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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='gilli1812' timestamp='1373204771' post='2134647'] It's the pawnshop mim model i tried. Without being a snob your can't beat Fender on the headstock, saying that my china made squier strat is a better player than my old made in japan Fender strat reissue so there you go. [/quote] I know what you mean. I have a PS Bass VI and that's why i asked what version you played. The PS is not really a reissue as it differs a lot from the original Bass VI from the humbucking bridge pickup and the Strat style switch (as opposed to the 4 switches on the original) plus the strings are lighter gauge. The Squier may be truer to the original Bass Vi but we're going to have to wait a month or so to find out. In the meantime i wouldn't part with my Pawn Shop version.
  2. I forgot to say that it might be worth waiting for the Squier Bass Vi which is due in August. Even if you don't like it the £300ish it's going to cost isn't going to break the bank and you could always easily move it on at that price.
  3. Which reissue did you play? There are a few Bass VI threads on BC including the Pawn Shop version. Here's the great Roy Babbington on his Bass VI. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKDuevCr90Q
  4. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=121139081248
  5. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1373118128' post='2133899'] Ooer ive never played in front of a large crowd before and im playing at Hawes Big Bash tonight and the weather is glorious so im thinking its going to be busy, im getting just a tad nervous about this one especially as weve added a few new songs to the set list that we only rehearsed this week, the only bonus is the song i sing has been removed for the night, we got the plum second off last spot as well [/quote] Have a good 'un.
  6. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1373011087' post='2132671'] We're playing the Twickenham Green Fair on Sunday 7th July. On about 4pm. Expect small children dropping their ice creams and running away crying. [/quote] ......and old gentlemen dropping their pint of Fullers ESB and crying. That'll be me by the way.
  7. [quote name='Bmo7476' timestamp='1373040339' post='2133139'] Over here (US) they sell for $3,000 to $5,000 USD, depending on the model and features. So price wise it was priced right for me. [/quote] You mean that there is actually something that is cheaper here in the U.K. than it is in the U.S. This must be a first.
  8. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1373043232' post='2133188'] I rather liked the gold colour too. I had a red one of these as my very first bass. I resprayed it purple metallic. [/quote] I agree, that's a nice colour. I can understand why people want something original but if the price is right this no longer bothers me. Look how many refinished Fenders there are out there. I bought an old 60s British bass recently which had replacement pickups. In the past i would have found some original pickups for it but because these replacements sounded better than with the originals i left the bass as it is. The fact that someone (probably in the 70s) had put these pickups in is to me part of the basses history. We live in a world where there is a demand for everything to be perfect and sometimes it's just nice to have something that no one else has got.
  9. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1373045866' post='2133229'] If you have a car licence but no car you could get a trike would not cost tons more than a scooter/small bike also carrying a bass etc etc on a scooter can be classed as a hazardous load by some insurance companys I know this sounds pathetic but this happened to my mate was carrying his snooker cue sling style on his back he and to cut a long story short he had a bump and got no payout as he was deemed to have an unsecured loan.So might be worth thinking about this if you have an expensive bass. As for the DI box etc sorry I dont know. Good luck with this [/quote] A trike would not cost tons more than a scooter or small bike? Really? I've ridden motorbikes for over 40 years and wouldn't even consider carrying a bass on a solo bike.
  10. [quote name='Stance' timestamp='1373039158' post='2133122'] every instrument I get needs to be seen as an investment, because I never know when will come the day that things go from bad to worse, and I need to recover the money I spent on a particular instrument. [/quote] If things do go from bad to worse then who is going to buy all these instruments that are at the moment seen as an investment? Just a thought.
  11. [quote name='uke' timestamp='1372977663' post='2132519'] Anyone recognize the seller, John Giblin! [/quote] http://basschat.co.uk/topic/206325-john-giblin-fans-take-a-look-at-this/page__p__2061769__hl__giblin__fromsearch__1#entry2061769
  12. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1372975438' post='2132489'] James Brown, 1970 lineup, main stage saturday night. [/quote] He could be the warm up for Mumford and Sons.
