go for it, see where it leads, do it for as long as you can.... for my troubles, touring and recording has only ever been fairly significant financial outlay - due to:
a) travel costs (which you won't make back as 'warm-up' act), and
B ) buy-on fees, which almost always have to be paid to play with a 'named' band
What I saw was that it was very difficult for a new band to break through the live industry machine to become an act that actually generates income, there seemed like there was a "glass ceiling" between larger bands that got paid and smaller bands who effectively bank-roll the touring package :-)
Certainly great fun and wouldn't trade the experience for anything, but I am doubtful whether most 'smaller' bands ever make money on tour.... or maybe my old band just weren't very good... in which case someone should go tell them as they appear to still be at it, haha
Your experience may well vary, but my main point is that just become someone is touring doesn't mean they are making any money from it!