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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='paulpirie8' timestamp='1372411084' post='2125349'] Also, I'm looking at the strap and wondering why it's attached to the headstock as opposed to the other strap pin. Are they neck heavy or is that likely to just be a personal preference of the seller? Paul [/quote] I'm going to sound like a bit of an anorak here but the strap pin is located just lower on the top horn of the body. Ialso have a couple of VOX Bassmasters which are similar and the strap pin is in the same place on some models but players sometimes moved the pin a couple of inches higher so it was on the top of the horn.
  2. I have two 1965 VOX Clubman basses. It may surprise some on here that actually they were decent basses. I took them to a luthier friend i know and he was a surprised at how good it was and while i was at his place a bass player we both know came in and played it. He wanted to buy it (i'm not selling) but i'm going to lend it to him for a gig as he was so impressed. You could gig with it no problem. There is no neck dive whatsoever and they are a really punchy little bass. You're not going to get it to sound like a P Bass but that was never the point. P.S. My ones didn't cost anywhere near the price of the one advertised. Here's a clip of one in action. [media]http://youtu.be/QvZjldFCzco[/media]
  3. Sold my MicroKorg to Rich. Fast payment and really nice bloke.
  4. I agree that you'd best take it to a good luthier. On the positive side it's still a great bass and will continue to be so try and look on the bright side.
  5. This one is going to run and run and when it's finally on it's last legs we can always rely on someone mentioning either Jaco or The Beatles and hey presto! we'll be off and running again!
  6. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1372086897' post='2121380'] Jerry Peek-tastic! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73qJPLZxNi0[/media] [/quote] Brilliant stuff. Just goes to show what you can do with a Guild Pilot when it's in the right hands!!!
  7. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/210802-barry-dallman-blog-worst-exploitation-of-musicians/
  8. I love that colour. I've been looking at that Sandberg for a while on the Bass Direct website and it looks better every time! I have a yellow Guild Pilot (for sale as it happens) and it looks great in that colour. P.S. If you buy the Sandberg don't forget to post some pics.
  9. It just goes to show there are still lots of bargains still to be had on ebay. I'm currently restoring (actually it's mainly a good and thorough clean and set-up) three recently acquired basses.
  10. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' timestamp='1371980447' post='2120205'] The original winner has flipped it straight on. Check out the feedback number of the original winner and the new seller [/quote] Of course. That was my point.
  11. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1372001234' post='2120485'] I don't know , to be honest . I don't think so , because throughout the film they are complaing that Dr Feelgood have played the same gigs before them and blown the roof off the place , leaving them with a tough act to follow . I saw the documentary about fifteen or twenty years ago and was struck by what an interesting picture of Britain in the mid -1970's it was . The fact that it was filmed in black and white ,except for the live music sequences that were in colour , added to that impression . I remember the scene where they are driving into Glasgow and marvelling at what a grim place it is , them talking to girls after college gigs , and discussing the merits of Peavey amps . I can't find it anywhere on the internet to watch again and refresh my memory . I am told on good authority that this film was actually a major influence for Spinal Tap and some of that films dialogue was directly inspired by the Kurzaal's film . Anyhow , I would love to see it again [/quote] I still think that this is great. http://youtu.be/G-x-tcQWYQA
  12. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1372000387' post='2120470'] I wasn't a great fan of the Kursaal Flyers, either. Saw them a couple of times at the Blue Boar pub, which was 'their manor' but it was mainly strutting and posing. Dr Feelgood - the other local band - were the real deal, though. And are still amazing to see live - saw them a month or so back. [/quote] The Kursaal Flyers were really excellent around 1976 and they used to put on a great show. Dr Feelgood were of course great but i wouldn't compare the two as they both own had their own style. I know that both these bands reformed with various line-up but to me there was only one Kursaals and that's the 1976/7 version with Will Birch and Paul Shuttleworth and the only Dr Feelgood is with both Lee Brilleaux and Wilko. The other line-ups don't even come close to the real thing.
