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Mikey R

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Posts posted by Mikey R

  1. Im having a reshuffle around of my effects, so I need to move on this rather excelent pedal. Its designed for guitar, but if you put it in a parallel blend loop it will give you some crunchy bass tones too.

    From the website:

    The HT-DUAL offers the ultimate in high voltage valve distortion flexibility. Channel 1 has Clean or Crunch modes and can be used clean, as a boost or overdrive. Channel 2 gives distortion tones from super crunch right up to screaming lead. The unique switching operation will transform a single channel vintage amp into a three channel tone machine.

    Its never been gigged. The box is a little ratty and theres no instructions, but you can get the full instructions from the [url="http://www.blackstaramps.co.uk/products/ht-dual/"]Blackstar website[/url].


    Im moving this on since Ive got another SansAmp pedal on the way, which just fits my pedal board format a little better.

    £90 squids collected or an extra £5 posted.

  2. Morning all,

    I took delivery of my new Buzz Electronics looper pedal the other week. Its a custom design I asked Simon to build for me, similar to the Octo-looper but with 12 switches and 12 loops. Up to 10 loops can be active at any one time. Its packaged in two enclosures, even so its quite big and I'll need to get a new pedal board.

    We are working through a few bugs at the moment, but initial results are very promising!

    (Having a bit of a spagetti moment as Im just trying out a few sounds...)

    Simon is a top chap to deal with, and yes he does take on custom work so if youve got an idea, give him a mail! With any custom work though, bear in mind you need to discuss and specify absolutely eveything in order to get exactly what you want.

  3. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1337548686' post='1661914']
    Yeah I tried putting the compressor after my Sansamp and it was really cool how you could get different sounds with different degrees of attack :) Weirdly enough, with the Aguilar I still achieve a different tone from digging in, as if the sound was uncompressed! I just don't get a massive peak in volume. Don't have a clue how it works but it's really nice! Compressor is back to being first in my chain:D

    Maybe I'll need two, a bit of gentle compression at the start of the chain, with a slow attack to allow the peaks through when I hit the strings, and a bit more of a limiter at the end to bring the level back up. Damn, this is getting complicated! :)

    EDIT: either that or Im over thinking this...

  4. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1337536478' post='1661582']
    Overdrive/fuzz etc compresses the sound a bit, as does using a valve amp. So some don't even need to use a dedicated unit. Personally I love my Aguilar TLC, as I can heavily compress the sound to keep all the different techniques I like at the same level, with the compression itself having a completely unnoticeable effect on my actual tone!

    Cheers! The VT is touch sensitive enough that Im thinking about putting a compressor after it, so when Im playing cleaner without digging in I get some of the volume back. Either that or in parallel, to allow some of the clean to get through. I'll have to have a play and see what I like.

    [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1337536478' post='1661582']
    To be honest though, when I had the Behriner DC9, which cost me £15, it was perfect for playing my 4 string in standard tuning, but the drop in low end was noticeable if I went much lower than that

    Probably a problem with the input cap, Al Heeley regularly mods his pedals with a much larger cap.

  5. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1337382011' post='1659285']
    Its the black ones that made the reputation. They sound great. Dunno how different the silver one is.

    The old Drivemaster was awesome. Huge folded metal case, good wedge shape for holding open doors when dragging kit into the venue. Sounded great too! :D

  6. [quote name='topo morto' timestamp='1337438137' post='1660012']
    Very true, though a lot of modern pedals (like the VT) are designed to produce the sound of an overdriven amp by themselves. Some even do it quite well. But definitely worth being aware of which type you're holding!

    Indeed - the VT emulates an amp and the Rat is a classic OD / Distortion. The Rat is mediocre by itsself on the bass, but when put through something emulating a valve power amp then its a different game. I would love to try the Rat with an actual Ampeg, but you cant really crank the output stage in every situation, whereas with the emulation you can push it as hard as you like.

    The problem is that we are using pedals originally designed for guitar, and therefore a dirty amp, but since we're putting them through a super clean solid state power stage theyre not really in the situation they were designed for. Ive tried preamp tubes and found they just dont cut it.

    So the solution is to get something like a Tech21 pedal and add just enough dirt to your clean sound, last in the chain, and suddenly alot of the pedals that sounded a bit rubbish now sound awesome! :)

  7. That Al - what a joker. I just got home with the new pedal after picking it up from the depot. To start with I thought I had broken it! :D


    Sonic Kitchen pedals - with added bling as standard.

    EDIT: I'll post some audio as soon as Ive figured out a way to record some.

  8. Our very own Al Heeley has been building me a custom delay pedal based on the Tonepad delay circuit. But, we've modified it to add an effects loop into the delayed signal path.

    The PCB being populated

    The completed board ready for test

    Boxed up...

    And ready to rock! Al has done a fantastic job on the box design. :)

    Lookihg forward to recieving this hopefully next week

  9. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1335474869' post='1631981']
    The Buzz Electronics ones? Real good for the money... Mine will be up for grabs soon as I'm 'hopefully' moving to a GigRig system.

    I was looking at the Carl Martin ones with the DIP switches, Im not sure the Buzz ones are as programmable.

    Let me know as soon as you want to move it on, I might be interested.

  10. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1335006410' post='1624594']
    A new blog post up today... This time it's bypass loops, A/B boxes, kill switches, blending and all manner of switching systems...

    [url="http://www.sheponbass.co.uk/blog/2012/4/21/signal-chain-bassics-part-vii-switching.html"]Shep on Bass - Signal Chain BASSics, Part VII: Switching.[/url]

    Hope someone finds the info useful and not just a load babbling rubbish!

    Cheers Shep! Youve got me drooling over those 8 way loop switchers...

  11. Thats a very cheap flanger, the first pedal I bought, probably in 1995. Its got a missing battery cover and is held together with gaffa tape from some over enthusiastic stomping as a teenager but Im strangely attached to it.

    The brand name says Vision but that probably doesnt mean anything now.

    EDIT: Al beat me to it.

    Looking forward to my Sonic Kitchen delay! :)

  12. Heres mine - the space between the Rat and the Pulsar will soon be filled with an Al Heeley special delay :)

    EDIT: Ive not yet trimmed the patch leads - once Ive figured out where everythings going to live I'll shorten them properly.

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