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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1374178290' post='2146233'] You may (or may not) be joking here, but the fact is that Jaco is hardly known outside bass player circles. [/quote] I presume that you're the one doing the joking this time?
  2. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1374179577' post='2146251'] Well , the thing is that Jaco and the other artists you mention were radical departures within their given discipline , and changed their medium forever . It is possible for all kinds of fancy Dan bass players to come along with amazing chops and technique , but so far most have struggled to make the impact that Jaco did . I wouldn't put Jaco in the same bracket as Mozart or Shakespear for various reasons ( I could explain why , if you like ) , but in his own modest way he was a genius of sorts , but not because of his technique . His gift was that he thought about and interpreted music differently to other people , and happened to do so via the medium of the bass guitar . Like just about every genius you can think of , Jaco was unconventional , a radical , and unlike anything that had come before him on the bass guitar . He wasn't alone in that by any means - there were other fantastically gifted players of that era - but at his best he was brilliant in his own right . He was versatile too , despite having such a distinctive signature style . He was a World- class jazz bassist and accomplished soloist , but his work as an accompanist in various genres is equally accomplished and shows great maturity and sensitivity to the overall musical picture rather than just his own role in it . Regardless of your own personal taste ( which you are fully entitled to , I hasten to add) Jaco was the real deal , the complete package . I am not one of Jaco's slavish followers by any means , and I couldn't even say he was the player I myself have enjoyed or or directly tried to emulate the most , but his stature on the instrument is undeniable . [/quote] Excellent post. Couldn't have put it better.
  3. After the military junta in Brazil in 1969 many artists, writers and musicians fled to Europe. Many settled around the Hampton Court / East Molesey area (i think Gilberto Gil was one) until returning to Brazil some years later when they were more welcome in their own country. I always thought that i would come across hundreds of Brazilian LPs after they returned home in the secondhand shops in that area but alas never did. I did find one or two though and often wondered if they had been left there by Gilberto or someone equally as famous.
  4. A beautiful version of the Milton Nascimento / Ronaldo Bastos classic...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hod7yzelh84
  5. One of the best Brazilian albums of the 80s by one of the finest artists to come out of the Clube Da Esquina...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPJMjIjE2to
  6. Legendary Brazilian group Som Imaginario c1970 [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0quebgP1pNM[/media] Wagner Tiso, Luis Alves, Nana Vasconcelos etc
  7. No list of Brazilian music would be complete without the late great Elis Regina.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHoBvW16q78
  8. One of my favourite Gilberto Gil tracks.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLGyrsHe0eg
  9. Morphine [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VdlIZhzJeQ[/media]
  10. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1374097585' post='2145335'] I sorta mean currently in production and available new. [/quote] Yes i know. I do have rather nice Siggery Roadbass 4 which has been owned by a couple of BC members before me.
  11. British basses? I've got loads. Vox Burns Watkins WEM Shergold
  12. [quote name='rushers' timestamp='1374060491' post='2144775'] Yes, I bought it for £700 [/quote] Thanks rushers. I think what you paid was a fair price. I can't see you would lose money on it as these have risen in price a lot in the last couple of years. Have a look at this link as this is what dealers in the U.S. are asking for them. http://www.gbase.com/gear/find?keyword=fender+mustang+bass&temporary=True&m=250
  13. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1374076960' post='2145052'] It's possible the last couple I saw we're US ones. I leave my search open to worldwide on things like this as I'm quite happy to bring stuff over. A £400 US bass would come in over here at £585 so that's more or less the same as a UK one at £600. I've seen some listed at much higher prices but they haven't sold (a bit like 60's Fender J's - some ludicrous prices on UK EBay for these but they never actually sell!). [/quote] Yes i agree. I really only mentioned the price because i've been looking for a 60s or 70s Mustang Bass since the beginning of the year. They seem to have increased a lot in price in the last 1/2 years, maybe because the price of similar age Fender bass is going off the scale making them one of the few affordable vintage Fenders. There was a 70s one on BC last year for £700 and before that a 1969 for £1250. I'd better get one quick!
  14. [quote name='njr911' timestamp='1374068290' post='2144925'] I have a set of Labella black nylon tapewounds that are too short to go on my P base if anyone fancies a set for a shorter scale bass ? [/quote] I'd be interested. How much do want for them?
  15. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1374060964' post='2144786'] I've seen nice late '70's Mustangs sell for as little as £400 - £450. [/quote] I regularly look at the price of these and haven't seen any for sale in the UK at that price recently although you may find them at that price in the U.S. Most of the 70s Mustangs are now usually £600+ in the UK.
  16. [quote name='rushers' timestamp='1373998568' post='2144112'] I've had this beauty for a few months now and I got a very good price on it via ebay [/quote] Would you like to share what that good price was?
  17. I am an avid collector of the coffee coloured Fender custard shop bass. I have Jazz Basses in Macchiato and Corretto. Also in my collection is a Precision in Viennese plus a Stratocaster in Shakerato, a Telecaster in Cappuccino Estivo, a MIC (made in Colombia) Jaguar in plain old Latte and none of them costa fortune.
  18. [quote name='rushers' timestamp='1373998568' post='2144112'] I've had this beauty for a few months now and I got a very good price on it via ebay It's a 1978 American Fender Mustang Bass in (what I'm told by the previous owner) is a custom shop colour - Cappuccino I'm just putting out a few feelers as to how much I should be asking for this, from what I can gather it seems about £1,100 - but I'm not entirely sure. What do you guys think? - (see pics below) Cheers [/quote] If you bought it a few months ago then surely you know it's value. I'm sure that they haven't gone up in price in just a few months.
  19. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1373996186' post='2144063'] They seem to be around the £700 - £850 area at present, so an offer could be worth it. It`s unlikely that the bottom will drop on these, so although not exactly an investment, you`ll always be likely to get your money back. [/quote] Like all things you'll only get your money back if you'd payed the right price when you bought it. If not, be prepared to wait a while before you get a return on your money.
  20. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1373992389' post='2143981'] I could buy 2 or 3 basses for a grand [/quote] I was thinking more like 5 or 6.
  21. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1373979215' post='2143767'] A JV worth a grand? Jesus - really? I mean really? gobsmacked [/quote] +1 I can think of a lot of other basses that i'd rather spend a grand on.
  22. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1373980455' post='2143780'] You could have an original for less [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/211980-hofner-5003-1963/"]http://basschat.co.u...fner-5003-1963/[/url] [/quote] It's a slightly different mode Owen but it i do like your Hofner. Stop tempting me.
  23. I can't see where it says sold. It just says listing has ended.
  24. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1373905196' post='2142951'] JPJ was doing a lot of session work about that time. so it could be him. [/quote] Studios were very busy places in the 60s. There were lots of session musicians to choose from. Geoff Love, the arranger would have had his regular musicians and session players so it's probably a case of take your pick. P.S. Jackie DeShannon wrote two songs for Peter & Gordon's 1966 self titled LP and she was going out with one James Page so hey maybe it was JPJ on Bass!
  25. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1373925142' post='2143359'] No it was the President 500/5. [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com/product_details.cfm?ID=2465&type=Bass%20Guitar"]http://www.thebassga...e=Bass%20Guitar[/url] [/quote] Very nice.
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