  13. [quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1371995001' post='2120413'] How about this for a fall out? [media]http://youtu.be/bNxIRu9XXxs[/media] [/quote] I'm sure that reminds me of something. Oh yes, now i remember.............. from 1.00 minute [media]http://youtu.be/IWx4TF5B-E0[/media]
  14. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1371993073' post='2120394'] Does anybody remember that documentary from about 1975 about the Kursaal Flyers on a college tour across the U.K ? It was absolutely fascinating , and would be a really intresting historical document nowadays . Maybe BBC 4 will show it at some point . [/quote] Was that the 'Naughty Rhythms' Tour? The Kursaals were on a couple of them along with Dr Feelgood, Brinsley Schwartz, Kokomo, Chilli Willi and the Red Hot Peppers etc
  15. Don't know if this has been posted before but this is the daddy of all musician insults............ http://youtu.be/tCF9wgMU7es
  16. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1371954117' post='2120064'] Coins and stamps and simlar things took a massive hit with the internet making it suddenly very apparent just how common certain things actually are, and took a lot of the price control out of the hands of the dealers, who run sites like that. They don't like it. [/quote] The same thing happened with vinyl. Record dealers used to jump with joy when the new Record Collectors Guide came out every year and they could see how much their stock was worth as the prices seemed to rise every year. Then ebay came along and we found that a lot of those 'rare' records weren't actually that rare at all.
  17. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1371979516' post='2120188'] Mind you I saw some pretty awful bands - does anyone recall ever seeing a prog-ish type band called Frupp? [/quote] Yes i saw them a couple of times. Not really my cup of tea but any live music was better than nothing in those days. They were regulars on the college circuit in the 70s.
  18. .........then two come along! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/tempo-bass-/330924342226?nma=true&si=dBnWw0%252Blm7%252Bi3PvJIp3TcBiJoak%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BASS-GUITAR-RARE-EARLY-70s-By-TEMPO-/290930521299?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item43bccf74d3"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item43bccf74d3[/url]
  19. [quote name='dry_stone' timestamp='1371929085' post='2119802'] I honestly cannot remember being hungry at the Isle of Wight in 1970; but thinking back, I didn't seem to eat much in those days anyhow. I do remember climbing the hill over to Freshwater Bay and skinny-dippin' in the sea, I'll never forget the toilets (and folks complain about the loos at Glastonbury!), although we had tickets we went and joined the thousands of ticket-less fans watching everything for free on the hill overlooking the arena (a bit of bad planning by the organisers that!). I also remember that the weather was beautiful over the five days we were there, but I often wonder what it would have been like if the weather had turned, it could have been a disaster area. I had no tent, just a sheet of plastic and a sleeping bag, a few cans of beans and a spare pully. That weekend taught me a lot about life. [/quote] Yes, thinking about it (the old memories not what it was) it was the 1969 IOW festival that i was talking about with a lot of hungry people wandering around the island. I didn't go but my brother told me all about it on his return. They also showed on TV all the local shops with empty shelves. I know that nowadays the TV crew would clear the shelves themselves for a new story but the shops really did run out of food. I think that the nearest pubs were closed to the great unwashed who invaded the island. Nowadays they would be selling Hog Roast in the pub gardens and doing 'executive weekend festival breaks' but i think the locals were really concerned that their morals would have been corrupted by these scruffy hippies!
  20. [quote name='lonestar' timestamp='1371928714' post='2119798'] I have one of these. Its very good £20 is a bargain [/quote] Cheers. They're really good. I'm only selling it as i also have an Electro Harmonix Headphone Amp and just don't use it anymore.
  21. This always works for me. Very relaxing. I never get to the second verse before falling asleep.......... http://youtu.be/2Z4m4lnjxkY
  22. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1371917729' post='2119594'] WTF?? You need help [/quote] I think they've been booked for the Twickenham Green Fair next week!
  23. http://youtu.be/LsbM6ROw7uA Oh sorry, i thought you said you liked sitars
  24. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1371917409' post='2119589'] Walk on the wild side.....?!? Actually i would have john taylor over jaco and james too...awaits death by flamin' at the stake!* [/quote] ......this thread could run and run now.
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