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Everything posted by stuckinthepod

  1. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1438032273' post='2831123'] And, if im not much mistaken, "Band Names - A Fresh Approach" hasn't been taken yet either [/quote] Much Mistaken - now there's a covers band name!
  2. Anyone with experience of the B9 and C9 could you please advise which of the two has the more usable John Lord Esq organ tones. C9 has the Lord Purple setting but what I've heard of the B9 sounds bit more authentic. How good does it sound in live context,how well does it track to bass parts - do you have to play in a higher register to enable tracking. I want to introduce some Purple covers in to the band and can't choose. I will play direct or may Bi amp if necessary. None of my local stores seem have both for easy comparison. As always thanks in advance
  3. Here is my Epiphone Jack Casady (Ltd Edition) in Alpine White. She is a beaut but in need of a little more setting up. [url="https://flic.kr/p/sqyVAv"][/url]
  4. Sad news, RIP. Never played there personally but OMT has got a great rep as a quality venue in the NW area.
  5. John Carpenter- The Fog (One of his best and most atmospheric) Airwolf The A Team- Dun dun dun, dun dun dah
  6. We play it and people love it. Don't worry, play it.
  7. It is really brilliant but beware the shape control does really give a big volume boost (not something to hit mid song unless the audience need waking up). Have a rattle through the preset examples in the manual to give you an idea of the sounds its capable of- which are tonnes! I use it on all the time for a classic rock tone and hit the shape control for GNR & maiden type grit & clank when I need it.
  8. Have you tried tying loop of fishing line around the strap button and another loop around your right foot. Get it tight and it'll hold everything nice and steady. Plus if you can mic it up you've got another instrument to contribute to performances with. Just putting that out there.
  9. Surprised you had time to write. I'd still be kicking the lifeless drummers corpse at this point.
  10. We usually open our covers set with 747 - Strangers in the night by Saxon. Sensibly our guitarist suggested we drop it from the set the week of the french plane crash.
  11. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1433114009' post='2788037'] Right, seeing as this seems to be turning into a generic metal thread: Anyone care to recommend me some metal? I absolutely love the Deftones and I really don't like cookie monster vocals. Those are your criteria. Go! [/quote] Grand Magus. One of my favourite bands, metal or otherwise. Why they aren't as big as Maiden is beyond me. The Sword. First two albums are excellent.
  12. Cheers for the heads up. Manc booked.
  13. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1432464668' post='2781646'] In my (admittedly limited) experience, young audience members are fine and it's the older ones who have the confidence to be an asshole. Had several issues with drunken middle age blokes. [/quote] Me too. We are playing the pubs and there always seems to be one very pissed up 40-60 year old hell bent on annoying us. We had one a few gigs back sit down and try and play the drums whilst we were setting up then try and grab the mic on several occasion during the night. He got the "I'm going to nut you" look and scaled down his act to shouting and calling our singer Jesus.
  14. Very mixed. Played a fave venue but not many there this time. Despite a sound check our sound was awful in the first set. Everyone especially the guitarists were too loud and singer racing through chord changes despite mine and drummers best efforts to hold everything back. Sorted out the levels and mix and 2nd set went much better. Not a rapturously received performance as previously at that venue but solid and bar management were pleased. Going to address a few issues in the practice tomorrow night and try the whole set dropped down to E flat to give the singer a bit of a rest on the higher songs.
  15. Looks like one of them their Velociraptor cages
  16. We've been using two of the Thomann own brand Wedges. Work fine for a loud rock covers band playing small pubs and a decent price £94.56. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/the_box_ma120_mk_ii.htm?ref=prod_rel_223283_0&sid=580cd2059689efbe6081001fc01e7bb0"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/the_box_ma120_mk_ii.htm?ref=prod_rel_223283_0&sid=580cd2059689efbe6081001fc01e7bb0[/url]
  17. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1432201418' post='2779050'] I'd be tempted to go for a passive for your first bass - one less thing to get to grips with. Personally I prefer them. The key thing is to find a neck profile you are comfortable with. They range from matchsticks to baseball bats and everything in between. As long as everything else checks out (straight neck, level frets, electrics all working, etc.) you'll be fine. Oh, and the colour - very important choice! Have fun and don't feel pressured [/quote] This. The neck choice is everything if you are starting out. If you are coming from guitar background then a Jazz neck or Ibanez neck may feel more natural/comfy than a bigger thicker Precision type profile- but give them all a go to find out. If you go Active- Be aware than some of the cheaper active basses have a 2 band Eq not the full 3 band Bass/Mid/Treble. I personally found something lacking as a result with my old Ibanex SRX. If you are lucky one will just scream buy me buy me to you when you try it. PMT Manchester is good so hopefully you'll be well looked after in Southend. All the best and make sure you post an New Bass Day NBD update in the Bass forum on here.
