hi guys
I am contemplating modifying my old Laney LC15 watt tube combo with a new speaker. I don't fully understand amps / speakers so would appreciate some input from those who do! Sorry if I'm being a n00b
As the combo actually sounded very nice with fretless bass at low volumes, which got me thinking of its "studio" recording potential... so here goes.... would it be possible to replace existing "guitar" speaker with a higher rated, more "bass-appropriate" one? i.e.
The existing 10" speaker (HH Invader) is 8ohms (and probably rated somewhere up to 60 watts..... but I can't find exact specs)
potentially replaced with
Eminence Delta10a, or similar, also at 8ohm but rated at 350 watts
Would this work and sound OK? the 15w was actually very loud, when pushed, into the old speaker - would I get the same level of volume with the replacement speaker?
Would appreciate any pointers or suggestions for simple reading on the subject....