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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1372855223' post='2130719'] For me they are easily accessible instruments that people can afford. And there is no harm in that. They are readily available from probably 90% of your average music shop. [/quote] I think that you're correct if you mean 'guitar shop' but i don't see many Fenders in the average 'music shop'. I think it's all about having to put in a big order that stops them being available in the average music shop. I totally agree though that they are readily available. You're never far away from a Fender that's for sure!
  2. [quote name='njr911' timestamp='1372848263' post='2130564'] I fancy a Porn (sic) Shop VI with the matching hs but for £300 a white VM might be very tempting. [/quote] They do love to mix things up at Fender don't they? This Squier has the 4 switches and similar PUs to the original Bass Vi but no Tremiolo lock. The Pawn Shop has the 5-way Strat type switching, an odd choice of PUs but it does have a Tremoio lock plus the Candy Apple Red PS is the only one out of all them that has a matching H/S. I wonder what gauge strings Fender will use on the Squier? Going by their recent form, probably nothing like what we expect. P.S. On saying all of that the Squier Bass VI is great news and looks like a bargain to me.
  3. [quote name='MetricMike' timestamp='1372789175' post='2130059'] [b]You don't know, you cannot judge - you have never seen them live!! [/b] [/quote] This is a BC gem which i will cherish.
  4. Knowing the Beeb they will probably revamp the show and it will be presented by Mumford & Sons.
  5. I've just heard Bryan Ferry singing 'A Hard Rain's A Gonna Fall' on the radio and all of a sudden M&S don't sound so bad.
  6. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1372764059' post='2129549'] Of course, I am totally wrong and you are right as always. Thank you for knowing my own mind better than I do & pointing out the error of my ways. [/quote]
  7. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1372758700' post='2129479'] Listening to Planet Rock this morning and the DJ reckoned Mumford and Sons were a masterstroke by the organisers. Putting them on last on Sunday enabled the car park to empty slowly, in an orderly fashion, instead of putting on The Rolling Stones which would have made a more chaotic rush at the end [/quote] That a good point. I can just imagine the sight of all those 60k chelsea tractors queuing for the exit gates.
  8. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1372718653' post='2129219'] I think you know full well that wasn't literally what was meant. [/quote] I can fully understand that it must be a thrill to play to such a large audience but surely that's not what's it's all about for everyone? Or is it?
  9. [quote name='Johngh' timestamp='1372711463' post='2129083'] And that dear peeps is what it's all about. Next time the Glasto band knockers are playing the Frog and T*at on a Saturday night to 5 people and the landlords manky mutt, they out to think on about this. 80,000 smiling and dancing punters. Wow. [/quote] What it's all about? Do you mean that's it's only worth playing if it's for 80,000n or more?
  10. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1372708979' post='2129012'] I see your point, but Dr Feelgood wasn't really the kind of band I had in mind, I was thinking more of your weekend warrior pub band. But, still, I can't see Wilko and company putting on the kind of gig I saw the Stones do in the 90s, simply as they don't have the tunes. [/quote] Yes i realise that and you're right about the tunes. I think a lot of it is also down to the venue. I saw Dr Feelgood in many pubs in the 70s which was the environment where they were at there best. They weren't at their best in a large venue.
  11. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1372708211' post='2128990'] Mumford, Bellowhead, Noah and the whale.....Not my bag at all. [/quote] I've heard a lot about Noah and the Whale but was surprised how ordinary they were. I wouldn't want to listen to too much of that.
  12. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1372706985' post='2128949'] Lots of comments about them being an average pub band. Never seen a pub band pull off a Stones cover with the swagger and roll of the Stones, ever. Including the bands I've played in! [/quote] Dr Feelgood were a pub band and i think that they would have blown the Stones off of any stage.
  13. [quote name='stu_g' timestamp='1372696946' post='2128742'] i prefered kenny rogers [/quote] Now you're talking. Class!
  14. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1372692782' post='2128668'] You speak for yourself. I've got a unbelievably sh*t badly paid menial job but I'd genuinely rather do that than play music I absolutely detest. I'd feel the same about playing in a covers or function band too - playing just isn't that important to me that I'd do it whatever the gig. I can't think of anything more soul destroying. [/quote] That's a really great attitude to have. I take my hat off to you and long may you continue to play the music you enjoy.
  15. Who was looking after the shop while Mick and Keith were having fun at Glasto? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nY4isQVSgDg
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1372689700' post='2128602'] Same thing for those loveable rascals: the Rolling Stones..! What's not to like..? [/quote]
  17. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1372678708' post='2128374'] +1 to most of this (and I'm not particularly a fan BTW). The whole "I don't like them so they're sh*te" - whoever it's about - is all a bit 6th form IMO. [/quote] I wouldn't worry about it too much. There are some people on here that don't even like The Beatles. I know it's hard to believe but it's true. How anyone could not like those fabulously talented mop topped jolly scousers is beyond me. It just goes to show what a crazy mixed up world we live in.
  18. I prefer to remember them this way http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1WiYDzEuxc
  19. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1372680329' post='2128399'] It's not a coincidence . After Altamont the Stones enlisted the help of the wood pigeons to protect them from the wrath of the Hells Angels who had taken out a contract on them . The plan was that wherever the Stones were in the World , there would be a local chapter of pigeons waiting in the sky above them ready to swoop down on any would - be assailants and peck them mercilessly into submission . The Beatles had tried a similar plan a couple of years earlier - Paul wrote the song Blackbird about it - but Yoko put a stop to it because she saw it as a challenge to her absolute authority over John . [/quote] I can understand that as the wood pigeons are well hard around here and always go around in twos. They almost sneer at me as they look down from their lofty perch and even the cats around here walk in fear.
  20. I've just heard the wood pigeons in a tree just outside my window doing that cooing thing and it was absolutely in time with the 'ooh, ooh,' in Sympathy For The Devil. How cool is that? P.S. I should also say that it was a lot more in tune than Mick's cringeworthy series of ooh, oohs at Glasto.
  21. I don't think i've loathed any groups as much as Mumford since seeing Yes at Kingston Poly in the early 70s and after having to endure Jon Anderson's whiny vocals missed the bloody last bus home.
  22. It's simply a case of the kings new clothes. The media latch on to someone or something, tell you they're great, a few music journos champion them and it's job done. I'm getting on a bit so realise that i'm not going to like a lot of younger groups but what i find really sad it that so many of these flavour of the month groups are so bloody ordinary and lack any imagination. Not sure about about Wimbledon but these dudes must live on the soulless semi-detached suburban side of drabsville.
  23. [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1372604473' post='2127586'] [size=4]I'm psst off with Ebay and fakes. I just contacted Fender customer relations about it. Hopefully they will have a word with ebay and their lack of interest in fakes for sale on their site...[/size] [/quote] Most of these big corporations don't seem to care less. Have a look on facebook and see how many iPhone, iPad etc 'giveaways' there are. Of course they don't actually give anything away and none of them are anything to do with Apple but do they care?
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1372613770' post='2127716'] Oh, I don't know - he is [i]quite [/i]annoying. [/quote] I do try.
  25. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1372608702' post='2127637'] If they had stayed together long enough for Paul to get one of the first Stingrays in '76 , who knows what they might have achieved ? [/quote] This is so true and it could have given us the advertising slogan of the century: "Stingrays give you Wings" (Sorry about that)
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