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Everything posted by Musashimonkey

  1. Thanks for all the kind comments, thanks for all the interest too guys, currently on HOLD pending the usual...
  2. Thanks for all the interest, all PM's replied. This is a great amp at a bargain price.
  3. An as new AER amp 3 with padded case including mainland U.K. shipping! https://m.thomann.de/gb/aer_amp_three_2.htm?gclid=CjwKEAjwhILABRDwo8mlqt6ug38SJACNSq_k1Hf5jdrmUVRNcMxLqm2MJj8Z1bNrWOUwkYlqmtW6KBoCIzzw_wcB It's this one, and it's great. Got this for a project that seems like it's not going to be taking off: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/291107-sold-aer-amp-three-sold/page__fromsearch__1 Pictures to follow over the weekend. Located in Kent. Open to part trades with some cash my way...
  4. The D800 was awesome enough, this looks very interesting. 😊
  5. I started with lessons from my secondary school music teacher, who happened to be an awesome bass player. From there just jumped straight into playing in a band with my school mates, then continued to play in bands ever since, though I have now gone back to cover areas I skipped in my learning with books and more recently with Scott's online bass lessons.
  6. [quote name='Kova' timestamp='1474152639' post='3135994'] Hi, Is it still available? Thanks. [/quote] Doesn't look like it... Try a PM.
  7. [quote name='The Hat' timestamp='1474152249' post='3135993'] Any feedback why this isn't selling ? [/quote] Collection only... If you're able to offer postage you'll get a wider audience.
  8. A Glockenklang Heart Rock ii. A feeler for passing this on... Photos to follow. Review: [url="http://epublish.panaprint.com/publication/?i=118550&article_id=1115801&view=articleBrowser&ver=html5#{%22issue_id%22:118550,%22view%22:%22articleBrowser%22,%22article_id%22:%221115801%22}"]http://epublish.panaprint.com/publication/?i=118550&article_id=1115801&view=articleBrowser&ver=html5#{"issue_id":118550,"view":"articleBrowser","article_id":"1115801"}[/url] Manual: [url="http://www.glockenklang.de/pdf/en/GL%20Heart-Rock%20II%20Top%20Manual%20English%20complete.pdf"]http://www.glockenkl...%20complete.pdf[/url] Located in Kent, but happy to ship insured at cost. Would consider trade deals for a Mesa D800 or GK mb800.
  9. Yep, I'm with you. Great band, with some really awesome tracks.
  10. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1473705363' post='3132451'] Is this exactly the same as yours was Steve? [/quote] Yup, although mine had a couple of scratches and no rack ears. Sounded very nice though!
  11. Cheers! Bump to the top! Open to trade offers...
  12. Focusrite Clarett 2Pre into iMac for 'serious' practice. PJB or Zoom B3 and headphones for living room tinkering.
  13. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1473520419' post='3130982'] Surprised this is still here! What make is the case, out of interest? [/quote] Me too! Loads of interest, lots of PMs but nothing firm yet, so still up for grabs who ever gets in first! The case is unbranded (I think). Really nice plush blue fur inside. Tear-drop size makes it very manageable too. I'll take a few photos of it if I get time later.
  14. Thank richardd. Lots of interest, but still currently here. Open to partial trade offers, but need around £300 coming my way. The urgency for the sale is fast reducing, so may withdraw and keep it if not snapped up fairly quickly.
  15. £115 for a quick sale! All knobs included and in excellent condition.
  16. Sorry, not looking to upgrade, thank you though. Thanks for all the interest, all PM's replied.
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