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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1373916740' post='2143166'] There is a lovely Hofner in the Gallery at the moment for reasonable money. [/quote] Is that the contemporary Hofner 500/1?
  2. [quote name='stubass' timestamp='1373831369' post='2142094'] There is a subtle difference. [/quote] I'm surprised no one has commented on this. I'd say it's a lot more than a subtle difference.
  3. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1373908679' post='2143017'] Hmmm ... 6-8 weeks ... just in time for the first second hand models perhaps ... [/quote] I think you could be right. Apart form those who have really been longing for a Squier version most of the people buying them (if what's on most forums is anything to go by) seems to be by those who seem to be curious and with the attitude of 'well they're cheap so if i get fed up with it i'll sell it and won't lose anything'. Pawn Shop ones are cropping up used so there could well be a good few Squier versions on the used market soon.
  4. [quote name='dwh87' timestamp='1373906619' post='2142979'] The VM Bass VI has proven very popular, more so that first thought so even then supplies may be limited. [/quote] They haven't proved more popular than anyone who has followed the Offset Guitar Forum or various Surf Guitar forums thought i can assure you. These forums have been actively campaigning for a Squier version of the Bass VI for the last couple of years. The initial release of these were always going to sell out immediately.
  5. [quote name='Stu-khag' timestamp='1373899459' post='2142840'] Had a chance to buy a jap one a few years back previous to them reissuing their reissues - So glad I didn't bite the bullet as it was so costly due to it being a rarity. Now I have a choice. I think I'd like a white one and consider getting it painted surf green with matching headstock [/quote] The MIJ Bass VI was not the cost it was because of it's rarity.
  6. Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen played a sunday gig at The Nashville Rooms in West London in the 70s before they played the Hammersmith Odeon the same week. That was a bit surreal. A great band that was always guaranteed to get the audience dancing in the aisles. He's certainly not Bill who? to me.
  7. Cheap? They're usually all cheap before the auction ends.
  8. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1373752459' post='2141358'] Basschat just seems to be getting friendlier and friendlier... [/quote] I'm sure that it's still full of Love, Peace & Understanding. Well maybe the Love and Peace bit.
  9. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1373751913' post='2141350'] For clarity, i cant see what you dont understand or how thats not related but there you go, its hot out [/quote] Not sure i could have made my point simpler but not to worry.
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1373751637' post='2141347'] I can't really help then, as you were [/quote] I thought not.
  11. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1373750947' post='2141336'] If your bass gets damaged in the post, Fender will assume responsibility and refund you appropriatley. That's the point of the thread, it should [i]always[/i] be the seller's responsibility, whether that be Fender or Joe Bloggs. [/quote] I'm fully aware of what the OP was but thanks for reminding me. I was answering what someone had said about only picking up basses. Read the whole thread and hopefully all will become clear.
  12. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1373750381' post='2141330'] But you are not dealing with them are you? Annoying if it gets damaged but ultimately not your problem is it, that's what your uk franchised dealer is there for. [/quote] Again i fail to see what that has got to do with what i said.
  13. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1373750234' post='2141327'] What difference does that make, I would only collect in person for a valuable bass so as long as it got to the shop ok I'd be buying from them, if its snapped in half before it even gets there that's not my problem is it? I don't even mind a display model if its mint or reduced to suit, no point getting the boxed one home to find it damaged, faulty electronics or just not as nice as the display one you tried [/quote] I have no idea what that has got to do with what i said.
  14. Ater reading the perils of sending a bass i'm thinking of picking up my new Fender from the U.S. Does anyone know what airport is nearest to the Fender factory and how much the flight will cost taking in to consideration that i will require two seats so that the bass does not get damaged on the journey. I presume that every guitar and bass manufacturer does this otherwise how on earth do they arrive in the U.K. undamaged?
