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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='Bassection' timestamp='1371406954' post='2113492'] I'd happily pay the £20 if I sold often, but I don't think I sell enough things to warrant paying it. Shame too, because I currently have more to sell than I ever have, but don't think it's worth the £20 to have a [i]chance[/i] at selling them. [/quote] I sold just [u]one[/u] bass on BC and the £20 was under half what it would have cost me on ebay. I use both BC and ebay to buy and sell. Although the listing fee may not look much on ebay it soon adds up if the items sells. It's swings and roundabouts.
  2. You don't seem to get as many posts like 'not sure if i really want to sell this....' or 'this is just a feeler...' so perhaps that has something to do with it.
  3. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1371318119' post='2112584'] Caravan with a drum solo? I might just 'freak out!' [/quote] When i first heard Freak Out in the late 60s (i was about 14) and had no idea what that meant until a couple of years later but have cherished it ever since and for the last 40 plus years i have wanted to shout it out loud at any gig i go to.
  4. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1371283356' post='2112007'] Beta, LOVING your avatar!! Brings back my youth! Must go hunt 'em down again and maybe head into Waterstones and buy that FFB compendium I meant to buy a few years back!! [/quote] They were great weren't they! I still have these FFFB and Fat Freddy's Cat badges. You can tell how old they are because one says "F*** The 80s, Let's Bring back The 60s'...........!!!!!
  5. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1371280449' post='2111988'] The vast majority of Feelgood songs were covers, and they were really just a pub band anyway. And don't forget, they were often described as the "Best Pub Band" in the world. [/quote] The Feelgoods were at their best playing in small venues. I saw them many times in the 70s in London pubs and on the college circuit and they were definitely at their best in smaller venues like the Marquee when it was in Wardour Street with the sweat dripping off the ceiling.
  6. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1371228879' post='2111517'] I don't think there is any mileage in being a Dr Feelgood tribute band. I doubt you'll get enough gigs and the show isn't going to be anything more than a pub set/band, tbh. [/quote] A pub set/band? That's what Dr Feelgood were.
  7. BetaFunk


    I wonder if you could save on shipping by putting a mast and sail on it and sailing it over from Shanghai?
  8. [size=5]Korg ToneWorks ~ Bass Modeling Signal Processor[/size] 'Loaded with models of 11 modern and classic bass amps plus 10 different speaker cabinets. packed with 11 of the most sought after classic bass effects models. Includes 11 preset programmes, 2 user programmes, manual mode etc'. Unit is in good condition and comes with original MANUAL & BOX.
  9. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1371213741' post='2111271'] I'm not sure the price of the Shergold would have fared quite so well , but no doubt some indie band Peter Hook wannabe would take it off your hands nowadays for a lot more than you could have paid for it back then . [/quote] The last couple of Shergold Marathon 6s i've seen in the last year have gone for over 1k and it seems that the price is rising. As you say it's the Joy Division/New Order thing.
  10. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1371162046' post='2110841'] This might cheer you up a bit . I saw these at Andy Baxters the other day and i they look remarkably similar to your beautiful early Seventies Jazz Bass you showed us : [url="http://www.andybaxterbass.com/details.php?id=228"]http://www.andybaxte...ails.php?id=228[/url] [url="http://www.andybaxterbass.com/details.php?id=402"]http://www.andybaxte...ails.php?id=402[/url] Looks like you have made a good investment there , regardless of how the market goes , and good luck to you . [/quote] Yes i saw that on Andy Baxters website. I noticed it because like mine it has black block inlays where most natural ones with white pickguard the inlays are also white. I agree that mine was a good buy but i did buy well over 20 years ago and i bought it because i'd always wanted a Jazz Bass not as an inverstment. There were some nice new basses on the market at that time (there seemed to be more guitar shops than ever back then) in the £400-£500 price range so no one was busting down doors to buy an old Jazz with a bit of buckle rash and a few dings. I sold my nearly new Bass Collection SB301(?) for £225 to buy the Jazz, so half what i paid for the Jazz. My only regret was that in the same shop standing next to it was a Shergold Marathon 6 for £195 which i didn't buy! No way could i have laid out another couple of hundred quid after just spend £450 on the Jazz!
  11. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/210028-is-this-precision-real/
  12. This is an interesting article.......... http://planetbotch.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/vintage-guitars-prices-set-to-crash.html
  13. Really interesting that was. Good luck with the project and i hope that it's the great success it deserves to be.
  14. I'm not really into seeing tribute bands but a Dr Feelgood tribute sounds a good idea. If it's done well it's the sort of music that always gets a good reaction. I used to see loads of Pub Rock in London in the 70s and 80s and you always felt good on the way home after a Feelgoods gig. Real good time music!
  15. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1371050972' post='2109163'] Wish this Greco were in the UK - gorgeous! [url="http://www.ebay.com/itm/Greco-GOBII750-Vintage-MIJ-1978-neck-thru-/140994211777"]http://www.ebay.com/...u-/140994211777[/url] [/quote] That is nice!
  16. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1371079882' post='2109704'] I reckon he drinks creme de menthe. [/quote] ......but only out of a dirty glass.
  17. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1371076965' post='2109671'] I recently saw a Facebook post from Pat Travers talking about being introduced to Al DiMeola, saying what a 'down to earth' nice guy he was, all be it a nice guy who drank and smoked a lot and whose language would make a marine blush! Now Travers is always said to be a decent chap by those who have met him and he liked DiMeola, so who knows what he's really like... Either way, still a stunning guitar player! [/quote] Yes an amazing player indeed. I think i've seen him about three times. Twice at Hammersmith and once at the RFH. I take anything with a pinch of salt i hear about musicians etc on forums. You don't know in what context half of the comments were made in so if i've learned anything in life that's to trust my own instinct and judgement about people. I really couldn't care less if a musician is an a***hole or not as long as i like their music and wonder (but not for long) why others are really bothered. They're probably the same people who phone up the council when the yellow lines start to fade outside their local post office.
  18. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1371074551' post='2109627'] If you are over 19 and you are trying to emulate people on the TV or whatever then it's not their fault, it's your's. [/quote] That reminded me of the old Monty Python STBO sketch.
  19. I wish that i'd known all this before i paid out a couple of quid to see Al all those years ago. I have decided now only to go and see really nice people who regularly give a percentage of their fee to charity, are kind to animals, don't swear, are not patronising to the audience and give money to starving people worldwide.
  20. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1371074551' post='2109627'] If you are over 19 and you are trying to emulate people on the TV or whatever then it's not their fault, it's your's. [/quote] Unless of course the person you're watching on TV is a nice person or not.
  21. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1371074305' post='2109621'] Yup , I thought that when I saw it. [/quote] I suppose it all depends on whether you've had a good career on the back of punk.
  22. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1371073988' post='2109616'] Nah, I don't have a problem with him being a dick (if he is) most pro musicians are as Nige said and he is hardly the type of person impressionable teenagers would listen to. [/quote] Who mentioned teenagers?
  23. I'm just waiting for someone to say that he's not a good role model. That's the usual garbage that's aimed at musicians, actors or footballers. Cue the yawn icon.
  24. There are loads of these about. All you are missing is a search on the wonderful internet.
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