  18. Word Up by gun. So so boring. I play other simpler songs that I enjoy far more. Can't quite work out why exactly, it just feels more monotonous. Unfortunately our singer loves it so it's staying.
  19. Hi all, I'm feeling this thread has turned pretty bad and I'm not happy about that. I would like to take the time to address a few points and draw a line under this if people are willing. There have been other posters on here taking a particular stance against me and I'd like to outline my decision making process as it has been, whether that is right or wrong in your eyes. I feel like I am being vilified and guilt tripped for the actions I have taken when my intention was just to launch the thread to highlight the poor service I had received to other bass players and yes - I guess - seek a bit of solidarity & commiseration. My initial reason for posting this thread was purely from a position of outrage and done in the midst of my anger and what I consider to be very bad service from a courier firm delivering a fragile semi acoustic instrument- Namely Faking my signature, lobbing my bass over my gate on a rainy day where it would wait until my wife or I return from work that evening. Had the bass been stolen the onus would have then been on me to prove I hadn't taken delivery of it- when there is a signature with name on it. I was mad as hell and launched what I felt and still feel was a justified complaint to the courier company and copying in the company I purchased the goods from. I rang Parcelforce on the day and asked them " how do I complain". They directed me to use their online complaints form. I wasn't directed to ring the depot to complain to the local manager nor did it occur to me to do that. That evening having received neither a confirmation or reply from ParcelForce (and expecting when I did to to get some general platitudes around "we'll look in to this") and still fuming I wanted to make sure might complaint was heard by a senior person at the company. I sent a message to the Parcel Force MD and Thomann. I know from having worked in a Mayoral complaints team in the past, that complaints sent to an MD usually get answered by a higher level dedicated complaints team. I didn't think and don't believe that this message did reach the eyes of the MD or that these type of complaints ever do. My email to them simply listed the course of events, bemoaned that my bass wasn’t taken to a depot where it would be safe an I could collect it. The company have acted on my complaint and they contacted the local Regional Manager who rang me yesterday to tell me they had “ ended the contract” of the courier involved as their actions contravened their working and company policy. I take this to mean someone got fired but I guess it could also mean the have stopped using the sub contractor involved. This doesn’t seem like a sacking offense to me and I would have expected someone to have got a bollocking at best. I didn’t ask for nor expect any particular course of action as a result- I just wanted my complaint to be heard and hopefully ensure this kind of behaviour happens less in the future as a result. I did not foresee that this would end up as it has and would not wish someone to get a sacking. I wanted to make sure that my justifiable complaint was “heard” not just “acknowledged” by a major courier company. I feel that my complaint and the routes for my complaint were entirely justified. I posted here because I thought it would interest Bass Chat and because I needed a bloody good moan. I am not happy about the outcome for the driver if what they told me has really happened and I must assume it has. I’m not happy about the way the thread is going and won’t be contributing to it anymore. Feel free to lock, delete or whatever you want. I'm done. Best Regards, Stuckinthepod
  20. Wrong. Lodged a complaint via their official complaints function on their website because I could complain via the phone. I also then copied in their MD on an email to Thomann a day later. Issue was addressed and dealt with by the local Regional Manager. Savvy?
  21. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1431534736' post='2772346'] Why the heck didn't you just [u][b]talk[/b][/u] to someone, preferably the driver or his immediate supervisor as I have done in a similar situation. [/quote] Certainly did thanks mate. Lodged a complaint through their complaints channel, His supervisor dealt with it.
  22. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1431531398' post='2772303'] ... and he knows where you live [/quote] Yeah thanks for that.
  23. Ok - now a big outcome plot followers. I just had a call from the Regional Ops Director at ParcelForce to tell me that the behaviour was unacceptable/contrary to what they stand for as a company and they have terminated the delivery guy's contract.
  24. For the sake of completeness. Response from Thomann: Dear Mr ***** (Stuckinthepod) Thank you for your email. We are very sorry to hear about this. Most of the parcels we send to the UK with DHL / Parcelforce arrive on time and without incident, though of course I realise that this is scant comfort for those customers who, like yourself, find themselves receiving a service that is not of the quality they have every right to expect. Should you wish to order from us again and would prefer not to have the shipment delivered by Parcelforce, we would be able to offer you shipping via UPS for that order. With apologies for any inconvenience you may have suffered. Kind regards Thomas Krarup International Sales
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