  15. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1373746725' post='2141264'] I don't buy basses that I can't go and collect in person. I've gone to Newcastle, Liverpool, Goole and Nottingham so far. I've received less valuable items that were packed really badly so I wouldn't risk it with a bass. [/quote] I can understand that to a certain extent but how do you think that the bass gets from the manufacturer to the customer in the first place?
  16. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Blue-Floral-aged-Replica-guitar-body-ash-/300927081291?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4610a6db4b"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item4610a6db4b[/url] http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Blue-Floral-aged-Replica-Guitar-Body-/300927077843?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4610a6cdd3&nma=true&si=dBnWw0%252Blm7%252Bi3PvJIp3TcBiJoak%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  17. Why not have a matching pair? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Paisley-telecaster-guitar-body-/300930383862?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4610d93ff6
  18. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1373707982' post='2140740'] It's ok. I guess I'm just miffed about losing out on it. Sour grapes and all that. Over it. Nice bass, though. [/quote] Yeah, i realise how you felt. He's a decent bloke and if you are ever interested in one of his basses then give him a ring.
  19. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1373658118' post='2140376'] Naah... there's something not right about all this. The auction for that bass had two offers - they were obviously unbeknownst to me - but in a matter of hours the seller accepted an offer not that much higher than mine, yet well below his asking price and MEGA well below the expected retail price quoted on the site. Anyone on Basschat win this? [/quote] If you have a problem why don't you phone the seller? The sellers phone number is in the contact details that are on the listing.
  20. If anyone thinks that they have a neck heavy bass then you are welcome to play my 1960s WEM Sapphire at the South East Bass Bass (if it's put back together by then). It practically screams 'dive, dive, dive' when you put it on and the only thing that's going to have your left hand heading towards the floor faster is if someone straps a bag of cement in your hand.
  21. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1373621736' post='2139694'] I got pipped on that 6-string fretless last night!! [/quote] Have you spoken to Mark as he may have other basses for sale that aren't on ebay. Give him a call. He's a really nice and helpful guy who is passionate about music and the needs of his customers.
  22. This is beautiful...... http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/NS4_Shorty_QM_files/ShortyFront.jpg
  23. 1. Hamster - Tea, coffee & biscuits 2. Silverfoxnik - BC Rich Eagle, Schecter Diamond P5, Levinson Blade B15, amp & cab tbc 3. Happy Jack - Matamp GT120 with Barefaced stack 4. Bluejay - something left-handed 5. OBBM - Bergantino CN212, Aguilar TH500, A couple of old Fenders, perhaps a Sadowsky UV70. 6. chris_b 7. Clarky 8. Russ - Sei 5-string, Spector 5-string, Markbass 6x10"/Ampeg SVT-7 9. Irvined - Retrovide RV4 and home brew bass pedals 10. xilddx - 1983 USA Fender Jazz / 2010 USA Fender Stratocaster Deluxe V-Neck / POD X3 LIVE 11. Sibob 12. Tayste_2000 - Rickenbacker 4003, Overwater 5 string, [1970s Ampeg B-15, Custom Matamp GT200 MK2, Matamp 8x10], the pedalboard 13.Barneyg42-Status S2 Classic five, Ibanez BTB 6-string fretess,TC BH500, TC BC 2x10, Barefaced Compact and various pedalage! 14. Walman - the usual culprits - [i]though it rather depends on where if anywhere gets booked for the long hols as that is the last Sat of those so I may have to bale[/i] 15.Paul S - some stuff. BF rig, maybe a Westone Pantera X790 in case anyone wants a look? 16. BetaFunk - I will bring a selection of British 60s basses (Vox, Burns, WEM) plus my Shergold Marathon. 17. 18. 19. 20. Anyone is welcome to play any of my basses. I will bring my Burns Sonic, VOX Bassmaster, VOX Clubman, WEM Sapphire & Shergold Marathon.
  24. I was actually speaking to Mark Ramsay this afternoon. He's a really nice guy who is passionate about basses. Here's a link to his facebook page where there are lots of photos of his basses. https://www.facebook.com/RamsayMusicalInstruments?fref=ts
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