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Everything posted by roman_sub

  1. the John East mids module is a very good addition to this 2 band MEC preamp, I have done the same on one of my W's. GLWTS
  2. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1438346699' post='2833756'] There was a recent upgrade that gave a whole load more sounds and instruments that I haven't gotten around to downloading yet. [/quote] The mellotron sounds are nice, and very usable!
  3. [quote name='Bearfist' timestamp='1438356532' post='2833896'] After several minutes arguing with myself I just ordered one, might have a standard Cali76 going if anyone wants one.... [/quote] please do a side-by-side shoot-out first!!!!
  4. These do look killer, I guess I'm somewhat miffed at just having bought a larger Cali76TX literally a week ago, so, somewhat unsportingly, I am still hoping these smaller ones don't *quite* sound as good... otherwise I will be asking for some pedalboard real estate back, thank you very much!
  5. When you say '[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]It has American wattage so comes with a step down transformer. The job is easy for an electrician to convert.' - does this mean that the built-in transformer can handle different voltages, and the electrician just needs to adjust the input voltage (e.g. via a switch)? Or were you referring to the transformer being replaced for a new UK one?[/font][/color]
  6. Came really close yesterday to buying the acoustic fretless yesterday... luckily I came to my senses just in time for someone else to buy it ..... and before yesterday evening I never even contemplated acoustic fretless instruments!!! Deko seems to be an effective way to generate GAS when you thought you had none....
  7. [quote]Logic is better for creating songs on, whereas PT is better for mixing & mastering.[/quote] That's basically it. "Drummer" in Logic is also very good for composing.
  8. head over to Origin effects' Facebook for more beans being spilled... https://www.facebook.com/OriginEffects
  9. makes me sad seeing instruments butchered like this
  10. Holiday in Hull?
  11. Doesn't look bad for 70 quid, sort of Thumb-inspired (though I'm sure it sounds nothing like it )? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Westfield-Bass-guitar-natural-wood-good-condition/201394681689"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Westfield-Bass-guitar-natural-wood-good-condition/201394681689[/url]
  12. Alex - thanks for the 6's strings, very quickly posted and strings as described. cheers, Roman
  13. I think the paint job looks better on the back than on the front.... definitely rare :-)
  14. MXR is really good and can sound pretty wild if you adjust Delay / Q controls
  15. wow, does look very interesting. Agreed re: metering, doesn't appear to be there featured... would be very surprised if they did a transformer version, given the transformer circuit board in the Cali76TX alone looks to be the size of this pedal enclosure! Finally, would be interested to see what this does to the sales of current product line and the second-hand market - would everyone start selling their 'large' Cali's to get this one instead?? If not marketed carefully / is not different enough, this could cannabilize sales of older products.
  16. Does anyone use one / tried one with their rig? Would love to hear any hands-on feedback with this particular pedal. cheers, Roman
  17. Hi - what's the gearing ratio on these tuners? Thx
  18. Tempted to ask the seller if the cable is a guitar cable, or a bass cable? also, nice neck-pocket / pick-up alignment.... actually why I am even bothering to type that, sooo much wrong...
  19. that's a beauty. West German Warwicks are great instruments - hope you get along!
  20. Bought Cali76 comp from Mike. Expertly packaged and pleasure to deal with. Thanks, Roman
  21. I keep coming back to look at this one.. probably the most beautiful Thumb I have seen :-)
  22. I've got a 1988 W streamer fretless, great bass, especially if you wire in an additional battery to make electronics run off 18v :-) I would say somewhere <£1k would seem reasonable for pricing, depending on condition, etc etc
  23. I had a similar experience when I first got my fretless Warwick, with fretting hand cramp. Probably took 4-6 weeks to fully adjust to the neck (still working on the always 'being in tune' bit). Suggest you give it time and stop playing if you get pain... build up slowly, and allow sufficient recovery time... frustrating in short term but hopefully worth it in long term, if you like the bass enough.
  24. go for it, see where it leads, do it for as long as you can.... for my troubles, touring and recording has only ever been fairly significant financial outlay - due to: a) travel costs (which you won't make back as 'warm-up' act), and B ) buy-on fees, which almost always have to be paid to play with a 'named' band What I saw was that it was very difficult for a new band to break through the live industry machine to become an act that actually generates income, there seemed like there was a "glass ceiling" between larger bands that got paid and smaller bands who effectively bank-roll the touring package :-) Certainly great fun and wouldn't trade the experience for anything, but I am doubtful whether most 'smaller' bands ever make money on tour.... or maybe my old band just weren't very good... in which case someone should go tell them as they appear to still be at it, haha Your experience may well vary, but my main point is that just become someone is touring doesn't mean they are making any money from it!
  25. good! now back to work! seriously though, I / we follow your progress with great anticipation. Looking forward to more updates, as always!
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