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  1. In a word, yes. That said, my "collection" is a budget Yamaha and a mid-price Sandberg. Currently I have el cheapo Maruszczyk flats on the Yamaha and rounds on the Sandberg. Currently thinking the flats give me all the sound I need plus a great feel so tempting to put them on the Sandberg too.
  2. Hmmm. Atypical choice but Solitude? Lovely relaxed, plonky backing in a song with a lot of bass space. My heart is with the Heaven & Hell album but am not sure how much he plays on it. I know it was Geoff Nichols on the demos. It's certainly a different sound from the Ozzy years but I guess that applies to the guitar and drums too. Assuming it's him, what about Lonely is the Word for a heavy-yet-relaxed album bookend that could go on for years?
  3. One of the earliest concerts I attended was Whitesnake in 1980. NM was, and I'm sure still is, a cracking player who never let his considerable chops override his job in that band. Occasionally you'd get something pretty tasty sneaking in (Fool For Your Loving is a killer line) but it always fitted perfectly in a genre where fancy bass shenanigans were not the norm. Best of all was the way he and Ian Paice played together. I can only describe it as "heavy swing" and something that, even to my young ears, made that lineup pretty special. The next time I saw the 'snake, Colin Hodgkinson had replaced him, so clearly Coverdale had a thing for tasty bass players! Not sure that Colin was as good a fit as Neil, although clearly a great player. Cozy Powell was a great drummer too but while I think his style worked well in Rainbow, he didn't really do the Paice swing thing that seemed to suit the blues-rock material so well. The last time I saw the band Neil was back but things were already getting a bit heavier and a lot hairier (John Sykes lineup). Not quite my thing but much more to my liking than the spandex 'n' hairspray antics that followed. Neil's built up quite the C.V. over the years and it's nice to see he's still doing well. A real talent and someone who's ability was quite special in a genre of music where the bass player is more often called to do the "lukewarm water" thing, to quote another great player
  4. Bloody hell. If you're not "fluent" then god help me (and I suspect a few others). Great versions of those tracks - really well played. I find Phil Lesh's style very difficult to get my head round. I read somewhere that "he played everything apart from the root and everywhere but on the beat"! I guess this is a bit tongue in cheek but there's an element of truth in there as I find his playing quite off the wall (although not in any way atonal), yet it utterly fits in with the Dead's music. Anyway, I think you're a cracking player and you've got a wonderful band there.
  5. We can all be guilty of that. One of the best jazz guitar sounds I heard was from the neck single coil of an Ibanez Satriani signature guitar. Sounded great but I had to shut my eyes and pretend it was some kind of sunburst archtop with humbuckers! Ditto Geddy Lee switching over to the Jazz bass and sounding almost the same as on his Rickenbacker. I was surprised to see the jazz used at the concert when I'd only seen him in photos with the Ric.
  6. Agree. It could just as well be a style of playing or just the look of a P-bass. I know we all get uptight about the sound of a P vs a J vs a MM etc. but I think in a band context* you can make most basses sound similar enough. I'd be very careful before going out and buying another bass to try and please the other band members.
  7. Thanks @Dad3353 but rules is rules. I am a dangerous maverick who chooses not to play by them. (OK, an old git who didn't read the rules properly.) I'm not really too bothered about being in the voting as the entries I've heard are very good. I just wanted to show to myself that I could actually write a piece of music, however dubious.
  8. Arghhh. Think I missed this by seconds... (OK, 6 hours.) Am still posting it as I promised myself I'd try something but assumed we had until the end of August. Still, just posting to prove I did create something. Went for a rather obvious Air-influenced French Band vibe.
  9. It's not a mashup. As @4000 says, they played Subdivisions on this tour (Oct-Dec '81). Usually, the only thing I dread more at a concert than "we're going to give you something from our new album" is "we're going to give you something from our as yet unreleased new album". Fortunately, this was at a time when many people's unreleased albums were still very good so it was just about acceptable. It's pretty much musically identical to the final song but without the "Subdivisions" spoken word (IIRC they used a sample for that on later tours) and a minor lyrical difference. The line "some will sell their dreams for small desires or lose the race to rats" is slightly different but I can't quite make out what is sung. Link to line here: https://youtu.be/89APxjCQprE?t=1605
  10. I was at that one. I've seen it called the Exit... Stage Left tour as that had been released a day or two before (or after, can't remember). FWIW, the merch all had Moving Pictures designs. Talk about crowd participation. I was nearly mashed to death during the 2112 opener. Decent audience recording here if you want to relive the sounds, smells and bruised ribs of your youth...
  11. I do like a black/tort combination. Have taken the liberty of a little mockup, although it's obvious what they look like as there are plenty of California series basses using this combination.
  12. Yup. Here's my VM4 bearing some scarring after a "Hipshotectomy".
  13. My "superior" ears have been decidedly inferior since the first concert I attended, which was Motörhead in 1979! I'm just reacting to what I am hearing (from a pair Yamaha monitors, not headphones). What I often find with these A/B tests is that, although one might be able to detect a difference of sorts, both sounds are excellent and my preference would be for whatever instrument (a) costs less (b) feels nicer to play or, and this is the most likely, (c) is the best colour.
  14. Tone full: The Moollon sounded brighter but I guess that could be the strings? Basic tone was almost identical to my old, knackered ears and both are brilliant, classic P-bass tones with the Moollon winning out because it sounds so plummy and round, yet super articulate. Tone off: The Fender had the edge here for me, sounding a bit punchier, with the Moollon smoother and darker overall. If forced to guess why, I'd suggest a more harsh treble cut from the capacitor (maybe a different value) but it might be down to other factors I suppose. Probably academic as the slightest little bit of an adjustment to open the Moollon's tone control a tiny bit would almost certainly get them tonally closer. Please take all this with a pinch of salt as I'm no expert. What I did hear were great P-bass tones played really well. It's making me want a P, despite my (admittedly cheaper) two basses both having a P pickup. They're close but don't seem to do that classic 70s P sound I hear on so many funk and jazz records.
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