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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1352896585' post='1868943'] 1960 stack knob Jazz Herbie Flowers model in Lake Placid Blue with Fiesta Red undercoat & heavy relic finish with a tort guard. [/quote] I think that is the most beautiful bass i've ever seen. And that's coming from someone who doesn't normally like relic'd basses.
  2. I have an old Japanese Kay bass but the plastic pickup surrounds are broken. I know it's a long shot but does anyone know where i could buy replacements?
  3. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1370597389' post='2103146'] Jimmy Hendrix and Eric Clapton created far more damage than the Beatles, set Pop music back years and spawned Pub Rock[b]™ [/b] [/quote] Having being a regular punter on the Pub Rock scene in the 70s i'm not sure how these two popular guitarists had much to do with Pub Rock. One died some years before the genre really got going and apart from that the other one also played a popular make of guitar often seen hung around the neck of a pub rocker (although the Telecaster seemed a more popular choice) i don't see the connection. Oh and by the way, yes and yes!
  4. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1370560141' post='2102889'] Pop music pre 1962 really was awful. [/quote] If you count this as Pop music then as far as i'm concerned the Beatles arrival in the charts three years later was a bit of a let down although i didn't think it at the time. Looking back Vince Taylor was exactly what your mum, dad and teachers didn't want you to become. The leather clad rebel. The Fab Four came along in their smart suits and amusing haircuts and became the acceptable side of Pop who even your Granny liked. http://youtu.be/W2j7sLUDkDM
  5. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1370559314' post='2102876'] Just a quick update, I have been giving the bass a new lease of life, it is almost done. [/quote] Good job. It looks really good. Did you mange to get a bridge cover? P.S. Forgot to say to say Wayne that i must apologise for hijacking this thread at one point but hoped that someone would point me in the right direction as to what my bass was as the body was so similar. Now i know what it is i won't hijack it again. Good luck with the bass!
  6. I agree with others that the Fab Four were excellent at what they did. They knocked out memorable pop songs and were unique at the time being liked by kids and teens as well as mums and dads. No other group had such a wide audience.
  7. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1370550054' post='2102663'] Ahead of next weeks band rehearsal I have spent a couple of hours this evening learning: Muse Plug In Baby. The Killers All these things I've done. Deelite, Groove is in the heart. [/quote] What even Bootsy's speaking part in 'Groove...'? That's impressive.
  8. Also 50 years ago.......... http://youtu.be/pRp2ipjYhz0
  9. [quote name='blamelouis' timestamp='1370546169' post='2102570'] Used to love that album along with Marc johnsons Bass desires [/quote] Yes really good stuff. I saw Marc Johnson a few times in the 80s/90s.
  10. At 4.5k that may not have been a bad investment. I've just seen one for 6k.
  11. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1370450288' post='2101104'] Rubbish, he obviously took his name from "Here comes the Sun".... [/quote] Oh yeah...........
  12. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1370518848' post='2102072'] I was wondering last night if The Beatles are responsible for a lot of the mediocrity in mainstream pop, much like Led Zep are for rock bands. No conclusions were reached [/quote] I've made my own conclusions...........
  13. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1370471022' post='2101641'] Abbey Road is my fave (as long as you skip Maxwell's Silver Hammer - a Macca tune that even the other 3 said was like pulling teeth to record. Cheesey.) [/quote] My friends Dad was the one banging that very hammer.
  14. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1370470851' post='2101638'] White Album would be the best Beatles album without doubt had they lost half the songs and released it as one disk only. Of course, the real problem would be which ten songs to drop and i expect every fan would choose a different ten. Ringo and Paul both said it was the only album since the early days in which they recorded like a band, and I think that comes through in the recordings, there's a real energy to it that hadn't been there since Rubber Soul or even earlier. [/quote] I bought the White Album when it was first released. When i got home i realised that someone had written a number on it. It took me ages to rub that number off.
  15. 'ob-la-di ob-la-da' is my favourite especially when played on the tissue paper and comb.
  16. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1370454361' post='2101237'] I told my therapist I didn't like the Beatles , and he told me it didn't really matter whether I liked them or not because this was a secure psychiatric unit for dangerous offenders and I wouldn't have access to a CD player anytime in the forseeable future because I might try and fashion a weapon to harm myself or others out of the equipment or indeed the discs themselves . I suppose the fact that I had spent the previous three months telling him I actually was one of the Beatles didn't help my cause . [/quote] It must have been the same place me. If you ever go back (or are still in) you can just about get a CD through the bars of the windows and with a deft flick of the wrist it's amazing how far they go. P.S. If you are a Beatle then who are the other two?
  17. I told my therapist of my dislike of The Mopped Top sensations and he advised me to take each LP out of it's sleeve and launch them frisbee-like out of an upstairs window. They never come back you know.
  18. The great thing about this thread is that i've played a few Zappa LPs since it has been going but i've now turned my undivided attention to another of my favourites and working my way through some of my Sun Ra LPs from the 1950s to 1990. I'm actually experiencing Arkestra overload at the moment but if anyone wants to join me in a 'Sun Ra, not influenced by Beatles shock' thread then lead on!
  19. Ibanez VWB1~ Verdine White Signature Bass
  20. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1370441202' post='2100893'] Though the II V 1 progression comparison was pretty funny. [/quote] Please do expand on this. The funny bit i mean.
  21. [quote name='Wil' timestamp='1370434841' post='2100734'] I hadnt listened to any Beatles or Zappa records until about 3 years ago. I went through the entire Beatles back catalogue and about 20 Zappa records based on reviews... I have to say, IMO the Beatles are more popular for a very good reason. Zappa was great, he pushed boundaries and also created some great music along the way, but you wont find me singing his songs in the shower, and sometimes that's all I really care about. [/quote] To me the Beatles records are much more sing a long pop toons but i often sing 'Hungry Freaks Daddy' and 'How Could I Be Such A Fool' in the shower.
  22. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1370433610' post='2100704'] I'm one of them. I have never listened to a single Stones album & the only two Beatles albums I've heard are Revolver & Rubber Soul. I'd have to give The Beatles some credit as far as influences go though as the first bass line I ever learned was from Rubber Soul. They've also indirectly influenced me as they have been a big influence on people I am a fan of such as Todd Rundgren & Cheap Trick. [/quote] My point was that Beatles songs are heard in all sorts of places and you're not likely ever to hear FZ. Like it or not the Fab Fours songs are much more popular than FZs. Funnily enough i have most Todd Rundgren LPs but couldn't tell you one single Cheap Trick song. Just goes to show that you can't know all the stuff that's out there. P.S. Having been born in the 50s i couldn't avoid the Fab Four but you could have easily avoided FZ's music.
  23. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1370431823' post='2100661'] This is an assumption a lot of people seem to make. I have only really heard a few of their early songs, Help, Day Tripper, etc. and a few later obvious ones, Hey Jude, Yellow Sub, etc. Same deal with the Stones. I was never interested in either of those bands and they have never been a musical influence. I imagine there are plenty of people like me on here. [/quote] Yes but surely many more people must have heard Beatles songs than Zappas. Most people can comment on a Beatles song but i doubt that many can say much about Zappa. I have never been that keen on Beethoven but i certainly hear more of his music on radio and TV than i ever do of Varese who i really am interested in.
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