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Mikey R

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Everything posted by Mikey R

  1. [quote name='Merton' post='476377' date='Apr 30 2009, 08:47 PM']Nice one Mikey! Can't wait to get my mitts on either this proto or my one1 Thinking I might bring the famerlee up in Octoer half term and do the tourist thing never did whilst at university. Plus, of course, I'll need to drop in and play the bass etc... [/quote] Sounds like a fine plan, I'll get the kettle on! What I rekon we should do is, when this ones finished, you look after it for a few months and tell me what you like and what you want changed for your one. I might even get to do some [i]more[/i] sanding on this one tomorrow. Hard ash body == hard work
  2. [quote name='Merton' post='471734' date='Apr 24 2009, 05:20 PM']Fabric weave grille looked sh*t, so I painted the speaker baffle. Colour courtesy of my 5 year old step-daughter Sophie: [attachment=24345:DSC01697.JPG] Shoulda painted the baffle before I did all the covering of course, but that ruins the fun [/quote] very nice! So is the covering painted blue too?
  3. Very nice work - will this bass get an outing before being passed on to the customer...
  4. Mertons a little bit busy right now () so heres a pic to keep the thread going...
  5. [quote name='karlthebassist' post='458933' date='Apr 9 2009, 11:39 PM']Yeah, I was thinking maybe giving the board a few coats of a celulose type finish, as wax really does get grubby. Rosewood boards never seem to have anything on them at all, and maple seems to always be coated somehow.[/quote] Ive not yet laquered / varnished my maple board yet - its had the strings on and off for a coupla weeks, and Ive noticed the maple already getting grubbier just from finger grunge. The dirt seems to be right in the pores of the wood, so I dont know how I can clean it. All the rosewood basses Ive owned have always ended up with loads of grime on the fingerboard, but it just doesnt show on the darker wood, and it does just wipe off, maybe because rosewood is oily.
  6. [quote name='karlthebassist' post='457508' date='Apr 8 2009, 03:48 PM']question. im going to do an oil and wax finish - so im guessign tru oil, several coats, then bees wax or something. what do i do to the fingerboard though?????????? do you oil and wax that too? its maple.[/quote] You could mask it off and put on a couple of thin coats of satin varnish - I guess you just need to seal off the wood so that finger grime doesnt get into the pores? Waxed maple seems to pick up quite alot of dirt, experienced from a non-bass related project. [quote name='karlthebassist' post='457508' date='Apr 8 2009, 03:48 PM']thinking of getting it all done apart from the finish, puting the rad on the fingerboard and fretting, then take it to a pro who would be willing enough to show me how to do the board and fretting. pay them obviously. i just dont want to do it myself and make a hash of it.[/quote] If you dont so it right the first time, you can always take the frets out and try again!
  7. Those actually are a couple of photos of the Essex coast, if you look carefully at the first photo you can actually see some water amongst all that mud. Im trying to figure out whats actually at the end of the lane in the second shot?
  8. Hey, looks good so far! Looks like youve got a similar bench to mine - how do you find working on a 700mm neck on a 500mm bench? Looking forward to this one taking shape! One question, for the sake of us lazy clickers, could you put the images one the page rather than as hyperlinks?
  9. [quote name='Spoombung' post='452365' date='Apr 2 2009, 12:00 PM']The machine moves in: [/quote] Did he route that free-hand? wow - that guys good!
  10. Hi Alex, you could also put up a comparison table on your site, so we can easily compare size, weight, SPL and price from the one page? I think that could be very handy. It would also be good to show which models can stack together, like can the Compact and Baby Sub be used together, etc.
  11. [quote name='JackLondon' post='439047' date='Mar 19 2009, 11:23 AM']As Simo's inbox can confirm I am very excited about it and probably won't stop playing it for couple of days as soon as I'll get it [/quote] Do you have an estimated delivery date yet? Or still in planning?
  12. Simo does some really nice features on his instruments, like the recessed tuner holes I know its not entirely novel, but its really well executed and just raises the headstock to another level. I like how the accent veneers are just visible through the recesses - a nice touch. EDIT: Simo. your mp3 recordings arent working any more - [url="http://www.simnettguitars.com/01%20Wings.mp3"]http://www.simnettguitars.com/01%20Wings.mp3[/url] doesnt work
  13. [quote name='peted' post='436920' date='Mar 17 2009, 09:28 AM']Ooh. So the only issues you've found making a fanned fret instrument have been through the use of 'engineering tolerances'? [/quote] Yep - on a parallel fret intrument, of all of your frets are out by the width of your fret curf, then just move your bridge saddles back by the same amount and youre good to go. With non-parallel frets, if your frets are out by the width of the fret curf, then each fret, in the direction parallel to the string, will effectively be out by a distance [geek]inversely proportional to the cosine of the angle.[/geek] When cutting the fret slots, I guessed this difference would be negligible - I got that wrong!