  13. Kokomo Nick Drake Bees Make Honey Blood Sweat & Tears Eric Dolphy The Legendary Stardust Cowboy Laura Nyro The Raybeats Earth Wind and Fire The Shaggs The Residents Albert Ayler Ornette Coleman's Prime Time Miles Davis (Bitches Brew period) Defunkt St Etienne Ronald Shannon Jackson and the Decoding Society Kid Creole and the Coconuts Sun Ra James Chance and the Contortions Yamashita Trio Lydia Lunch Rick James Captain Sky Shuggie Otis
  14. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1372888828' post='2131365'] [i][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVL8IZWNh5k[/media][/i] [/quote] Come back Mumford and Sons. All is forgiven.
  15. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1372883410' post='2131225'] If they are so perfect, why are people selling them? [/quote] Simply because Fender owners want you to share in their joy at owning the best.
  16. [b] Hugh = Hefner; Basses = Hofner. That is all.[/b]
  17. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1372881323' post='2131174'] I totally disagree with... Oh. I'll get me coat... [/quote]
  18. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1372880676' post='2131158'] I was going to join the back of the queue marked 'Mumford? Don't get what all the fuss is about', and perhaps say 'meh', but having learned 'Little Lion Man' for a dep gig, I have to admit that song is quite catchy. Can't see me buying any of their stuff though. [/quote] I agree with not getting what all the fuss is about but what happens on any forum is that someone says that a group are crap and then the next person comes along and defends them by saying that aren't crap. What amazes me is that anyone would be bothered to reply. I have lots of favourite artists and couldn't give a flying one if anyone likes them or not. If someone loved them or hated them it couldn't possibly make any difference to me liking them or not. I don't listen through other people's ears so why would it?
  19. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1372876718' post='2131095'] Not really, no. Unless Dylan had emerged from the Minnesota flatlands to suck helium and play someone else's songs. OK, there's a superficial tonal resemblance, but - as some media outlet, I forget which, asserted - Mr Bugg's more akin to Lonnie Donegan. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWA997xM9MI[/media] [/quote] Now why couldn't Mumford and Sons were nice suits like that? Just a bit of effort makes all the difference.
  20. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1372877801' post='2131115'] It's just pop songs written to appeal to students, played on acoustic instruments. [/quote] Are we back to Dylan again? I'm getting confused.
  21. [quote name='Lasermonkey' timestamp='1372871426' post='2131020'] Even though I bought a PS VI, I'll still be getting one of these. I'll use one as a baritone and one as a bass, with different string gauges. [/quote] Yes, same here. You can never have too many Bass VIs.
  22. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1372847971' post='2130559'] Simplicity in music is what punters like. Love me Do had 2 chords (lets now go there just yet though ) I liked the Mumfords first album (for a bit) And then it went the way of Nirvana, Ocean Colour Scene and the Levellers, as it got played at me literally everywhere I went, while earnest dinner party guests asked me how good I thought they were, and continually played the sodding record all night, with their eyes closed... Shame, cos the title track on Sigh No More, is a lovely build up of epic loveliness. It moves from a slow accappella chant (quite haunting) through to a fairly nice little song, and then into a foot-stomping maelstrom of intensity. Really very good. Course you may not agree, but that's fine. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7TrU4_-JTY[/media] Whereas the new album is tired old tosh with banjos, and I like banjos... It's not folk, it's not bluegrass, it's not indie, it's not new, it's not amazing, but it is enjoyable, whereas Adele is unlistenable whiny bollocks, as is Jake Bugg. Despite the fact that many many people disagree with me about that, I must be right [/quote] I can honestly say that i didn't find that enjoyable at all. It was hardly the uplifting folkie strum-a-long i was anticipating so it's nil points from me.
  23. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1372867188' post='2130945'] Ooh, lucky I didn't just buy the Pawn shop version - I reckon the Squier will be even better value. Now I just need to find an excuse for needing "yet another guitar". [/quote] Lucky? How can missing out on owning the most fun bass of the year (PS Bass VI) be lucky? P.S. Don't forget that the PS also has the magic word 'Fender' on the headstock.
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