or expectation to sound like him because I had never even heard of him. [/quote] When i bought a Ibanez VB1 Verdine White model i had no desire or expectation to sound like him..................Just as well really.
  21. [quote name='mickster' timestamp='1375228037' post='2158681'] Top tune, tho much as I love ACR, the original is [i]storming[/i]!! Amazing bassline... [/quote] I think that ACR version is much more 'storming' than the original. I heard the Banbarra original when it was released in the mid 70s and really liked it but when ACR released their version a few years later they gave a bit of oomph that the original lacked. They are both great versions and the Banbarra vocals are better but overall the youthful exuberance of ACR wins it for me.
  22. One of those rare times when a cover version is better than the original. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-vgmjzjkLc
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