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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. No, not everyone is skint but it was collection only so inevitably it was always going to be a bargain. The real bargains on ebay are collection only.
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1370114644' post='2096662'] Pants. [/quote] Only if they have printed on them 'I'd Rather Be Playing My Stingray' Please Note: This is an attempt at irony. I realise that this may not be understood by many reading this so it may be worth looking up the word irony first before commenting.
  3. Run your hands over an Ibanez AFR Affirma and tell me that it ain't sexy.
  4. Fantastic band. Just turned over and there's a bloke singing some old dirge wearing sunglasses and a parka. Back down to earth with a bump then.
  5. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1370015506' post='2095608'] I really like Ed Friedland's deadpan reviews. [/quote] I like his impeccable taste in having a 1974 Jazz Bass
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1370020416' post='2095701'] That still seems a bit steep to me. I reckon this would play a lot better and is much better value: [url="http://bit.ly/13qyYBT"]http://bit.ly/13qyYBT[/url] [/quote] Just what i needed when i was up that creek the other day.............
  7. [quote name='TomRichards' timestamp='1369943772' post='2094876'] It is a Japanese Silvertone. They had this body shape, which Gibson recently copied for the new EB Bass. [/quote] Forget what i said before Tom as i think you are spot on. I bow to your superior knowledge on these things! I've been doing a bit more digging on the net and someone sent me a photo of a Silvertone guitar with a sloping pickup and it looks so similar to my bass.
  8. That's really nice and probably a lot more playable than mine. The action is too high at the moment so i have a bit of work to do on it. There's not much else wrong it. It's next on the list after i've finished my two Vox basses.
  9. I don't know why but i just want to do this...... http://youtu.be/i8IbvVTXOIo
  10. [quote name='TomRichards' timestamp='1369943772' post='2094876'] It is a Japanese Silvertone. They had this body shape, which Gibson recently copied for the new EB Bass. [/quote] A lot of brands had this shape. It's Japanese but i've never seen a Silvertone with a sloping neck pickup. Also most Silvertones i've seen have three (tone/volume) knobs whereas mine has two. The search continues.
  11. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1369942694' post='2094847'] I thought this was a UK seller, I have seen quite a few attractive looking guitars and basses for sale from this seller over time but they are usually described as not being very original and hence look seriously overpriced at times [/quote] Why did you think it was a UK seller?
  12. Can anyone I.D. this? I've seen many different brands like it but none have the sloping neck pickup
  13. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1369904180' post='2094075'] Have you posted any photos of your 60s basses anywhere on here? I'd be interested in seeing them - especially the Burns Sonic, since one of those was the first bass I ever owned. Mine is hardly in original condition, as it had been extensively modified by a previous owner, and I made more modifications in order to keep it playable. I also had a Futurama bass as my spare for a while (and a Baldwin 12-string), and still have a soft spot for the more unusual (but still usable) 60s instruments. [/quote] I've just posted a photo of my Burns Sonic in the the gear porn section under 'Burns Basses'. I will put photos of my VOX Clubman and Bassmasters when after i've re-assembled them as i still have a bit to do on these.
  14. My early 1960s Burns Sonic Bass
  15. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1369904280' post='2094079'] Really? The Tri-Sonics on my Burns Sonic bass have probably the shallowest form-factor of any pickup I've come across. [/quote] They are shallow but on my Burns Sonic bass they sit proud of the pickguard unlike the pickups on the VOX Clubman which sit low in the routing. Also the body on the VOX is slimmer. After it's been routed there isn't a lot of wood left under those pickups!
  16. I'm surprised this is still listed http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121114254188?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  17. [quote name='derreybass' timestamp='1369870809' post='2093890'] I see what you mean, quite ridiculous. [/quote] Yes. Way over what i would pay for them.
  18. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1369866942' post='2093846'] Those Adeson pickups do look the part. If you went for the solid topped version, I suspect no-one but the most diehard Vox collector would notice any difference in appearance. [/quote] That's true they do look good. They are more than i wanted to spend but that is based on what i paid for the bass (i.e. not a lot) but they are going to be far superior to the originals. Once i get the pickups sorted i will be getting the Bass Doc to make me a replacement pickguard (he's making one for my Vox Bassmaster right now) as the original is cracked and beyond repair. Now if only i could source a couple of (very elusive) bridge covers for those two Vox basses.
  19. [quote name='derreybass' timestamp='1369867063' post='2093848'] If I remember correctly the clubman pickups have a single bar magnet and a very shallow coil and I seem to remember that some Vox six string guitars at the time had the same pickups as well. The Fender bass VI uses six string pickups, I think they're he same as the Jaguar. You mention the originals are hard to find and expensive, how expensive? [/quote] This expensive! [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1962-VOX-BASS-NECK-PICKUP-made-in-UK-6-7-K-/400495343821?pt=Guitar&hash=item5d3f61f8cd"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item5d3f61f8cd[/url] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1962-VOX-BASS-BRIDGE-PICKUP-made-in-UK-6-9-K-/400495344035?pt=Guitar&hash=item5d3f61f9a3"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item5d3f61f9a3[/url] One of those is more money than i paid for the bass.
  20. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1369864136' post='2093802'] Have a look at guitar pickups with rails rather than individual pole-pieces. You could also see if a Burns Tri-Sonic pickup would fit. It would have the right vintage character. You can get new ones from [url="http://www.adeson.co.uk"]Adeson Pickups[/url]. [/quote] That's great idea. Thanks for the link. I'm actually sitting here with my Vox standing next to my Burns Sonic bass (with Tri-Sonic pickups) and the idea of using Tri-Sonic pickups didn't occur to me! I've just noticed that they also do 60s solid top pickups which look similar to the Vox originals so i'll email them and find out the dimensions.
  21. I don't know what's up with you guys. I reckon it will look good in my collection next to my $2,500 Kay. http://youtu.be/RZkyw-r34HA
  22. Excellent programme that reminded me of many happy memories of the Feelgoods around that time. It also reminded me that someone posted once in a thread about a bass player still playing although his lead had become unplugged from his amp. I'd like a quid for every time i saw Wilko do this in the 70s. Great memories!
  23. Howard made a control plate for my Shergold and did a great job on what was a tricky thing to make but he did a superb job.
  24. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1369848475' post='2093481'] Rickenbacker toasters are six pole pickups originally intended for guitar, and they sound very good indeed, so it's quite possible that the right guitar pickup could do a fine job. It looks like your mounting screws are further apart than on a single coil guitar pickup, so you might need some ingenuity to mount guitar pickups in there without also making a new pickguard. [/quote] Yes, i've been looking on the net for pickups and guitar pickups seen to be slightly smaller but as i've got to have a replacement pickguard made (the original one has been modified to fit a larger bridge pickup so is no good now) i can hopefully get around the mounting problem.
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