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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. I've never played in front of anyone (and don't intend to!) but can bring along my 1960s VOX Clubman & Bassmaster, Burns Sonic, WEM Sapphire for a bit of novelty value against all of the exotica on view! Anyone is welcome to play them. Just let me know if it's a good idea and i'll bring them.
  2. [quote name='pobrien_ie' timestamp='1373537646' post='2138689'] I was waiting for the 'would you buy a beaten up car or would you relic your own car' argument [/quote] Don't worry that has been mentioned many times before on here.
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1373533439' post='2138620'] Do we have an ETA for the UK? I might actually have to go and try one of these... (shock horror!) [/quote] Yes. My local Fender dealer told me that they were due in the UK in August or 'earlier' and only to dealers who have pre-ordered them. That's what the man said.
  4. [quote name='bassman344' timestamp='1373493290' post='2138365'] Any love for these finance shredding gadgets. Im going to see bruce springsteen in belfast on sat 20th july and his bassist plays a shorty i believe. Bass direct just got two gorgeous shortys in. Whats the craic with them? Tone? Playability? Weight? Balance? [/quote] Someone sold one on BC a few months ago. Here's the link. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203325-spector-shorty-usa-sold/page__hl__spector%20shorty
  5. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1373503496' post='2138454'] If you want a cheap intro to short-scale basses, Ibanez GSRM-20 is a well-made starter. But change the strings [/quote] ......and you can buy THIRTEEN Ibanez for the cost of ONE Shorty.
  6. [quote name='Johngh' timestamp='1373483402' post='2138198'] Always goes to prove one mans strawberry is another mans onions [/quote] I couldn't agree more. I like lots of different music styles but often wonder why people think that just because they think they've just heard the greatest thing ever that everyone will like it too.
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1373470694' post='2138013'] I think you're all thinking about it too much. :-) [/quote] Thinking about what? See, I've forgotten already.
  8. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1373463368' post='2137875'] No. No, it doesn't. It really, really doesn't. A well-made musical instrument is a work of art, and that calls for artistic skill. A deliberately damaged musical instrument is an aberration, a passing fad which will one day be viewed with contempt and amusement. If there is one thing it does NOT require, it's artistic skill. [/quote] That's a really interesting point. As fashions are ever changing i wonder if there will be a day in a years to come when guitar and bass buyers will be searching for an instrument that has not been relic'd and the prices for relic'd instruments will fall accordingly with demand.
  9. Not sure about the wall but you could always buy an old shed and sit in that. Very rustic is an old shed. As for the current fashion of relic'd basses i've never understood it. A light relic although i still don't like them i can understand but most look awful because they are ludicrously over done and have little in common with a naturally worn and used bass or guitar looks like. I think i'd cry if i saw a custom shop guitar in all it's beautiful polished glory attacked by a sander.
  10. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1373390590' post='2137054'] in that case , what would be better , one of the current six bolt models or a pre - Ernie Ball three bolt model ? Would I need to get two three bolt basses to equal one six bolt bass ? This could work out as a very expensive business . [/quote] Even the mention of pre-Ernie Ball sends a shiver down my spine as if i was in pursuit of some mythical creature. I must ask myself if i am worthy enough ever to hold one of these in my feeble hands. They truly are the thing of legend.
  11. There are lots of new models http://basschat.co.uk/topic/211505-2013-squier-vintage-modified-bass-vi/page__st__20__p__2133596__hl__squier%20bass%20vi__fromsearch__1#entry2133596
  12. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1373326586' post='2136362'] You mean we should avoid bolt-ons because Fender use them? [/quote] No, on the contrary. I've just remembered that the Stingray has a bolt on neck. Memo to self: Must get Stingray first thing tomorrow without fail. As the great FZ once said ...................... how could i have been such a fool?
  13. What system do Fender use? Exactly. Thread closed then.
  14. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1373318505' post='2136201'] I think that these two posts pretty much sum up (respectively) what Fender really did get right and the reason why a lot of top gigging players use Fenders... [/quote] Well that's that sorted. NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1373317808' post='2136179'] Fixed It's a joke, no backlash please [/quote] I wonder what her Maj would say when they went to pick up their gongs. Prince Phil would probably say "well at least they're not more bloody cyclists Liz".
  16. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1373317484' post='2136172'] Don't know. Never seen one..... [/quote] You don't need to have seen a tribute band to have an opinion on the original post. For the record i have only seen one tribute and and that was the Bootleg Beatles in the 1980s. They were excellent but it felt more like a theatrical show to a gig and none the worse for that. I have no interest in seeing another tribute band.
  17. BetaFunk


    I've never had a problem. Works fine for me.
  18. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1373313963' post='2136103'] Well, I was just starting to watch this. 1 min later, I had enough. Best u2 impersonators I have ever heard. Trouble is, I hate u2 [/quote] I tend to agree. Very bland (like U2) but that's a lovely Bass VI.
  19. Most rock stars are hardly shrinking violets so they'd probably be more annoyed if there weren't any tribute bands.
  20. i think that Mumford and Sons should be knighted along with Andy Murray at the earliest convenience of her Maj.
  21. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1373227645' post='2135107'] Haven't gigged one myself but recently did sound for a cracking band called Exit International - just a drummer and two bassists. The guy doing the more lead/melody type parts played a Bass VI for a chunk of the set and it sounded fantastic, and sat in the mix wonderfully. No worries about the bottom end either, seemed to have it on tap. [/quote] I've seen a video of Exit International and the bassists were playing Jazz and Precision basses so the idea of them playing a Bass VI makes sense. I'd be interested to hear them with that line-up.
  22. This is my 2 P/U Silvertone which has a similar scratchplate.
  23. [quote name='barryman' timestamp='1373217879' post='2134895'] Has anyone got an old discarded scratchplate that would fit a Jap made bass - it's kinda like a copy of the old Burns Bison bass. Mine is a single pickup model. (photo attached) Let me know if anyone has anything - I don't have the old one to even take a template Cheers [/quote] It looks like a Silvertone 1490 made by Guyatone. The chances of ever finding a scratchplate for that are slim. On saying that i found an original aluminium scratchplate on ebay for my old Kent Polaris guitar so never say never. +1 for the Bass Doc. Howard has made some superb pickguards, control plates and even pickup surrounds for me and he is probably your best bet. I couldn't recommend anyone higher.
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