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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. I think that this thread just goes to prove that if The Fab Four had played Fenders they really could have been a decent band.
  2. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1372590996' post='2127440'] I think we all have a rainproof item of clothing on BC [/quote] That's true. I was getting a bit worried the other day when i was discussing with someone where the strap button went on a 1960s VOX bass and that some players of that era moved them for better balance. Oh dear.
  3. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1372576632' post='2127255'] Interesting to see what happens. I reported this as well, at 8.15 this morning. [/quote] I'm sure i don't have to to tell you this but ebay are a law unto themselves on listings. I have reported lots of things that by their own rules are not allowed to be listed and some listings they end and some they don't. They do not stick to their own policies. It's all very strange.
  4. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1372579051' post='2127284'] BC has risen to the challenge yet again, you guys never fail to impress. I told Graham to post the question here as I was confident someone would know. Anoraktastic! [/quote] I should get out more. I'll get me anorak.
  5. [quote name='BassManGraham' timestamp='1372552744' post='2127195'] Many Thanks. That's really helpful. Possibly a Rosetti then. I will check out serial number. [/quote] No problem. Glad to be of help.
  6. [quote name='BassManGraham' timestamp='1372544283' post='2127116'] WOW BetaFunk you've nailed it. Many thanks. I've been playing for 40 years and never seen one before. Do you know when and where they were made? Cheers Graham [/quote] Egmond were made in Holland but a lot of them made it to the UK in the 50s and 60s branded as Rosetti. George Harrison and Brian May had Rosetti branded Egmonds. I'm certainly no expert on these but have come across them in the past and i would think your bass must be from around 1960/1. This is a good website: [url="http://www.egmondguitars.nl/index.html"]http://www.egmondguitars.nl/index.html[/url]
  7. I've had a think about this and that bass has a similar body shape, pickguard, bridge and pickups as an Egmond Rambler. That's not to say it is one but now you have to see if perhaps someone copied an Egmond or that maybe they copied something. Egmond made a bass with a similar body to the bass you have with headstock that had three a side tuners (gibson type) but also the Fender type that you have.
  8. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1372530553' post='2126943'] Sigh. And yet another good reason to contemplate to stop using EvilBay. EvilBay and PaynPal are really doing everything they can to scare away honest people. best, bert [/quote] Let's hope they scare more and more buyers away then there are more and more bargains for me.
  9. [quote name='Johngh' timestamp='1372529586' post='2126923'] Most Fenders are only good enough for turning the odd sod over I've found. [/quote] ..and there are definitely some odd sods about.
  10. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1372520420' post='2126764'] He's quoted as saying that he has to chug a few beers before the start of a show... [/quote] That must be why i've never notice because i'm doing exactly the same thing.
  11. [quote name='Colonel36' timestamp='1372517783' post='2126715'] When I'm looking to buy a bass, I can't stand to see it displayed as If it were just an old pitchfork or garden spade. I don't want it to have soil or grass on it and looking like it's going to be scratched from being laid across some old decking. I like it looking as though someone cares about it. Someone that cares that it doesn't get scratched or just laid down on a flag, leaning against an old shed. When parting with cash, I like , the seller to show me they care. There's one guy on here that displays his guitars, that he sells, superbly on a stand and soft sheets with fabulous photo's. Now he's a guy I'd buy from, not someone that could have just turned a sod over with his old Fender. Is it me [/quote] That's a great post that really made me laugh. As i stagger home from the pub at closing time tonight i will be peering into every garden i pass in the hope that i'll see a boutique bass with quilted maple top leaning up against an old creosoted shed or laying on some old decking put down when the Ground Force team visited some years ago.
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1372513390' post='2126658'] [size=4]We should be so lucky.[/size] [/quote] Lucky, lucky, lucky.
  13. I don't get the Seasick Steve thing at all but he seems like a good act for a festival. This is what every festival needs..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAyc7WzMD5o
  14. [quote name='Leen2112' timestamp='1372508226' post='2126569'] Don't know why but looked like he was suffering from stage fright! His hands were shaking, but maybe that's him? [/quote] Thanks, that's really interesting. I've seen him a few times and have never noticed this at all. Have a look at this article specially the 'New Millenium' piece. [url="http://www.guitarmasterclass.net/wiki/index.php/Allan_Holdsworth"]http://www.guitarmas...llan_Holdsworth[/url]
  15. [quote name='Vinny' timestamp='1372497335' post='2126377'] Keith Barrett. [/quote] Who?
  16. I've seen AH a few times. In the 90s i saw the last gig on that tour and they were selling some of the merchandise cheap. I bought half a dozen t-shirts for £2.99 each. I wore two but left the others unused in a draw. A couple of years ago i put them on ebay and got over £30 for each one. I even sold both the used ones for £15. Result!!!
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNXnW_StFbE
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9cAVHZfQAY
  19. [quote name='Leen2112' timestamp='1372459886' post='2126147'] Yeah, saw him at the renfrew ferry a few years ago. Pretty good even though he looked terrified! [/quote] Terrified?
  20. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1372435096' post='2125776'] My first bass, mid/late sixies, in white. Bought so-called 'new' from an odd shop in Addlestone for £20; it may have been excess stock, or a traded-in instrument. played it for less than a year, and took up drums. Cause and effect..? Perhaps. It didn't impress me then; it wouldn't impress me now. At that price..? Strictly for collectors (it's in fine condition for it's age...) or someone very, very nostalgic. [/quote] Perhaps you were unfortunate and got a duff one. The ones i have are nice and light and sound great. Everyone i've shown the VOXs to love them. I haven't had one negative comment about them and i can't say that about any other bass i have. On saying there's not a chance i'd ever pay £500 for one.
  21. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/210045-paul-simonons-precision-i-hope-this-ones-real/
  22. The last time i saw Jarrett live was his trio with Gary Peacock and Jack DeJohnette and had to suffer the seemingly obligatory lecture about anyone with a camera or recording device. I found it so tedious and unnecessary i've never seen him since and never will again. Genius or not i can well do without that.
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