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Everything posted by roman_sub

  1. I have a UK voltage REDDI, so at least one such unit exists
  2. Certainly their cab simulation are very very strong, so would expect this to be another high-quality product :-)
  3. [quote name='Basszilla' timestamp='1452847767' post='2953965'] It's got a real smooth action hasn't it. Pulling 16db out of my peaks and you wouldn't be able to tell. Really holds you unobtrusively in the mix as well no matter what your eq. With my pbass and the tone all the way down it's still clear as day with a nice layer of warmth. Cracking piece of kit. [/quote] +1
  4. dammit this thread is making me want a Wal too! Could just about afford one if I sold all my other basses... :-S
  5. looks very cool
  6. amazing stuff!
  7. maybe a bit of Parker-inspiration in the headstock, interested to see how this turns out from looking at this a bit more, I think the body shape could also work as a "headless" instrument!
  8. +1 on Audio-Technica. Also think about what it is exactly that you want to "capture" from the cab, overall tone, or mostly the top end, etc. That will help to determine what sort of mic might work best for you....
  9. [color=#222222]There are plenty of plugins that could "enhance" your recorded bass tone: compressors, EQs, modulation/ effects (e.g. chorus), amp models, etc etc. Too many to go into detail here... if you want an all-in-one "channel" strip, Overloud Mark Studio comes closest to emulating a real bass amp rig, Softube Bass room is a nice tool (though I find it somewhat less "interesting"), and Waves CLA Bass is a very good "quick and dirty" solution for getting bass sound to sit in the mix. Ampeg SVX is also cool but souds less well "defined" in my view. Just my experience.[/color] [color=#222222] [/color] [color=#222222]I would say that the bass processing is really mix-dependent, so a good quality clean DI track may better in many cases as the producers can then add their own processing chains to taste... If I was tracking bass for someone else, I would start with the best quality DI box you could afford, run through a good hardware/software compressor on a *light* setting to even out some peaks and then send the DI, maybe together with an amp (/ processed) track to give them a choice.[/color]
  10. great compressor, super smooth action and difficult to get a bad sound :-)
  11. Looking really special :-)
  12. beautiful design!
  13. stunning work, as always!
  14. +1 ....big fan of H&K gear
  15. stuff of nightmares!
  16. good deal!
  17. nice looking' neck joint
  18. Haggling made all the more impressive given current interplanetary asking price. How much is the ticket to the Moon, on that Virgin shuttle? You can probably travel there, buy a decent Fender, play it in space, and have a few bob left over. Or you can meet the asking price.
  19. Just declined seller's counter-offer of £1,250. Phew, that was stressful, felt my life flash before my eyes, in the fear that I would accidentally click on "accept" and not "decline".
  20. £495 on gumtree?
  21. £0.99 offer made!
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