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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1375192257' post='2157913'] I thought that the instrument manufacturers supplied guitars with a useable standard setup out of the box. If I bought a new Fender from a "box shifter" would it be totally unplayable without a few hours with a guitar tech? [/quote] I bought a Fender Pawn Shop Bass VI from an internet retailer simply because my local Fender dealer couldn't get one for me. It was pretty awful to play so i took it to my local luthier and he set it up for me. It would have been difficult to have played it as it came out of the box.
  2. Does this all mean that i won't be able to levitate with my Ibanez VB1 Verdine White Signature bass?
  3. I've bought basses in both of these shops. Chandlers Guitars (Kew) was a shop i'd never been in despite living near to it because i don't play guitar but i saw a used bass advertised, went there and got a very good deal on it. I found them nice people to deal with. Charlie Chandler's Guitar Experience must have been in Hampton Wick for over ten years now and i bought a really nice bass there this year for a great price so was well pleased with that. I have never used them for repairs as i have someone local who is brilliant for repairs and set-ups but i know a lot of people who take their guitars for repairs and set-ups there and wouldn't go anywhere else. Roddy Frame was on Robert Elms Radio London show a couple of years ago and said that CCGE in Hampton Wick was his favourite shop in the London area.
  4. [quote name='martin8708' timestamp='1375120135' post='2156954'] I was considering taking my new acoustic guitar to Chandlers for a set up , so this thread has planted a small seed of doubt. I normally set up my basses and electric guitars myself , but I was going to splurge on a pro set up as the nut and saddle needs adjusting ,and acoustic guitars are ( for me ) more difficult to adjust . There is no-one on the Island I would trust , not aware of any one in Southampton or Pompey , and Chandlers seemed to have legendary status as guitar techs to the Gods . Is the new shop still worth the trip for the set - up ? [/quote] New shop? What new shop?
  5. My 1960s VOX Basmaster & Clubman basses............... not twins, but closely related.
  6. The Rosie Vela 'Zazu' album from the 80s is worth a mention for it's Gary Katz production and Fagen & Becker involvement. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdEDg5ZXWac
  7. [quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1374959744' post='2155344'] Yes they are ace -my band (see Those Amongst Us Are Wolves sig below) is supporting them in September in Derby. Beta, if you like that kind of stuff we are of that musical parish, and playing with UpCDownC and Lost in the Riots at the Urban Bar in Whitechapel on 10th Aug - shameless plug [/quote] I'm impressed! I just bought Chaotic Love Stories..... via Bandcamp. I'm listening to a lot of Tortoise, Brokeback, Doug McCombs, Godspeed You! Black Emperor etc at the moment. P.S. Doug McCombs is one of my favourite Fender Bass VI players.
  8. [quote name='cybertect' timestamp='1374997429' post='2155496'] I still prefer to listen to albums in their entirety, even on my iPhone/iPod. Rarely, if ever, skip tracks. [/quote] That's good to hear but i reckon you are in the minority. Every Steely Dan album had instant stand out tracks but there were always a few that took a while to grow on you.
  9. This is interesting. I bought every Steely Dan LP from Can't Buy A Thrill to Gaucho the week they were released so each track is equally well known to me. I just used to play both sides the whole way through. Years ago when you bought a vinyl LP and played every track in sequence you were familiar with all of the tracks unlike nowadays with CDs and iPods where you can more easily skip tracks.
  10. [quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1374953310' post='2155248'] considering yr telepathic symmetry, that's a bit lame between you guys [size=4] [/size] [/quote] Sorry. I really like this band and i see that they are playing in Kent in September. If i've got nothing else on i will go and see them play. If i go i will return with the info re the fx.
  11. [quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1374951281' post='2155220'] My bad, make that 15.02...ish [/quote] I can't help with what effects (i can't hear it loud enough but may be that's my failing hearing!) but i really like them. Very interesting.
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1374951251' post='2155219'] SNAP! [/quote] We must be tele.... tele-pa................ think alike.
  13. About 19.31 in? That's 1 second from the end.
  14. I'd have no worries about the shape of the headstock as that's the way they were. It's just a real shame that the original parts have been replaced.
  15. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1374860241' post='2154220'] Now you mention it , it's not a huge leap of the imagination , is it ? [/quote] ......and if more proof was needed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTGjbKc-YOQ
  16. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1374855064' post='2154139'] I've got his "Bass Workout " video and it's one of my favourites . I remember seeing him in an interview in Guitar Player Magazine back in the early '80's and he sounded really interesting , talking about his Pedulla basses ect , but I didn't actually get to hear him until he played on Duran Duran solo project Arcadia ( !) in about 1985 , and even on that he sounded wickedly good . I am currently on the lookout for a good fretless bass and one of my criteria is that it has to make me sound like Mark Egan . It might be a long wait ... [/quote] Start saving those pennies Dingus! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGBzS9coFCg
  17. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1374853360' post='2154110'] This is really interesting . I hadn't heard of this band before . I'm a big fan of Mark Egan's playing , and this trio sounds really fresh . I like the angular sound and the way the guitarist seems to be channelling a bit of Mahavishnu - era John McLaughlin in places . I will have to investigate further . [/quote] It's really a really good cd. I'm just playing 'Truth Be Told' by Mark Egan with Bill Evans, Vinnie Colaiuta & Mitch Foreman which is also very nice. I've been a fan of Mark Egan since i saw him in 1978 with Pat Metheny and have been lucky to have seen him with Elements and also Gil Evans. One of my favourite bass players.
  18. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1374847383' post='2154022'] This is actually shockingly close to how I am begginning to look since I started indulging my taste for Swiss chocolate . Both Demis and I look like we should have been driving a white Transit van round Deptford / New Cross for a living , sometime circa 1975 . [/quote] I'm slightly troubled now by the Deptford reference as the more i look at that video i see Danny Baker thinly disguised through all that hair and kaftan.
  19. Right this minute........ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOtHqLbtaKA
  20. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1374781373' post='2153232'] It's like EVER , but it lasts even longer . [/quote] I get it. You mean like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFwrBLUqMZ4
  21. [quote name='markbunney' timestamp='1374684324' post='2151861'] Ha, slight typo on my original post, but I am tempted to wear a cocktail dress out of sheer bloody mindedness!! [/quote] It's at an RAF base. I doubt this would surprise anyone.
  22. [quote name='Dimwit' timestamp='1374582512' post='2150432'] Was talking to a mate about this and he mentioned Morphine. Never heard of them before now, but am liking it so far. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNEYKrFJgRo[/media] [/quote] You may have heard of them earlier if you had read post #9 of this thread.
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