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Everything posted by bootsy666

  1. I've narrowed it down to these speakers. Eminence Legend CA154. Celsetion BL15-300X. Both manufacturers claim they have been used in slanted cabs with good results, and that they are great speakers for using tunns of fuzz and distortion. I've used the celestions before in a matamp 4x15 and liked the sound, but I've never heard the eminence before. Has anyone ever tested them with distortion?
  2. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1429107794' post='2748085'] I've just done a fag packet calculation based on the pictures, and assuming that it's about 4 ft high, 3 ft wide and 20 inches deep, and made from 18mm ply, I'm getting about 40kg for the empty cab, so at least 80kg with the speakers, lighter than the 103.5kg of the basson but compared to a modern 2x15 or one of Alex's 6x10's it's still very heavy. it makes my back ache just thinking about moving it! Matt [/quote] All the ply is inch thick, and the depth is 26"
  3. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1429122435' post='2748309'] You have literally dozens, if not hundreds, of options for drivers. But before you even think about designing your own speaker you have to start with the basics of understanding how speakers work and how they're properly designed. This resource is a good starting place: http://techtalk.parts-express.com/showthread.php?219617-The-Speaker-Building-Bible [/quote] Celestion bl15-300x?
  4. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1429103627' post='2748022'] To be brutally honest, nothing about that cab configuration is as it should be. It will put out a fair amount of low end, via sheer brute force with a sufficiently large amp, but the same low end output could be realized using two good fifteens in a properly engineered cab. The midrange dispersion will be horrid. My best advice to the OP is that if you haven't bought the TF1525 yet, don't. They're supremely unsuited to electric bass. Believe me, if I coud find any basis to lend encouragement here I would, but there is none. [/quote] What speskers would you recommend?
  5. Celestion have told me that the tf1525 is for PA and electric bass. My other option is the 1530e?
  6. [quote name='grenadilla' timestamp='1429100575' post='2747973'] Lovely cabinet! I recommend 4" casters. I got some for a 410 and they are rated at 250lbs. each. (for a cabinet up to 1,000 lbs.) [/quote] It has dual wheel casters at 400lbs each.
  7. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1429095119' post='2747864'] bootsy666 can you post a pic with your bass against the cab, to provide some perspective? Ta. [/quote] I'll repost this in amps and cabs middle of next week when I have the speakers in and some more venting. I'll lean my guitar against it and maybe even I video?
  8. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1429097025' post='2747893'] Given the location, you're not the bassist for Sea Bastard are you? [/quote]no mate, I'm in grey widow. This was our backline for our 2014 tour. Our september 2015 tour will be worse hahaha.
  9. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1429097446' post='2747901'] that's a beast, 40kg of drivers alone! I'd make sure that the stage can take it before you haul it down there, with the added weight of a VBA400 (or 2!) and then the vibrations, this could end up through the floor! how much does the empty cab weigh? Matt [/quote] It feels quite light without the speakers, my basson cab weighs more. The drivers are light so it should be too bad, plus my entire band will be helping to shift the thing about.
  10. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1429051132' post='2747580'] So are we saying the Underworld may just cave in when you use this in June? [/quote] I won't only be using this, I also use a basson 8x10 with an ampeg.
  11. So far each speaker has a 2" hole to vent the heat, I will add a few more at the weekend to be safe.
  12. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1429030342' post='2747218'] Have you used a modelling program like WinISD to figure out the size and shape of the ports in the front? That should be your first port of call when trying to work the area and length of ports to use - they're not just vents to reduce heat. I wonder how much heat the drivers will actually produce - If that's a VBA400 in the picture, each driver would only be handling 50 watts at full output, so perhaps heat won't be such a big issue. [/quote] The vba 400 is the amp I will be using with it. I've installed stereo inputs aswell as a mono input, so I have the option of running it with 2 amps if needed.
  13. I'm not familiar with the wins program? I might just put another two 2-3" ports in the front?
  14. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1428966288' post='2746613'] That's going to trigger a tsunami in Shoreham by Sea. [/quote] I don't think I'll ever use here haha. My first gig with it will be the Camden underworld in June, I may have to give them some notice first.
  15. Celestion have told me that the these speakers need some venting for heat, but they couldn't say how much because they have never seen an 8x15 before.
  16. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1428962000' post='2746550'] A well made point about speaker volume displacement and excursion. We now need the technical input of Mr Claber and Mr Fitzmaurice - what would the optimal 8 x 15 look like? Single column of 15s or cross fired blocks of 4. How could it perform? [/quote] These are some answers I'm looking for before I test it with the speakers in.
  17. I'm looking forward to testing it next week.
  18. I've built a custom 8x15 bass cab over the last 2 weeks. I'm very happy with it, but I'd like some advice on venting. it has six 2" holes in the front, anyone think I should add a few more? The speakers that I've ordered are celestion TF1525.
  19. Another way of doing it is to wire 2 lots of parallel series 4 ohms speakers to get a total load of 2.6ohms. Would this 0.6 difference be harmful to a 2ohm all valve amp?
  20. I've recently built a 6x15 bass cab. I was just going to find 6ohm speakers to wire it to 4ohms, but I've been told by some techs that these configurations with a mixture of 4 & 8 ohm speakers to get a 2ohm load would work, but I'm still unsure to wether it would damage the speakers long term? The speakers im interested in using are- Celestion BL400X-15" 8ohm. (2 of these) Celestion BL300X-15" 4ohm, (4 of these) Any help would be very much appreciated. (The image should read 2ohms, not 4ohms)
  21. any questions? feel free to email me, [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email]
  22. basson b 8x10 2000watt bass cab, quite a rare cab im told? realy don't want to part with it, but as it weighs a whopping 228lbs,im really struggling to lug it up and down stair cases. im looking to trade this cab for 2 marshall vc 4x12 cabs, or something else equally as powerfull that's more manouvarable. thanks.
  23. Some pics as the html didnt go very well haha.
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