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Everything posted by stuckinthepod

  1. ...and now I'm gassing for a new T- Bird!!!! Anyone got details of his rig on Argus and how they recorded the bass? I believe he used Orange amp but not necessarily in the studio. Was it a DI and mic mix? Found this in relation to the Ricky/T Bird stuff. FBPO: I’m not one to tamper with history! What gave you the idea for that trademark, up-front bass style for which you’re known? That style was pretty unique for a bass player, especially in those days. MT: Being primarily a guitar player in the early days, I just continued to play bass with a pick. It did take quite a while, till around the time of Argus, before I found a guitar that suited my somewhat unorthodox, whacky style. I borrowed a Gibson Thunderbird from Pete “Overend” Watts of Mott the Hoople, whom we supported on their All the Young Dudes tour, because the neck on my Rickenbacker bass got broken. I bought the bass from Pete and still play it to this day, although I do use other instruments for recording. Strangely, whatever I use, I am told that it always comes out sounding like me! https://forbassplayersonly.com/interview-martin-turner/
  2. The bass tone on Argus is one of my favourite ever bass tones (and MT is great player to boot). My words to describe it is chewy, warm, bouncy, woody. One of my favourite albums ever!!! I had a White Epi Tbird Pro for few years just chasing that tone. I saw the other (Non MT) Wishbone Ash a few years ago and whilst the playing was superb there wasn't that tone! He's clearly got a super low action on Argus - as you hear quite a bit of neck/fret grind - which it why is might be mistaken for a Ricky. Off to play Argus now!
  3. Bit of a downer in Liverpool on Saturday night. Headline slot in Liverpool in a small but well regarded venue, with three bands supporting us, with promoter telling us to expect 60-70 people. We ended up playing to about 15 in total - 4 of which were from my family! We played a decent show despite poor on stage sound (FOH sound was good apparently- certainly was for the support). To top it off , I also got a parking ticket from the Merseyside bobbies! Thems the breaks!
  4. What are good lyrics? Everyone will have a different view. Witty, rhyming, poetic, evocative, tied in well with melody?? I love poetic lyrics.... I also love Black Sabbath who managed to rhyme "masses" with ... "masses"
  5. I have also had this and I play EXL165 nickle wound. I don't recall actually finding a metal splinter so the Phantom splinter thing may be what it was. It was very sensitive for at least two weeks. Solution - Just play open strings and hold your sensitive clenched fist in the air in a display of defiance. 😎
  6. We opened for Michael Monroe (Ex Hanoi Rocks) at Club Academy in Manchester. I even bought a new flowery shirt!
  7. Thanks guys, much appreciated. Duly ordered.
  8. Hi all, Any tips on good places to get Duracells or Energizers in multipacks. Fed up of paying £3.50-£5 for 9v from local supermarkets. Any tips on good heavy duty version batteries for active basses? I now Duracell do a Heavy Duty. Thanks, Ben
  9. Same here. Rehearse till 10.30. Home by 11pm. Stay up for an hour hoping to feel sleepy then lie in bed with head racing. Didn't get off to sleep until after 4am last week!
  10. Great gig with We Three Kings at Blossoms in Stockport. Small crowd but everyone into it and appreciative. Sweltering temp under the lights and two flights of stairs with my ancient Laney 4x10 not so great though.
  11. It looks faintly ridiculous sitting on top of a big 410 however. Will look to upgrade to a smaller 212 4ohm cabs in the coming months.
  12. Just bought one from Amazon, great amp really pleased and great value currently at £220. I had an audition last week and needed a new amp having stupidly sold of my TC BG500 a year or so ago. Read some reviews and ummed and ahhed around whether to get the 500w version I decided on the 350w -Reason being The TC was super loud at 500w, never had it past 3 on volume and never felt it was properly utilising the drivers at low volume so I figured that 350 would be ample. Wanted a standard rock tone and that exactly what I go using the BB614 and Bass Attack preamp. Ran it at 8ohms through a Laney 410 at half volume and it sounded immense during the audition! ...and I got the gig! Yay.