  14. [quote name='Spoombung' post='432772' date='Mar 12 2009, 07:06 PM']My question is does anybody make a more powerful version of this speaker (say 100watt) in a smallish cabinet that I could use with my old HH amp? Or is there a company that sells this type of speaker? A Google search hasn't revealed much...[/quote] I did a quick google search for [url="http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=concentric+driver&btnG=Search&meta="]concentric driver[/url] Seems that Tannoy make a 12" driver, that you may be able to get a cabinet made for. EDIT: Tannoy do a studio speaker, 3169F, 12" 100W concentric with a built in xover. I couldnt find a data sheet on their site, but google found this: [url="http://www.gbaudio.co.uk/data/3169g.htm"]http://www.gbaudio.co.uk/data/3169g.htm[/url] Suggested volume is 44litres, but I dont know if this is for a sealed or ported cab. I would guess one of the cab gurus would know better than me tho.
  15. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='432968' date='Mar 12 2009, 10:31 PM']Yes its a good feeling having less basses for some strange reason [/quote] Hi Peter, you do know the policy "one out, one in" - any new acquisitions on the horrizon?
  16. [quote name='LWTAIT' post='422666' date='Mar 1 2009, 09:05 PM']i'm in love with your bass... also, everyone says it sounds massive when both musicman and p pickups are used together, but when i use them both it sounds thin and nasal, i hate the sound of them together. does anyone know why that might be? its not just personal taste either, if people said it sounded good thats one thing, but its definatly not massive.[/quote] Are you sure the two pickups are in phase with each other? If the polarity of one is reversed then you only get the difference of the two signals, which would only be the trebly end.
  17. [quote name='alexclaber' post='429353' date='Mar 9 2009, 01:42 PM']Definitely needs to be airtight because otherwise the compression and rarefaction caused by the driver's movement will result in hissing/whistling as air is blown out of or sucked into the cab. Alex[/quote] Cheers Alex, That makes sense! I was thinking from my limited understanding of RF electromagnetics, which behave totally different.
  18. We like stripes! [quote name='GreeneKing' post='427348' date='Mar 6 2009, 04:50 PM']Yo Kev ... Peter (Essex boy)[/quote] Mikey (Fellow Essex boy)
  19. [quote name='Merton' post='417814' date='Feb 23 2009, 08:28 PM']The LH500 makes it sing... [attachment=20981:DSC00256.JPG] So, first tests have proved it's going to sound good, now all I need to do is: 1) finish bracing the inside 2) re-check the airtightness of the box 3) line the interior walls with wadding 4) cover the cab 5) make the vinyl-weave grille frame (metal circle is added foot protection ) 6) add feet and corners ...then I can recheck its performance I reckon it'll weigh in at about 18kg, we'll see... Expect it to be finished in about 6 months.... [/quote] Hey Mert, I think it looks pretty cool uncovered and grungy! Does it really need to be airtight? If its well braced, and any gaps are less than the wavelength then surely you'll be alright? I think, but dont quote me on this, the maximum wavelength of an audible sound is around 10mm or so? Hmm, not sure about this now...
  20. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='422751' date='Mar 1 2009, 10:39 PM'][/quote] Its good to see the return of the freaky egg.
  21. Hey, Ive been speaking to Jon about doing the course this summer as a 30th birthday present to myself For me, its really about learning the proper ways to do things You also come away from it with a full set of instructions and templates for your chosen instrument. And, its now a 3 person course, so you only need to wait for two others to sign up. Im moving jobs this year, so I need to wait till I can get holidays before I can book onto it, Im aiming maybe for some time in June.
  22. Thanks to everyone for a really fantastic day yesterday! Big cheers to Jim, I learnt alot yesterday [quote name='GreeneKing' post='410483' date='Feb 15 2009, 09:40 PM']I'd just like to thank everyone for a great day. It was great to expand my knowledge about what faces I can put to names, especially so when you have a major 'it's a small world' moment like I did today.[/quote] Another Islander! Peter, it was good to meet you, give me a shout next time youre in North Yorkshire and we'll meet for a beverage [quote name='GreeneKing' post='410483' date='Feb 15 2009, 09:40 PM']I see that my Harlot wasn't camera shy. Am I allowed to say that it's my favourite bass, alongside many really great instruments.[/quote] [quote name='ARGH' post='410537' date='Feb 15 2009, 10:19 PM']AL's Novax'd 5 string felt Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice[/quote] Totally, very nice Al! And the RickyBaker is looking really nice! See you all at the next one Especially if I do as well out of the raffle.
  23. If anyone gets to read this before miday today, I wont be able to get there till about 1:00ish, so please DONT LET JIM START WITHOUT ME!
  24. [quote name='Prosebass' post='408895' date='Feb 13 2009, 06:33 PM']I have a phobia for augers after spending years drilling holes through 8" jarra sleepers with them ![/quote] Do you mean augers for powered drilling? Ive heard they can be quite hairy as they draw themselves into the wood, under power you get vertually no control. Ive recently picked up a carpenters brace and Im looking forward into getting into hand powered drilling. I dont suppose, just on the off chance, youve got any jarra left laying about?
  25. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='408020' date='Feb 12 2009, 09:02 PM']Final bit of routing - bridge pickup. Second use of the B&Q copper pipe, a little trick learnt on the forum for making the wiring holes from crtl cavity to bridge and pickup cavity easier to drill - always scares me doing that bit. The drill bit stuck into the end of the pipe with a blob of epoxy makes the job a lot easier and a lot less risky.[/quote] You could also try one of these: available from [url="http://www.fine-tools.com/bohr2.htm"]http://www.fine-tools.com/bohr2.htm[/url] Just a thought...
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