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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1370711312' post='2104767'] Not related to prog at all. Someone just felt the need to sing "She Hates You, Yeah, Yeah, Yea". best, bert [/quote] Cosmic man.
  2. http://youtu.be/JNU0c2v5ZiU So why did punk happen?
  3. [quote name='JellyKnees' timestamp='1370702761' post='2104638'] It was a kick up the arse for a turgid rock music scene - all those dire metal, prog and aor 70s bands that were still around peddling all that tired overblown rubbish. It was an exercise in back to basics simplicity. A lot of it was crap but it served a necessary purpose. Most of the music I enjoyed as a teenager in the late 70s/early 80s wasn't actually punk, but it probably wouldn't have happened without it. [/quote] I agree with you 100%. At the advent of punk i was getting cheesed off with seeing groups and having to endure 12 minute synthesizer drenched dirges. I remember seeing groups like the 101ers with Joe Strummer just before punk took off and felt that they had broken the shackles and i wouldn't have to endure the likes of Yes at Kingston Polytechnic and Jon Anderson telling everyone to 'sit down, man'. I felt like shouting 'you can stuff your sodding karma mate. We wanna hear some music'. Thanks goodness for punk.
  4. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1370701510' post='2104615'] I think that's it really - they're all too materialistic & money grabbing to give a f*** about anything else. (Obviously that's a generalisation, but certainly the only thing the majority of them seem to do in Cardiff is shop & hang out in expensive coffee emporiums where they text each other instead of actually talking). [/quote] I don't moan about the 'youth of today' because i still remember what it was like top be young but a few years ago i asked some lads who had just left school that i worked with why generally people don't go on marches and protests like their age group did in the 60s and 70s. They just looked blank and said 'why would be? we've got everything we want. we've got our cars and iphones and all the toys we want'. I suppose that sums it up and it will only change when they can't have all those things. The trouble is that those days may be just around the corner so we'll have to wait and see.
  5. I loved Chic right from the release of that first LP all those years ago and still do. Funnily enough i was just playing Spacer by Sheila B Devotion (12" of course!). Nile Rodgers was great but Bernard Edwards made it for me. One of the greats for sure.
  6. I wish you hadn't started this thread. I'm in love with a Custom Shop '64 Jazz Bass n Sea Foam Green
  7. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1370691091' post='2104418'] That's it - instant disaffected youth. (Most of the youth where I live need disinfecting.....) [/quote] Seriously though what do the disaffected yoof do nowadays? Surely they don't all go and sit in the darkened gloom that is Hollister?
  8. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1370691099' post='2104419'] I have admired Chris Minh Doky's playing on both electric and upright for a few years now . I can't help but think, though , that the time is ripe for him to make a solo album and call it Okey Doky . [/quote] .....or an album with his brother called 'Okey Doky, To Me, To You' I saw Chris MD at Bracknell in the 90s playing an electric bass. I can't remember who's band he was with but he was playing a bass shaped like a G&L ASAT. Great player.
  9. Is it good for metal? P.S. I know it's not an oxymoron but i just couldn't resist.
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1370689932' post='2104392'] There is no "best bass sound" Firstly it is entirely subjective, and secondly it exists only with the context of each individual song/arrangement/production. [/quote] Yes but the title of this thread is [size=4]Best Bass Sound You've Ever Had / Heard?[/size]
  11. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1370689601' post='2104384'] They just put a frowny face on their Facebook Status. [/quote]
  12. Bought this the week it was released and the first minute left a lasting impression on me. http://youtu.be/IvmeEyVd5w8
  13. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1370687611' post='2104350'] I used to be of the opinion that The Beatles were overrated, but once I heard the double CD compilation album of all the material between 1967 & 1970, my thought process changed completely. What a lot of people forget, is that The Beatles were (IMO) revolutionary [b]for their era[/b], and wrote and recorded some great songs. The Beatles were not a "manufactured" band like The Monkees and The Archies (to name a couple) - they were four lads who earned their stripes scuffling around the circuit for a few years (like a lot of great bands between the 1960's and 1990's) before they hit the big time. I don't think the likes of The Wanted or One Direction have had to do that have they? [/quote] The Archies? Manufactured? Another dream shattered.
  14. I saw Chris Minh Doky live in the 1990s and was really impressed with his sound so it's a good excuse to post this............ http://youtu.be/23RVhpj9Qs4
  15. Punk to me was the more hardcore groups. I used to see The Stranglers in London pubs and never thought that they were remotely like punks. The same with Joe Strummer's 101ers and even The Slits and Raincoats who were more like hippies to me but all of these groups were lumped in with punks.
  16. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1370677267' post='2104203'] I played a Jaco model Jazz and I sounded nothing like him. To make matters worse I didnt even look like him! I want my money back! [/quote] I feel your pain. I went to Cafe Mozart once and had a go on the clavier and sounded more like Les Dawson.
  17. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1370684703' post='2104305'] It was just another way of a generation of disaffected yoof to say saying 'F*** you'! We all did it one way or another. [/quote] You're right. Every youth generation shows their disaffection from 50s Teddy Boys, Beatniks through to 60s Mods and Rockers and 70s Skinheads and then Punks. As i'm a bit out of touch with yoof culture how do they show their disaffection nowadays. .
  18. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1370652657' post='2104109'] Thread concept credited to BetaFunk] [/quote] It's a great honour Sir! There are lots of definitions to the term Punk. Before the 1970s i'd heard it mostly in American films. Humphrey Bogart may have unceremoniously slapped someone around the kisser before calling them a no good punk. Before that i understand it simply meant low or worthless and sometimes a harlot.
  19. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1370650792' post='2104097'] OK, lady xilddx was a punk in the days when it kicked off in London in the '70s. I just asked her opinion on your statement - she said Lennon thought he was an intellectual and took himself far too seriously to be a punk. That punks were quite the opposite and revelled in shallowness and never took themselves seriously. Out of the Beatles she reckons Ringo was the punk in the Beatles, and that Lydon was too cynical to be a punk, and that Sid was the real punk in the Pistols. [/quote] I think that we're going to have to have a new thread to define what a Punk is. Is it the circa 1900 version or the between the World Wars version or maybe the post war Punk before we even get to the 1970s version. One thing is for sure though. Lennon was not one.
  20. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1370645907' post='2104052'] In a way, yes. Rock and Roll was young and there weren't any "anti establishment types' that were making hit records. If you know of someone else, please share. [/quote] I realise that he wasn't anywhere near as popular but have a look at my earlier post of Vince Taylor. He makes Lennon look like an altar boy. Here's Vince..........!!! http://youtu.be/W2j7sLUDkDM
  21. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1370645947' post='2104053'] I dunno, I think queen possible came close to the same sort of universal appeal, the only band to ever do so IMO. [/quote] Not in the same way and not so many Grannies liked Queen.
  22. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1370645187' post='2104044'] I won't defend Lennon because he could be a real jerk at times. But realize, he was the original "punk" and had the world adoring him until his "retirement" at the age of 30. [/quote] Lennon was the original punk? Well how about that! They say you live and learn.
  23. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1370641674' post='2103991'] I reckon the Bass Doc might be able to help. [/quote] Yes i have asked Howard if he could do them but as he has made a couple of pickguards for me and another as soon as i've sorted out my other Vox bass i didn't want to bombard him with stuff if i can help it as he's been more than helpful. I just thought that if anyone knew of any of these as stock items it would help. Thanks anyway though. Much appreciated.
  24. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1370627100' post='2103729'] I keep thinking about selling my one as the only Fender I play these days is my original '63. [/quote] A very wise decision. You don't want that tatty old thing cluttering up the place.
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