  13. Popped in to Dawson Altrincham to see if I could find a flight case for my Portaflex. This branch is unfortunately one of the ones closing down, which is a real shame as the staff in there have always been really nice and helpful. Wandering round I spied this. Never seen one before but picked it up for a go. Great chunky neck, great hardware- sounded good and a great bass platform to mod on. I think I'm going to give it a go at practice first before modding, as the pickups sound really quite good. Super buy for £130!! I've just joined a new band (punky/Rocky/Garage type sounds) and figured this would look great on stage, maybe a leopard print strap etc. Whaddya reckon. My wife hates it!
  14. I just bought a PF350 from Amazon for a new band project. £223 and sounds great.
  15. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1487321739' post='3238870'] Certainly not [i]un[/i]known but a lesser known firm favourite of mine was a 70's band called Big Star. 3 albums released - #1 record, Radio City, 3rd album/Sister Lovers. Also been known to have a huge influence on such bands as The Posies, Teenage Fanclub and many more.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Star [/quote] Good documentary about them on Netflix if anyone is interested.
  16. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1487282588' post='3238701'] Subcircus. We supported them in the 90's and I was speechless watching their set. Their album Carousel is one of my all time favourites. [/quote] Well I'll be, you beat me to it. Great band, loved Carousel and saw then at Reading festival on 00 or 01. Should have been huge. I'll see that bet and raise you... Jonathan Fire-eater ....or Jack
  17. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1486383754' post='3231238'] Hey you must be fairly close to me! I'm in that area. I agree the Dawsons in Alty is much better. [/quote] Hi Musicman, Yes I'm in Sale so a frequenter of all the South Manchester shops. I bought a Marshall DSL40 over at Sounds Great in the last three weeks. Great service and stock over there.
  18. Marvel Guitars in Timperley, opened two years ago. Great little store. Dawsons in Manchester, awful. Dawsons in Altrincham, great, with really nice staff although less stock to choose from. Is South City Music in Altrincham still open? Closed every time I've been past.
  19. Hi all, Are there any Basschatters in the Sale, Altrincham or local South Manchester area who may be able to assist? I've secured a long distance buyer for my Genz Benz XB2 610 cab. Problem is, I never got around to getting a head for it, and now need to establish it's working correctly before handing over to a buyer in a couple of weeks time. I've agreed to do this due diligence before the sale. I've only ever run a small guitar head through it, which works fine but doesn't really move the drivers much on this beast of a cab. I've asked in my network and local guitar shop to no avail so far. Would have brought to NW bass bash, but that's the weekend I'm now away and delivering the cab enroute. Could I possibly borrow a bass head for an hour to run the cab through its paces please? Bass head can be of any flavour up to 900watt rating. I will collect and return it the same day and happy to leave collateral, first born child etc to guarantee its safe return. Happy also to bring cab to your practice room to test if more practible? It's a 4ohm cab. Please send me a PM if you think you might be able to assist. Thanks in advance all, Ben
  20. It may well calm down in due course. I go my tinnitus when I had a bad cold and it too at least six or seven weeks to calm down.
  21. I wish you well. I've got a ENT appointment later in Feb for tinnitus (its calmed down a lot thankfully) brought on not by gigging (I wear earpugs) but a few hours in loud nightclub on the work Christmas do!
  22. Andy Fraser, he didn't even have to play to look cool. Effortless. See here, perhaps the greatest ever "cool" performance by a rock band imho Free - All Right Now - Isle of Wight Festival '70 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpLv4M4paSI
  23. "It was so inspirational playing Free material with Deborah Bonham’s band, led by guitarist Pete Bullick, when we played charity gigs to support Willows Animal Sanctuary and Assisted Therapy Unit, which my wife Cynthia and I plus Deborah Bonham and Pete Bullick are Patrons of, that I promised myself that someday we would tour the UK with this band. Well…that someday has come. Pete will be on guitar, Ian Rowley on bass, Rich Newman on drums and Gerard Louis “G” on keyboards. Special guest will be Deborah Bonham featured with a keyboardist." http://www.planetrock.com/news/rock-news/paul-rodgers-to-perform-free-songs-only-on-may-2017-tour/
  24. Yep Floyd Rose bridge style guitars, bloody stupid things they are. I've had three so far...
  25. I read this as "Holy Sh*t you guys were loud"! Perhaps suggest a mellow more acoustic second set if you are willing to work with him.
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